<br />~EE~ !~F TR.i.~~T
<br />$1--5)U~-'-1$
<br />'I'lE#IS DtP~D of TRlIS9` is rn~de this- ..5th.... .....day ~ . txtober
<br />i9 ~~ atetxtglitt=Tir+irssot,.t..C.. Zsxir:st:sies, Zrac. _
<br />hn Brotmell ,
<br />..........: ..................... . ......... {herein "9tarrocver°). JO ............. .. ...... .. .
<br />t71#~if.1kC. ) :. . .. . ......... . ................ .. .......therein "Trustee"), and the Benettciary.
<br />R%C~I. Si1}*.3,y~>f.~.of. Grand ,Island .. . ... ..... ... ..., a corporation or iced and
<br />arrtr~3ittg trttd~ the ors ~....... Nebraska ............. ............ whose address is. 2121 N. Wets Rd. ,
<br />P4. I~A74 .~17., . S~~ . Island, NS .tat3802 . . ... . ......................... (herein "Lender"). .
<br />HiWittovrax. ira consideration of the indebtedness hcrein recited-and the trust herein treated, irrevocably grant,
<br />and conveys to Trt~ee, in trust„ with power of sale, the foltowing descrbed property located in the County of
<br />... ~~ ................................. .State of Nebraska:
<br />tat Your t4), Potssh Subdivision, HaII County, Nebraska.
<br />115 North. Be&chwood, Grartd Island NE 68801.
<br />which lws tl~e address of ............ .... .
<br />t5tree~] !City}
<br />.. , ... .........therein "Property Address") :
<br />tstsa n,n xw r~a.t
<br />~Tt3tt='t#tktt watfi uIl the improvettunts nnw ar hereafter- rrcct~d un the property, and all easements, rights,
<br />appuHi:ttattces, rents tkubjcct however to the rights and nuthariticx given hcrein to L~ndcr to collect and apply. stt~h
<br />rolls), royuliic~, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and all fixtures now or
<br />hurcriftct attached to-the property; all of which, including rcplaccmcnts and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be
<br />artd n•itrrrn a part of the property rnvercd by this fh;ed of Tru>t: and all of the fgrcguing, together with said prupe:rty
<br />(.tx,tht tcr~huki est°rie it this tk'cd of Trust is on n tenschuld) arc Ircrgin refrrrcd to as the "Property";
<br />TtsS>truar:;_tu Lentirt_tn! the rcpaytncnt cif tree; indebtedness evidenced by'Borrawkr's note dated. petober 5
<br />~_.... . -fhsrgtn Nolc'"). err th4principnl s}tm af...Tfr~st,,y, •gight. thousand Doll$rs a»d nojlt7u--
<br />{~q,p~a,. ~4k ... , .... . - .. .......6olfars, with interest thereon, providing for mtmthly inrtallmcnts
<br />of ptinetp~l uitcl interest. -with tttr balttrtsc of the; indcbtcdncss, if nut svoncr -paid, due and. payable on, .... .
<br />t~t~•.a~f 2 :..................... : tM; Paytmot a( all oklter a,utttr, with intcnesE titer<ron, advanced
<br />_ in accc+rdancc tterrwethfu pnN~xt thr u;cutity uC thia Qccd of Trust; and tltc pcrfwmwacc uF the covenants :rnd
<br />aarrrmcm~ d8orrowcr`h~rrem eoaGtitt~i~a~it1 tb) th4_rcpayment of any future; udvancci, with interest thereon, made
<br />~:Iint•rawcr by l.cttdcr pirrsuapt tti paragrrph 21 hereof (herein-:.Future Advattccs").
<br />ibormwcr coveHaatllS that Hc?erttwcr is lawfully wised of the_ct<tatc.hcrcby conveyed and has the right to grant and
<br />exsttyt;y the Rrrepcrty. that fht: Prt~:rty is unencumbcrett, rend that $urrowcr will warrant and defend gcncrally the
<br />thle to the Prtapcray agprnst all, claims,atttl dettprnrls, suh~et to any dccl;tritians. casements ar rc~strietions listed in a
<br />w*~4_~ ,.r e~«p-s in serr<cr in, env talc insurarra~c-pulpy insuring l~endci s interest in th4 Prc?~r[tr
<br />1~ r w a f~„,ttr- ~ ,o shat;stt~tes wear ~tstet
<br />