rto. srr re. e. rso~aaas: cower=oor...~..~..,.i ..,.....,,o .a...~. e. o,......,wp... cg....,
<br />Mt3RT~AGE
<br />~fjis ~nDenture, Wlaae and F,:ecuted this-_ __._34ti1.-...__ ----...day ot---._S~P.:I~Iller _. ,, ._A. D._.>;0$3._. -_..---
<br />hY sad betweea._._HilAABIi!._J.....LEIIfAIU)~IISSI_ic.ANIT'd...S.....I B~TANDOIYSSL_(husbl-_,84-.xci~e~._.-_.._-.-_..---._.._-.----
<br />----....._._......._..__....°--.__°-_._...._.-..-......_........-party of the fiat part,
<br />SIDbES CIffiDTI° UNION of 7302 paciYic Street, -Omaha, Nebraska - - ..------__ .•_ _-_-_~_,-~__
<br />and---._..._........_._...._ .._------._..._-_. _......-.
<br />_ _ -.......---- -_-... .__. .. _ _ -._-. .........party of the eeeand pert.
<br />- -- -
<br />--.---- WITNE88ET13, that the Yid party of the Brat part, for and in coosideratioo of.._...~5.s000,,,00,_(.F14e,_thousand_.--.-_.,_-_
<br />and no/100-___~______~__~_____________________.;_______.__DOLLA&4, paid by said party of the
<br />.------__... _.__Y_..__.........._._....~....___._..----°--.....__....... __....
<br />second part, the receipt wberoot is hereby acknowledged, hat granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, asd by these preeeais, does great, ar-
<br />gain, sell acct convey, uaW said party of the eeeand part, the foitowing described roal property situate in the County of ......... ........_..---........._
<br />sad State of Nsbrrka, to-wlts Lot #17, Block #3
<br />-- Better Homes Sub. - Division - _ ............._.-----..._._...._...---..._........-..__......._......-.-._...........--
<br />......._._.8;31].1_.Galt~ttx.....2ietbra+tE~a .............__..........-..._._..._.._.....__..- ..._............................................._.........._
<br />_ 3treetAddrenes----903 South Clark~_Grand.Islswdt_Nebraska 68801
<br />with all tM tenements, hsreditaments and appnrtensaeY to the same bslmgto~, and all the estate. title, dower right of hamYtead,
<br />and demands wbaterver of the said psrt7 of tbkee first Hart ot, in or to said premises or asy part, thereof: sod said pert! of the dat
<br />part tier harebF eovaoast, chat said party of the fltst part is Cawfally seised of said pnmisss, that said premises an tras [tom inambtsaY
<br />_._..__...._.._ -____---._~___.__...___._.-~-_-._~__~Yd that Yid patty of the first-part wilt
<br />~._.__
<br />warrant and defend the title to Yid premises against the lawful claims anti demands of all psrsoY whomsoever_......._.___.-.__._..__......~
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, anti these presents am upon these ocaditioY:
<br />WHEREAS, said part? of the Brat part hr ercuted and delivered to the grid party of tbs second prrt.._.. a.......-..__......_.__._......_....
<br />promimorY note__..._1n..tbs...Bmoat...of...9a...~Ol..~..etith._*;,~..-of;.-_.-18..D76...ini8=eat...inr..~.I~lmd_..._._
<br />_-........_-...__.... __...Rf...60,_moatha...and...moat!s>,y..P.~Yntent9..of....~~.26...~...to. ~eS~a-.30..a%Ye._from_ .....................
<br />.... diaburaesent date of loan. _.._ _. _ .... .... ......_.... .-.
<br />_°----......_......_.__.__.__........_.__..-_---......_.. said insured in come company or comPenir
<br />sad wbenss, the party of tM Hat part has eteeed to keep the buildlrW, if Y7'. ~ P~~
<br />apprnvrd iry Yid party d the seoeutd paft, for tbs sum not lase thaa___.- -....... _ ._.-__...._.~......._..,..._._-.--.._.,-.:..,____ ............._DQLt.Ali$.
<br />sad delivee to said party ~ the second part the poYiey or poiiciee c~triniog,• clause with the lose payable to wd par~,7 of the eeRSad pant
<br />or assip~s, and 6M rand to pay all tra« and aeseeewente Misuaet said prnmuu» beto» the same, by law, become de it agwnt, wd has egna~
<br />:bat it said pwrEy of the fir.t part does Hat provide such inswence, or f sits to pry all tease Y afotewd> then said pariY of the seeaad para. of
<br />header hereof, mry RsY such insusenoe red taxes, or either ~ tie utd all rmaunq ao patd by card putt v[ tits esocad part shell boar Io-
<br />tweet at she rate o[ awe par neat per runum from the drte o€ pa~~~, rod this mortgarte shall atsad Y security tbsafnr, sod said s~ IDr~j
<br />be added to the rmaint of the mori;a4s debt, and the same recovery Y a piri ther~wt Tv ow, if the said pang of the fleet part ebail wsR
<br />sad ~ paF ~ esaY te, be psu! tLs-aud sum of a~ey ~n Ytd uoie, _ .. mYttoYd, w nth mterast thersao rceordisa W thi tenor and edist
<br />d-said note....... rnd ebail keep Yid buHdinga insured rr afarww, anti ebat3 kes(r zil tastes anti asiaesmYYts pa+sl, a~ shell dalF 1[esp, +ad
<br />perm all the outer ogvc7Yta sad ar}eeemants herein eoataisad, tbw :her-prearta-t~Jrnnullend ro_id. But ~ saidsem aI ssoae~or
<br />pit tlrreot, or say mum th~resn, m not Arid when tM same v des, or iE said bnildiugs eltsU ooi bdkepi ioqued Y afoarrid, or
<br />ai >ns and rmretoenis rgaioat eedd premises ue not prid rt or baton the time the same brave by law d~n~t~~ ~ p~tFad W
<br />Meet part shall 6d1 to keep sod perform soy aovenana henia oootaiaed, the bolder hereof shall have the apticnia tole sidd
<br />Ydebtadosae due sad WYable at Yy time titer such failure or default, estd mry msiatsio an wtiao st Isw or egnitF to troves tM Yme,
<br />aid the oommsooem~rt of such aotim shall be the only ootir at the eaaroir of said optics repuind•
<br />AND IT 18 FURTHER PROVIDED AND A011CBD, !bat the said Heortpgu shall sad wiU paF alt fast levied upsa tlis ewct-
<br />p~ or the debt scoured therah tepthee with Yy other tasas oc anssemosats whJah may bs bvisd ceder the Laws oT Ncbrwta, sport tla
<br />ywt~g 1,tortgagee or tb lepl bolder a[ the Bald prinogial ants..... an soeart of this indeb 7
<br />{ '1
<br />X11 ~c~timanp rEBfr -. .._......_WB ..._.._..bea~mW ._...__ ..~ _ ... above wriitea.
<br />IN PRB$IIPICB OF ......,,_.._,_~..,)}_.,,.......r
<br />bTA'F~ OF N~ttRA814l, •1' •''-
<br />'` tit d,._........----..._......_ Oa thr-.....____ _..........~--... „..... _. ~__ ...._....A. Dry
<br />betoa ms, • Notary Publlo is sad [or the said CeuatF pamnsdlF name the above naned_.~
<br />Howard J. @ Anita N. Lewa,ndostftlci (hwbaud It M1tw)w._......_
<br />r.~__.._._._-....__....Wwho....a~_._.....pamonagF koowa to ms
<br />~ ar@ -_.-_....aelasd to the alwvs Lstru4ewt
<br />{ to Its the ldeatiaal parapu. 4 host oama.. i ,
<br />w . acknowledged said hrtnment to br,.t~3.a~+.>Retuptr
<br />I Y grwWr..B... cal.. EASY-._.. _ ._-........- r1'
<br />set erI deed,
<br />s
<br />WITNF,88 atY hssrd~~fotarW ~ the dye lestyifa~god t~
<br />~. , , :~- ~
<br />t
<br />'; 7AM(lS 3RI1fliK '.. ,,,,_ ~ _... _...~,...-::`mow.: - ...._ ....
<br />~- *,aearx PubUe.
<br />G&f~IlAt tit~TYdaY .~ - ~ , ._ .. •. __ ,~ ~7,_ s~y
<br />My eommiesion espfrre an A ---.g,e'e-a~y~tkl~;;a; ?s- _ _ __
<br />~. _
<br />,
<br />