<br />~A_.Irs. t~ra~a atcmr:tt~~-(vrx~: sac;; . ~~ ;~~,~. t ;. ; t
<br />-- ~-_.~-
<br />~ xrlcsw ALL I,~r f3Y THE rl;~~rrs: 'i1~at c, c, Industries, mac. ~ ~ --f) ~l ,~? 4. `r3 ~S
<br />i
<br />' ~ till Ootraat9, and Stater d Nebraska . is of the spa d
<br />Seven thousand fine hundred and NoJ100--------------.-~-..-.--------------°- IIOLLARS 4
<br />is hard paid, da herchy SELL and fYlNVLrY rmto James 6, Reed and Precious Reed, hus`oand and wifei
<br />Viand James D. I~th and I7ontsa F. Roth, husband and wife
<br />~ Hall County, State of tebraska the fotbwin6 described pnsnises sibuted i
<br />!n Ha21 County, aad State of Nebraska , to-wlt:
<br />Tnt (i 54, Potash 511bdivision, hall County, Nebraska
<br />The intention beheg to convey hereby an absolute title in ice simple, indndint; all the riihts of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE'AND TO HOLD the premises above deaeribed, with aU the appurtenanoea thereunto below, unto the said f
<br />naortRagee(s} and to-hie, her or their heir and aasisas forever, provided always and thew presenb arc upon the e:prcr
<br />carrditioa that if the said rmrtsagor(s), his, her or their heirs. eaewtan, admmiatnton or assigns shall pay or caase to be
<br />paid- to the-acid morksagee(s), his, her or tirdr heirs eaecartors; adariairtraMra or aasisna, the principal snm of i
<br />payable o fdlwvr, to uric:
<br />$3r750. in 30 days
<br />$3,750. plus interest at closing or in 361 days from October 5, 1981
<br />with interest aorordins to the temr sad eQeR of the mortaaion written promi~ory note bearia` even date with thde praaeab i
<br />sad shall WY +di is:ea and aseermeata levied upon said real estate, sad all other Nucea, levia sad aareaemeata levied upa~n thin ;
<br />eaartiage or the note 'which thin mort6ase is given to secure, before the eamebeooms delinquent and keep the bnildiap oa
<br />said preeaiss insured for the eum of S tar, It aacr. payabM to the acid morlarKw, thsa thsr prsamb
<br />W be said, otherwise to be a~ remain in ful! toree.
<br />IT 1S FURTHER AGREED (I) That if the said mortsasnr shall fail to pap such to:es or proaue such insurance, the '
<br />said morttfagee may pay such to:es and Procure such ineursace; and the sum eo advanced, with interest at lZ per ,
<br />Dent, shall he repaid by said mortea6or, acd thm awrtttaite atoll etaod as security for the same. (2) That a Facture to pqy anpr ;
<br />o€ said money, either prin~~~..r interest. when the same becomes due, or a failuro to comply with aqp of the far€Soia; i
<br />aaraemeafa, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at onus at ttra option of the
<br />mortceEee.
<br />Sinned chi. 1st day of October i9 Ol ,
<br />In prewnoe of ,.,.,.„_. C,c_C..,Ind~stri~s,i _Inc.. ............... '
<br />by G. Wayne Molck, President
<br />3!`ATTs OF ......... Nebraska Hall ............. .
<br />....................Couttty of .. ............
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ........... October.. 1 .............19.81 .
<br />'~ by ............................ /~ j'
<br />E~, j ~ ~~~ Signature of Persott Takittg AcklWwl t
<br />P~~~ Notary Public
<br />'lYtle ..............................................
<br />)~f'AT$ -Ulm ..:.............._...._........_.._..._.._. ~ Imatatad wt numerical indaa and 51ad for. record
<br />m' is tha Rasiatat of Deads Ot%cs of said Camty tha
<br />frettntp ...............___.._........_._..........._..........__._.......
<br />_.:..._......_.......dy aL ..........................._...._._........ 19._........, at..........._....._......_...o'ofack amt.....e............._........minutar ...__...............M.,
<br />autl,raoardtti is Haok ..................._......__.._......ot..................................._..at pap..._._....____.._...._._............
<br />......._...___..........._.._.._ .............._.._.__.......,.........Res. of DaaL j
<br />By ..........................................................................................Deputy
<br />
<br />