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<br />,_ <br />vca n - is <br />_ -... i (Rer_ 11-aat <br />~. :, , ~~ s}~ a~te~. <br />"" ~. _~_u_e.~.. <br />(Open-End: To Saoura Prasanf and Future Ob3igations and Advances) <br />e i. Huime and Kay V. Hulrne <br />Data ~,ptelt~er 3fl 14~"! <br />MOrtgny-v(s}. <br />~ Hall County. Nebraska in <br />comldaratian of tht advance of the principal sum, plus advances for iha purchase of Class B stock snd/or participaNOn <br />carNtfeaNs of the Mortgagee as required by Mortgagee's bylaws and by determination by the Mortgagee's Board of <br />Directors under sold bylaws, pursuant to federal law,' to support the outstandf~g indstitedness, recited in the note here- <br />(natter described and in eonslderation of luturc advances made by Martgsgae to Mortgagor(s) or any of them as ttercfn- <br />aftsr provided, Hereby mortgages and conveys to Production <br />Credit AssoNatlon, whose prtneipal oHtee is at Hall rdn 5 an ,Nebraska, <br />IYlortgagaa, the foNowing-dascrlfxd real properly in Cpunty, Nebrsska, subject to oil. <br />gas, and mtnarat right owned by parties other than Mortgagor(s); existing easements of record; raservatiaes In UMted <br />SMtes and ShMe pataMS: and the rights of the public in ail highways: <br />The West Half of the North Half of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter <br />(W}N}E}NW}) of Section Five (5), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Twelve <br />(12) West of the 6th F.M., Haii County, NE <br />contalnfrtg 9fl acres, mom or seas. according to Goremment surrey; together with all of the right, title, and <br />interest of the Mortgagor(s) in said property now owned, or hereafter acquired, and including ail buildings and improve- <br />ments now on, or hersaflsr placed upon, said real property; including also all water, irrigatlon, and drainage rights. <br />This mortgage is given to secure: <br />(a) A promissory noM dabd ~~temher '~fl _ 1981 syiren by Mortgagor(s) to Mortgages, in the <br />prineipalsumot floe Hundred Nineteen Thousand and NoJiflO--------------------DOLLAgS, <br />piw advanga for the purchase of Class B stock or participation certificates of the Mortgagee as required by Mort- <br />gapes's bylaws and by determination by the Mortgagee i Board of Directors under said bylaws, pursuant to federal <br />law, to support/M oubtanding indebtedness, payable with fnterost according to the terms of said note and any instru- <br />manb hkan in reflnaneing, extending, or renewing said [ndabtednsss or any pari thereof: <br />(b) Any future advance(s), with interest, which may be made from lime to time by Mortgages, at Its option, to Mort- <br />gago-(s), or any of them or tMir successors in tills, for any purpose, including, but not Ilmited to, initisl and luturc <br />advances for die purchase of Class 8 stock and: or pariielpalion ceriiHples of the Mortgagee as required by Mort- <br />gagae'a bylaws and by determination by the Mortgagee's Board of Directors under said bylaws, pursuant fo federel <br />isw, fo support tM ouiatanding indebtedness, in any amount or amounts, provided, however, that such lulus and <br />addltlonal advance(s) shall be so 11mUad that iha told prinofp.l unts oulatanding al any one tlms shall sal exceed <br />tM sum of Two Hundred F~yty house d and No/]a(~ -------------------------~pILAHS, <br />plus said sdvsnces /or purchase of Clans B stock or psrticipatlon csrtthcates of the Mortgagee; and provided further <br />the future advance(s) so made shah be payable in accordance wifh the berms of a promissory sots or notsa which may <br />be taken to evidence such advance(s) or any pert thereot. (The optiond sdvance(s) herein authorized shall be con- <br />sidarcd additional to the advance(s) hereinafter authorized to De made by the Mortgagee for the protection of the <br />aaeurity or Morlgagsa's lnisrest therein.) <br />TtNs mortgage to i» void upon ifte payment in lull wifh misrcsi of sit obligations, present or future, secured or !o be <br />sat:ursd hereby. <br />The Mortgagor(s), and each ai Htam, hereby warrant(s) that they ors fee owners of H+e mortgaged real property; that <br />IMy will dlltnd IM 1tIM agains! afi claimants whomsoever, and that aaitl properly is Iree from all encumbrances; and they <br />re(irtgatish aU rights of homestead in acid premises, and covenant and agree with the Mortgagee as loliows: <br />(1) Tp pay when dtw all tsxss, liens, judgments, or assessmertes which may bs lawfully assessed against the property <br />heeefo mortgaged, and the rental charges upon any leases assigned as addilronal security for this mortgage. <br />(2) To incurs and keep insured buildings and other improvements now on or which may hereafter be placed en said <br />premises to the satislaction of the Mortgagee. Any policy eddencing such insurance shall be endorsed with a mortgage <br />ciwat, approved by and in favor of Mortgagee, and deposited with, los: thereunder to tie payable to, Mortgagee as its <br />Mgnst may appear. At ihs option of Mortgagor(s), and subject to general regulations of the Farm Credit Administration. <br />sums so received by Mortgagee may M used to pay for reconstruction of the deatroysd improvamsnt(s); or, it not so <br />applied, may, at 1M option of Mortgagee, be applied in payment of any indebtedness, matured or unmalured, secured <br />Dy this mortgage. <br />(3) To keep afi buildings occupied and in good repair, and io retrain from the commission of any acts of removal, demo- <br />litltne or intpsirmeni thereof; not to cut or remove, or permit to ba cut oc removed, soy wood or timber from said real <br />property, and to commit or permit no waste or impairment of the value of this security; to continuously practice <br />#pproved mtlhoda of terming on said lands, to precool erasion and the spread of noxious and damaging weeds, and to <br />preserve Mte tNtfllty of iha soli. <br />(4) Thal m ttre event Mortgagor(s) !ail(s) to pay when due any taxes, :cola! charges upon any leases axsignad as add+- <br />tionaf aawrfty for thte mortgage, Irons, judgments, or assessments ia~lully assessed against the property herein mort- <br />giq+d or !d((s) ro maHttidn insurance as hereinbetore provided, Mortgagee may make such payment or provide such <br />inatuahEe, and tits amaunt(s} paid therefor shalt ttet:onw a pars of the indebtedness secured heroby, dos and payable <br />Nmesa> diaWy> and s1+aNbsar intscasi at tM currant rate of the Mortgages ai 1M tlma U» Mortgagee makes such payment. <br />(3) Tint bf ttie avant INorlgegor(s) default(s) in the payment of said principal sum, or in Ms repayment of any additional <br />{S} rrtade as twain provided, or of any interest (hereon, at the elms when ti» same shall its due, or with respect <br />to any Dprenanl Or Cortdition ttersof, titan, at tht option of Mortgages, Iht enure indebtedness secured hereby shall <br />far9)iftrttlt traeDma dew snd payabb, shall boar iMerast sl the current rate of the Mortgagee on the dsts of the default, <br />seal ttia #1~Drlgaga! may btlmedialNy foreclose Phis mortgage or pursue any other available legal remedy. in the event <br />Ot any~i-ation by lkfrfgagae to enforce cotlacfion of the mortgage debt, IM Mortgagor(s) agrea(a) that any expense <br />irteurC~ fc+ prixrue or exbnd an abstrac! of tft{e shall, when paid by Mortgagee, become a part of the debt secured hereby. <br />sttd strati b!s paid by Mrrrtigager(s) together wifh off of lice taxable castt+ at aucft acuten. <br />'•'~ M+aata4 a,, w,an-w a• C,sn e.: .,a., ,;,s.~•e.~ ~.,usx..,r, .,v+Mr,~ay.<„Kr~nvc+v. a.,,:~,s.., n .~. .....i ..a., <br />- ~aVea , Pe>. <br />~' y'~~:2'* ~°~+,#a -. w'x-=. -°: ~' ~ `T~~ "~4 :a F ., : ik-.s3YSy-r¢,.-.3»: - -.a . - .:;xa,~ ..: Rh.;zr+0r., ..,s t R .,.x ,nc _ n :e - .. _. -r _ xr <br />--- ten-. ... :.c+m . .a -°a e - .. ., r~.Nne_~w a, ,r. rte., a. a e.- a. ae, N,~, ., <br />K4 ,. 4u.m,gxs/ ,,.,.wr. a,n ... +„s ib~r.¢sgna ,,.. 1-u , Wr+rr t 3i x ,n..~ a ~~wf~r a.. z ., o+,. ~ „ r . o., a„ ~ v . .., <br />