<br />.. 4t1-A-MECMANtG't3 Lt N -Q 'j fl f } ~ 0 . ~ Huffman and futon & Wn~f. WalYan. He. 5p..451 i,
<br />~ T ~ '~' "7 ._._
<br />,;
<br />Lies daiaesd by~ May Seed lr Nursery Co.
<br />dfb/a Earl _May__Garden Center-_;38_ .
<br />.lddress..2b25._W:...Fi92i_way 30 ......................------
<br />,,,$1 Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />---°- ---- - - ----flocs-ber --5------------------.............rq.$._~....
<br />Donald .-..Dennhardt,,...,-._ .._---
<br />Ayaa~rt :....... ................~ _. ....---__....__... Jr . and
<br />Cath~ S.-Dennhardt, 1132. Orange _Rd.,
<br />Grand Island, NE 681 Cr.
<br />--~~. -~ Furnishing, planting and instal ling - -__ ~- , --_-~ -------- ---------
<br />3une
<br />--------------- _
<br />----- of trees!__plants__shrubsr_ _ed~inc~ -and--_- .-„ - -.--_-_
<br />----------------- I------ ---------
<br />--------------- ------
<br />1.a~eta._..aud_.garslan__ans~..R~.~?nxs,_._~upB~~€s---~
<br />- ------...__-__
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<br />~_
<br />---------
<br />--_----
<br /> includin sales tax as r attached
<br />g Pe
<br /> form
<br />order
<br />~^
<br />1,537 08 y
<br />
<br />-- _
<br />_ _
<br />___
<br />ii _ __ ______ _
<br />
<br />-------°------
<br />--------------- ------3
<br />------ -•--°--------------------------------------°-----------------•--------------}~--------------
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<br />1,537
<br />Total 08
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<br />stag of__..~IF.a~~^~...._._.._..~
<br />HAIL rr.
<br />_...._ ...............___........._... Goeety
<br />~ May _Seed._~ Nursery__Co. , _d/b/a Earl Max Garden Center ~3B
<br />~iaMN, ...... ......._..__ . .... ......................_..........................e........_.------~ btety~ /irtt
<br />ddy rwo-w, oe hir oath rays that tht foreyoteg iteweiatd xcowwt o/ work, labor, sakitl.._.._..__.......--.°.--_._.•_...-•°-.._......._...
<br />twattriats, aed itetrot+stwswtt is trw aed corrsrt: that saeu ware doer awd p oreaed awd fwreishsd by thr wedarignsd
<br />fo- the .Donald D. Dennhardt, 3r. & Cathy S. Denn ardt
<br />tads ah.._........._ntal_......__ ......................_.. coetract------...-----......---------...--°°-•--•°-°•--°--------........-..._.................,......_.............
<br />jar N,e+.~3i~Ai5hi[L4~-..Lx.1.dllt.~.tlS...~...~.z~~td~~~.~~8 .of...trees-,---shrubs.r_glants_.and.~.~~.....
<br />_.__ ..............P. ~.~ll.~...~.i?a...SlXden...mater is 1 s................._................................
<br />ow the (ollowiwg lot, puce or /wrcrl of toed, viz:' .............1!Ot_, Forty.-Five.._S 45 )_t_. Former View- ...........
<br />• __ .. Subdivision.,..-Citx--of •Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />That at the tiwte Said rowtrart u,2r reads and labor awd rwateriats fwreirhad awd ds ~ sd t ........................
<br />Donald p....Dennha~;dtr_Jr.&.Cath~,r.--S. -Dennhardt, husband ~~io~ofe~e~
<br />.... ....................
<br />?'bat the dots of tits put itste jwntished awd dttartrsd was_..._..:~~~~.-.l.t-...I~.1._. ... awd tits
<br />..............................
<br />dots o} tits lore itsaw ans ............... Jane . 6 r....19 B 1_.........................-.-........,.._...... ........................-.
<br />e~~aMt /twtha Jtattr that ratd tabor ttra.t ptrf0/Mtd ON, awd eaaterialr was fwreirhsd for, dtlitratd at, aed ttpd in
<br />raid builtiay or pre+wiarr oe and brta»te tht data rOtcipsd.
<br />That the pritsr charpsd tltsrs(ar art fdr owd rtatoeabk, swat that that is wow dos oe raid accottttt tht aww o~
<br />_....-_,,.__.,One__Thousand„F.ve, Hundred •Thirtx-Seven and 08/100ths---D~.rt that ~.
<br />_ , , May,. Seed__,6. Nursery--Co, . , d!b/a Earl MaX Garden Center # 38
<br />....................................................................-.................,....................ctaawas o lire ow the raid rrtwwrtr Jar tht ~ at~otwtt of
<br />raid arcotatt, to-sit: Tht ,wet of ~.....i,r,537_._08_ ....................„-.-.,-„togstha with iwtaert thasoe at the lsya/ rots,
<br />(nowt ths........6th.......day of ...............June,...._..................................................., tq...8.1..... owd fertha a~6aet ray, tot.
<br />....I~A~'....~,END..6...NURSERY..CO..~...d/bl~_EARL.,MAY GARDEN
<br />,4
<br />GENTS i~38.
<br />.. .........
<br />-------
<br />ay....~. ... .... .. ..._......~ .........^........_Manager::~&:~:~;gen't...........
<br />~~_3f_ __- c-..t. .t :,...... .... ,~..«.,r .~.,.,.,. e.. L.t.,r"..L~ sa.:. 5th
<br />{ -
<br />_._ _ _
<br />Y't'A'1~ Olfi ...... .........._......._ ................... ~ Ee numerical indA: sad fried for rea:rd
<br />(S6Ygtar .._.._............_ ......................................_............... ~' in the Firaister of Deeds Owe of amid County the
<br />........................dq erY.......,............,..._......._...-_...,...., Yk.....,.-..., at.. °-_-.........~..._....o'c(ack sad.................--_....aaunuter . _ . _. .. M.. s
<br />aald raeoidtd ht oaolc ..........................................d...,............,..............-.-.....at ~... -- - --•-._.._..._..._ -. _ ;
<br />i' .......... ............ tieg..'t' Deeds
<br />Bt+- . Gstauw
<br />
<br />