<br />g3~-(1t~~'.3
<br />I~~E?R~'CAf ~
<br />THIS IN~f'I73RS, ttrde this-_-~___-- -day of -.~..i'~A~?8R - -- • 19 ~~_ by and between
<br />Robelit" 3 Tvlstr~t and Been: 8: Tasman;- ifffkbecrtd a-ui wi. a _~_
<br />of ~~ County. Nefxaaln, as mortgagor 6 , seal Home Federal Savings and I.oas Association of Grand (stand, a corporation
<br />orpaired snit etiistiog undo the laws of the 11nit+~ States of America with its principal office atul piece of busitrera at Grand Isiartd, Nebraska, as
<br />" tnttrtyyee; -
<br />WffNPSSE'fff: That said mortgagtx S , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />Eight Tkouea~ad Two Hu-tdJtecl N.tnety-Tfytee do.Y,2a~t,a and SQ.~7'°,,,r,r.`" .,~_~ ?.
<br />the reralpt of •trhklh Fs herthy acktawled~rd, ~ _ by (base Presents tnongage art; _ _ _ _ ., ,~pts and asaigos,
<br />forever. all the toikrving described real estate, si[uatedin the County of _ ~~~' .~... ~. .... -.. ~ .,.
<br />and StateutNebras#a,io-wh:
<br />Lost Ttao l21 -in Fnucti.anaE BCoctz Two (2I ~f.f't Abhzon P.2ace, an Add%ti.on za zhe. C.fty
<br />a~ Ci/tand Is.faridr Ha.e.~ Coftnty, Nebnabka.
<br />Togatirr with all faeatioa, sir conrtitnni#tB. lighting. and plumbing equipment ate fixtures, iroluding scream, swniaga, storm windows seal
<br />dttare,-and window shades oe blinds, uepi on ru in connection with acid property. whether the same are reow located on said property or hereafter
<br />platxd (bassos.
<br />7'O HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the teaemente, hereditatnents and appurtenances thereunto be~
<br />kt#tg;®g•, or is s#tywise-appertaininH, forever, alai warrant the title to the same Said morgsytord--- hereby covetuot--- with said
<br />------- ids that __.. ~ ~=1~-.-...--- +'~i2---- - . st tl~ d~evars hereof. tka; lawful cw~r~- - os •he prsmis~ sMrve coaveysd ate da~ribrd,
<br />-. _-"and.,._.__.Qt~,..__-. ssiaatf oI s good sod tinidsfaasible estate v[ inheritance therein, fens araF el~r of all encumbrances, seal that. ~_. hd~,_. will
<br />-:. aratxaai sad dalmd the titL 4hareta forever sgaimt the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />g€-~~.P-yAQYIDER ALWAYS. sad tbea ~-^~_u ise#x`e`cuted a+~ d~iver~! to secu'r.~e~tfhe paYrnent pF the sum of -- -- _-- _ - _ -_.--~
<br />. +et~tte'~ 3iStII11d2H~ .~f ~._~32'Ss~J=.7~FZ.~_5~:~_w/~._ ?~ S ~Ilars t% !~s-,L $ s~~ - !.
<br />vriHi i~-ter- :icn s:.r.a aha+~~or end a:eaa~s ss :..ay hg drto scot pa w.a t.,^. s~ .~.~:5`-~ u ~{°r t!~ ~-,._ se,~ e••~~r~.~ x
<br />-~ ot-f3e ~r8~tuery~eia-~tvsa-data 2ats+twtt:ftand svEUrud hereby. axaented by :.aid mor~agszr --.~,`-- _ ~ ~d m-: r'-£sK~= f~vehla as g~pm~_snd tf
<br />" is Niilm40tt, y#tdtoaaw» alts parbrmaoes of all the terms and eoaditione contaieted therein. The terms of said note are hereby inrvrptxacad
<br />-- - ilu~itr ~:, t6u1-. rai?ereotx. _
<br />' ~ 143a Has faMOtbaaad agntsmaatof theparties-hereto that this mortgage shall also astute any tutors advances ((tads to said mortgaftur_._'a.
<br />by said mwtgtypas, and aqy sad all iudebtedtteas in addition to tlw-stnourst shave stated which said mortgagors, or en} of them, tray owe R.e
<br />said taortpgae, hawevar evidmaed, wh~hv by rote, book acrwun6 or otherwise. This mortgage shall terrain in full Force and effect betwoen
<br />the parties hsreto and their hsure, pusotwt repreaeatatives, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, ineludiog future
<br />advanasa, ors paid is fu{l with intareat-
<br />Ths rttattargor~_ hereby assign _ _ _ to said mortgages all rents sad income arasvtg at any and aA times from acid property and
<br />hereby avtlwiraa saW mottQagae or its agent, at its option, upon default. to take charms of said property and collect all rents and income
<br />tberd#am sad apply tits name to the paytaput vF iettartet, Pr+aciPa. inauranca premiums. texas. assesantenta, repairs or imprnvemarts
<br />- :: #~3iF.,hgMp_+llddpislp~rty+4~.!~ssditigw, ar W otlwt clntrgaa ou<'. iwytaanGp ptvvided for hertwt or in the rota hereby s.~ured. This
<br />_ raiaE a~gm4nt ~http twtttinw [n Grtce until E#te unpaid bslattca of said rote is fully paid. Tfw taking of possession haraundnr shall in tto manner
<br />presrek. or tatatd sand tnprt~gagae hs the cotlaction-of said soma by foreclosure oe otherwise.
<br />- T~rfafhtss ql=the-tttart~[gaa-to-Mart say of its righkthanavndar st any titre shalt sot be rnnatrued as a waiver of its right to asaen-the
<br />artaaat ury tlfi!r tiapa,_epd W insist upon and enforce strict compliatwa with dl the terms and provisions of said note and of this trwrtgage.
<br />- ft sttid.tuo~yarb- shall rwupa W be paid W said ttwrtg~gee the entire amount due it hereunder, and under tiw eerrtta sad pnrv isious
<br />oI said _auos y s^mrtw, itteivdeg furxtts edva~a, amd any. axtaaeions or rsaewais thereof iri aca'crda with the tours and ~ivs+ians
<br />tLofa4d, sad g said aauRr~r ~-.b,._ strait oompig with sit the prutisiwts of said note and of this m~tgsge. Rhea Ritese precasts afptii ~ void,
<br />L~+riltitfpr~jinkt~Ftorpaandaflses, eQdaaidmortpgee-shisU besntitpad to ttt~posaassian of all o[ said property, and may, pi itx option.
<br />tiorf~e W tt~tii~titt aiidma doll tta ~ nprvsdnt}ti thareF~r io ba immediately due attd payshk. a~ mgt toreclase this mortgage
<br />'. or tstlu.sigr o~lar.:Iypl. astirto m ptotact ita:rit>~.. Apprasmce~t wrigad.
<br />- 7~ tooat~a-a>t~:he 6iadiog upon std-shall enure W the henafh ottha_, v~acutora, administrators, sutreasors and_assigtts of the
<br />~°pie4 AsraLSt.
<br />lAl WITAiE$S WHERkX1P, acid Mottgagar _~.,- ba . VQ, hereunto. sex.. ~,~. '~hei~ ..- hand . d_._ the day and year First stw~s•
<br />wsft~vt, "_y'~j i
<br />x .--^
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<br />_.w.-- ~ ~ ~ .- ,
<br />~1.~J1
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