iMftRT('.Af~ CS ~ -~ ~ 1 t.) 5 l3 ~ ~-.
<br />_ MOR'fGAGt3 t.OAN NO. L 23.9'99
<br />KND~VALL htEN Syr 71iESE PRpSElx7S:'i'lat .lathes A. Schultz and Mary A. Schultz, each in his acid
<br />her Grin right aftd as Of each other, Mortggctr, whr:th-r one w tttote, in oorsideratioa of the stun of
<br />~Ci ~.~tk-.. warn] artA tti[]!l lfl--------~------,- :._~~--- ~Oi.l#RS
<br />laced to said moripdOr by 17te F.gatiubk and loan Association of C,nrtd fated, Nebntita, Mortgagee, upon E20 sitaes of oodc of
<br />aid AStOClATION. Certifuau IYo. L 23, 999 , do Mrelry grant. «mvey and mortgage unto ttr said AS4aCfA7iON the fo)towhtg
<br />dasertbsid teat ea4[c, situatedut ball County. Plebraska:
<br />Lot Six (6) iri Block 'Puree (3) in Plea,4arit
<br />View Seventh Stabdivision in the City of
<br />t,rafid Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />tagtha with ad the tenements, heseditamems std aQpurutanoes thtmunta belortgutg, irtcitsdirg attached floor , aV niedoar sesseaa,
<br />stitdor shades, bbads, storm whtdaws, awning. Iteatmg, au oortditionirg, and pttmrbugt and serer equipment and acoearria thes:to,ptnrpa, stows,
<br />tefrrasatass, and atlrer tartar std squgeaeat trow• or irctesfur attsched to or usdn connecti~m with said red eerie.
<br />And whateas the aid mort~sttor has agreed and does ttascby agree that the mortgagor shall and wiY pry ail tens snd asasrnts iasisd Qr
<br />crewed ~ said psetriaea and upoo the mortgage and the ttotd scouted thereby before the same shsY Deaoee deingoett: to ftmsih appsossd
<br />inarsmoe upon the oa said premuea the sum of i fi2, 000.00 payabk to sled ASSOCIA770N and w dsYtw to aid
<br />ASSOClA770N the policies for said iawrmtce: and not to oomndt w permit nay vote on or about said premsa:
<br />to oaa of detester in the psxiwroartce of ady of the arms and woditiom of ihq tttortgp: w the bord severed hereby, the tisartptga sha8,
<br />oa dettrad, be eetttied to itittuediau poasarian of the tttrxtgaged pwmbes and the mortgagor hereby assipts. tnutsftts and nets over to the
<br />rmtrlpree aV tine teats, reseaua a~ inmrtte to fee xieriaed From the martgged ptemmes during such true o tits mnrrtpde iadebtadraas aha0 roman
<br />unprsd: and the mortgaraa slledi hate the putver to appamt any asdtt or agettta it ary dtate for rise pttrpow of rapnitntd sold pssrnia Yd
<br />the tame and ootkctittg the rents. revmuea and irtasrne, sad it tiry pay cwt of said incante aLL astperaea of ttpruitq aid pwaisee and itesesasty
<br />comitsitaima and e~~eases ittcwred in renting and rtrstapirg the same and of oaliediag rentab therefrom: the balaaae teasaisditg, d nay, to ba
<br />y~dted towmd rite dr~taryte of said nnrtgge indebtedness: iheae rights of tM martgagoe rrsry be eaarcued at my time during the es:slaeae of sudt
<br />da~attk, irrsrpoFtise of nay tampurasy wsivat ai the same.
<br />'I'kem f't~astits, howettt, ate uptr the Csadilina, That tf the .raid idmt~ytx shaIl repay mid loan art w bsfase the mawtity of Arid shssw-by
<br />ptrymert: pay monthly to scud A$ciQCIATICCNk~t of the sum specifkd ue the gcsed aor..trai hereby o intataM sad prsacspal ar and last, on w Moss
<br />the 7`watialh dsy of tatdt rod every mrmth, until aid laett d fatty pall. pay all taxes cell araosnarts levied agrittss mid pwewa aadar this llarVya
<br />sad the Barad sar:wal thereby, befcae deiiwiwntc`y. farrrh apptovca# ~~ upon the buildup therastr rs the sum af.S 6Z, 400.00 Py~
<br />to grid 4-1A~1(li+i; rspaY to aid A~'~t7CiA~tt7pi tgtua dametri ail nay by it ptrtd for ~ loran. at4~ststta a~ i~traaar rri~ raptor at
<br />tit maximum regal rare therec;n from date of Asymrsc dt of whicR MwgpMut hereby sgteas to pay ~ p mr waafeoa acid prmasm*kaa# sad anntptY
<br />wiUt ail the aMrrawrata rod rarriditiatts of the Good for i ti2, t'?00. v0 rids day green by the raid tg~u~ m mid AA'Ctttri. sad ear.~iy
<br />veldt s~ttr tsgttwmmttr of the C.tatittwan ~ f3yJ~+rs of sad AfAfiif34~t: rites ihs Ittsranu~iirY-brume mtY ante vain dtey
<br />shah raswist ie full twos asd cry hr fwechtad at ter option of tit acid ASSattA710N after failure fa claw mraths to tttsha nay of aid
<br />py~sorts or be tlsae msotha a arteats is mahtrg said taonthly paymsots, ca w keep sad onmply wiW the s and carditiosa of aid Road;
<br />apd Mortpros apace to have a racaivar appointor forthwith to sucdt foter3aRUe paoaaadwg.
<br />if thoe h aey cAsage ip orrraship of the teat esutc rmsttpred irraia, by mb w otharwim, Uan the emus taoriairg pesrYy
<br />ssratwd ahaN. at the uptiun ai 1tie i•%ruitahle ihsildirg std AmaaAatioa of Ctaad island, Mabsarta. basatms iarrediaMb due sad payabM sdtbtutt
<br />iastlar ittuiaa. and iM atruurt reaainiag dtte trade said bard, ud any other bard for nay addMisrd adasras trade tharanndw, slnY, team 1M
<br />dtMa of a>taesia of said optto~t tint intnsal H the oaxtttarm ityai rate, and this titortp~e any titan M [ossrJrad !Q satisfy tht ameart dun as tttid
<br />Irrd.aad any osha blind fsr ai4Wiurri adeanaea„ ro~etMr ritb aY wtaas Prd !Y aid Ttr t?gttitabie hiidiag sad tars Asiwtiatiost d' Gmrd IsYetd.
<br />WehrrMta far wwuaaaa, rotors sad asewsinerds, oast shstrarirg extew~ast charpx, with thwor, from daa of paysrwu st Iht tard~rir
<br />Mgl rate.
<br />As m ter Bard aetatred Iterdty, rhiie this mwtprr remains m eRed ttte aatrippr may hsreafia adtsrm atidieiorat war to the
<br />ntaht+a o~ aid Mead. tlrir asaipu at wecanrs in mtsrest. which soar shall be wtthn the ar~,taity of dos nutryrgs Ute sears o tLe toads origiar~
<br />se~rseri theaely, the twat sttuwst of pt dsdtt nut to oaoaed at sty cieac the wiigiosl amuant ui thin murtgye-
<br />thia 2 dry ~ QCtO17Brl A. o., t9 81
<br />~,
<br />_! 3 "._ -
<br />&YAlYs f3tt [~MRa18JCA, ~ sa, iln this 2fad day of C1CtObBr, 19 ei , befaw rr,
<br />CUl.Ri7'1C faF i1t111.
<br />' , a Na1ry ~i1i art sad f acid Cotmt .
<br />1aMIBM 14.. Fultz ofd Mtlcy A. St:l~ltza Esacti in ~s~~al-er c~t"ri`gnt an~ as ~t'~tp°'ai
<br />,a went are Pwa+a+lh' known w
<br />aw eo ba t1a itieatieal paaasr s wMta tame 8 are affixed to the above ioartwent w raartpptr s and ~Y
<br />aduKwM~ed the tnid lastrtrr-at w ba their ,set rod daai. y
<br />MPf'1? ngs bred std :teat for dun aforaaaid. " ~ ~ %t
<br />'i°' C.nnas.Maa ~x,~t~~~.~--'. ' f~ ~ .%S[~* 1
<br />~`~ _ -
<br />tasx~iwat MMM1rlftiMl~1^gelwtf
<br />xlwMS•
<br />MiMiaw ~r rw. l~ live
<br />