<br />MiE3~Tfs~-~~ $ ~. -- ~~ X15 '_ `3 ~
<br />THI$ fNDBtPi't3RE, made ails 6th ---_-..__ day of C1r.tvhelf~ _- . t3 __~`.1 . by and between
<br />ild6~r~ ri'_ k~lf+rfY~st nr/ n rlo~i»F_ $_ MPrl3o»~f111~11~__Sl1~JdF3..~E---_
<br />of Nd?~. CcymtY. Nebraska, as ntortsaaor ~_ .and Hams Federal Sayings ar+d loan Axsa-iation of Grand (sand, a corporatirnt
<br />or~zttf and existing under the !sere of the United States of Amerip with its principal offxe and pfxe of btrsirtess at Grand island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortpete;
<br />Wi7'NESSfli'tf: That said mort~agm b ,For and in comiderarion of [he sum n!
<br />Thtt.ee Thaaaand Faun Huetd~ted Faunteen da.P,P.ans artd 25/190 ,~ ry,,,,,; 3,~.°?~-;
<br />iS ~ r _ rg x terz -'~-~---).
<br />the receipt of which ie heyday aefatawledSd, do by these yresents mortgage and irsr(arrt unto rtt~ u~ra yr~and anti
<br />~~ ~.
<br />forNa, afi the fofimving described real estate, situated iri the County of ~~~ - ... ..... _.... __.
<br />aadSteteof Nebraska, [o-wit:
<br />let Nineteen (191 and the w~zPhey Ten (10 } Feefi a~ Lot Ffgkteen (18) .i,n BQock Tknee
<br />f3} •t.n. Betrin Add.%tion .to .the City ab Cnand Ie.i?and, Ha.P.2 Caunty, Nebnaaka.
<br />Together with all treatieg, air conditioning, lighting, end plumbing equipment and futures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doom, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ail and singular the tenements. heretiitaments and appurtenances thereunw 6e~
<br />tangreg, or is aYywiaa appertammg, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor~__ herby covenant __- with said
<br />`- ~' mortgagee that _._.t ~....-_-._-aJltL-.. _ , at the delivery hereof, the awful owner. d._.. of the premises above conveyed end described,
<br />and--.flL4Q_._xiud of a good and ir~efeasible eatnte of iaheritence therein, free and clear of a!1 encumbrances. and that__~he~Lwitt
<br />- was:artt serf dtdmrf t}~ title ifrer~o forever against tfx claims and demands of ail persons whomsoevr..
<br />F~E)YIDLD ALWAYS, and thts instrument is executed artd delivered to searre the payment of the sum of ___ _._.
<br />_. --
<br />~tteP.1~tuba~flxlftt~Nundd.eci.Fa~rls~~dof~ati__an~L2311~ODnltarals_3,~.1~~2~_ ___ .--- _-.~.
<br />w~a~ fatrtaat Ghxeaa, ter wits ~~h:d~-g~ and advatr~ as rosy hF due n,-«i payable to ~.,u ,rsongsgee under tree teams anu carrditions
<br />oiil3spr!ottaiasdry note oteven date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said tnortgegor.~' _ -to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />fa Ndd pore, and ta assure the performance of all the terms acrd conditions contained therein. 't'he [arms of saki note are hereby incorporated
<br />Ireaefa by thin reference,
<br />IC u the iatantfon std agreement of the parties hereto tint Clue mortgage shall also assure any future advances made w said mortgagor
<br />by said aortgagee, and say and aU irdebtedtress ti additan to the anwunt above stated whist. said mortgagors. or any of chem. may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenoad, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between
<br />the patties hereto and their heirs, persona! repreaentetives, successors and assigns, until all amounts setvtxxi hereunder, urcluding [uturr
<br />advantvre, are paid in fu1: with interest.
<br />The rnortgagor._~. hereby assign-__. to said mortgagee all rents and income nrieing at any and all times from said property and
<br />hereby wthorrze said mortgagee or its agent, aL its option, upor. de[ault, to take charge of said property and collect nil rente+ and ira:ume
<br />therefrom and apply rho same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums, taxes, assessments, repairs or improvements
<br />. twrnaasary ta keaP at!id pPpt~Y ~ teaanta~bfs.ooadition, or to other charges or paymeata provided for tternen or in tiw rwte herehy secured. Thrs
<br />ten6 aseigawent aheU continue in force unto the unpaid tralnnce o[ said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall is no manner
<br />prevent or retaed said mortgagee is the collecLan of said stt[ns by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />Tier tWwe.ot the twortgagae ta assert say ut iu rights hereunder at any tune shall not be coneLrutd as a waiver of its rigtt W assert. the
<br />came at any Lfgr time, and ta insist upon and enfortx strict complia[a:e with ell the Wrma and provisions of said note atuf of this tmrtgage.
<br />If said r~_ r t~ ahpll ceua4 to ha prod in said mortgagee 4fre entlra amount due i[ hereunder, and under the terms and previsions
<br />of said nuts 6ar6by eeC+tred, iacludisg future advances, and any extensions or reaewsla thereof a accordance with the terms and provrsiuns
<br />i6~eof, sad f[ said b .shat! comply with all the provisions pf said note and of Chia mortgage, than these presents shall 6e void;
<br />rRheetriaa ta tt-mrat intuit forco and effaet, cad said mortgageu ahaU ba entitkd to the possession of ai! a( said property, and may, at its option,
<br />dtteLra tLs s~ida.of said aWeiad elf indshtedueae reprexnted !hereby to 6e immediriety due and payable, and may toreciose..thia mortgage
<br />or Oka say other Peal action ta praect iq.ri~tt. Apprafaomens waived.
<br />Thin matieaeq shelf ba biadlog upon and ahatt more to the benefit of the heirs, exe~vtars, administreWrs, successors and assigns of the
<br />reapeetiva'parciee harem. -
<br />fN lviTtiF,$$ WHER6OS, said MortgagorQ ha rte hereunto set_ }th?.f11. hand _d_ the day rod first abuse
<br />written. ~ 7 ~ ~,
<br />