<br />S2-A-REAt gdtTATE I-rOftTt3nG6--twtth tax £9as~3 t~'ter- 7'8
<br />ee~ a rr~rt ~ra+tee. w.. t
<br />ALL tNEN 1iY Ti'~S8 I?ItEt3EPPf`8: '!`hat C- C• Industries, Ir~c. t i ~ ,
<br />$~."'_ }~ ~ :.fib
<br />d Ba31 C.radtty, sled Stated Nebra&ka , in attort d the eras d !
<br />9evett thousand five hnttdrQ6 and Naf1G4 --__~___._..__ -~~__-----_-- IJt33.LAiiB
<br />~ hsnd ~: ~ hereby ~bL sad v ~~ 3att±es S. Reed and Precious Reed, husband and wife
<br />ate Jatses D. Roth-and Donna F. Roth, husband and wife
<br />d Ib31 {'.wnty, Stated Nebraska the fotlowias desen'bed premfees sitasted
<br />~ iia11 Comely, sad Stated Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />lot A 4, Potash Sutxiivision, Hall County, Pebraska
<br />The ir~aliaw bebK to convey herby an absolute title in ice simtde, ir~ndia6 aU the riihb of Lemestead and dower.
<br />TD IiA{tE AND Tt) HOLD the Premises atwve deacn"bed. with alI the appuroersnes thmeunto bela~gms. m~ the said
<br />ntael~aets- and b hie, her or their heirs and aaai!<res forever, Provided attrays. and thrs presenb an upm the espra~
<br />eaariitiar lhaa i< the said mortgadorts), his, her or their heirs, exeatMn. adminiaf+abra or a~ipra shaq pq or carte to ba
<br />paid to ttr aid aamt~tst. his, her sr their heir, ezaatois, admtaiN+atms or sasi~s. Sht pria~pal sam d; 7 , ~0p .00
<br />paTaiie o follow, ~ wit:
<br />S3,75tt. in 30 days
<br />S3,750. plus interest at closing or in 361 days frwn~JCtober ~, 1981
<br />with iMerest amordins to the tenor and eQect d the naortaaaon written peomi~ory note bearint even date wiW these pnsenb
<br />sad aha11 pay a!l resew and asaespaeab levied upon said real estate. and art outer taus, levies asd asnwmeab levied upon this
<br />taortaaas or t1r note evbieh thin mortaaae iv liven to sewn. before the sent 6eeeaatr delinptuat, and keep the buildiems on
<br />said pr'ssisss ~~ tar the ssaa of i .toes. it ant, ttayabb to the said mortaaaes. tltm ttreaa prasenb }
<br />b bs void, atbetwiaa to be and remain in tuft force.
<br />PT IS Fl?IiTHEF2 AGRt3Et3 Itt That if ttie said mart6aaor shalt fail to pay auh ta:ee or proivn such insurance. the
<br />said erne ~y paj ~.r.~}:.__~ a.•ut pzccure s~xh insurance; and the lam so advanced, with interest at 12 Per
<br />east, shalt he repad by avid fir. and the msrt;a~ shat! staid u sewrrity for the. same. {2? That ! failure to gat any ~,
<br />d said emney. either gri~apat gr iaterest, when. the sararr becotnss due. or a failure to comely x~ith say d the fora~inF
<br />~~ ahstt ~ .__ tw,g w me ~t .---y h~n~ a~tred to S doe aed collecti6la at once at the option of the
<br />19Prt~.~
<br />Sipped thta Tst day d C3cto'ner . 19 51 .
<br />C. C. Industries, Znc.
<br />In pretence of ............._........-....................-.................................._...........................-
<br />_._._...~Y...~s,_Wayne. Nblck.c..President---....---....._... I
<br />s
<br />..STATE OF .... ~kra~k~ ............... County of .....?~~-?:..................:
<br />The foregoing inetrutnent was acknowledged before tae .................. A.ctobs?z .1........19 al .. ~
<br />i
<br />~, ~,T- Signature of F~etxon `Peiicing AcT~nowledg~nt
<br />I~ ;,fir. fa~S. Jr~. t. tSle
<br />_. ... NoGa1',X .Public .............................. .
<br />Title '
<br />~~f-,- -_ ,, -~_ - i
<br />I BTA. f~`»°-_.._..........._._..,.,._ ....................._-_.._...-. Sni~aed m nnoasrtcat trdsa and filed for rsoord j
<br />~ ~ m' iA ebs Repatar d Dasds t7Mip d said ceuttty tba
<br />....,~ .................dq o4......_.....,................-._.............. 19............. at......._...._.....__.._..-ochek and.._.-.......___...........minutes .................._.td.,
<br />i
<br />j ~ ratnrd~d ~ t9aak .............__....._...._.............el-............,_..._.._......__...ae p.n....._.._,.._..__.........._..........
<br />
<br />_.~. _ ___
<br />