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JOINT TENANCX WARRANTY DEED ~ ~ ~ i j f 1 <br />ANITA ANN HANSEN and ROBERT HANSEN, wife and husband, <br />Grantors,in consideration of One Hundred Sixty-eight Thousand <br />Three Hundred Thirty Dollars ($168,330.00), received from Grantees, <br />hereby transfer and convey to WAYNE CORNELIL;S and JANNA R. <br />CORNELIUS, husband and wife, as joint tenants, not tenants in <br />common, an undivided one-half (1/Z} interest, and to WESLEY <br />COitNE1.IUS and DIANE K. CORNELIUS, husband and wife, as joint <br />tenants, not tenants in common, an undivided one-half (1/2) <br />interest, in and to the following described real properly: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Weat Half of the North- <br />west Quarter (W1/2 NWI./G) of. Section Eight (~3), Township Ten (10), <br />North Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., is Hall County, <br />Nebraska., more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said Section Eight (8);' <br />Chance easterly along the North Line of said Section Eight (8), <br />a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Nineteen and Nine Tenths <br />(1,319.4) Feet, to the northeast corner of said West Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (W1/2 NW1/G); thence Southerly slang the East <br />line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter {W1/2 NW1/G), a <br />distance of Four Hundred Fifty-eight (458.0) Feet; thence Westerly <br />parallel to the North line of said Section Eight (8), a distance <br />of Two Hundred Thirty-six and Six Tenths (236.6) Feet; thence <br />Southerly parallel to the East line of said t.*est Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter (W1/2 NW1/G), a distance of Thirty (30.0) Feet; thence Westerly <br />parallel to the North line of said Section Eight (8), a distance of <br />Four Hundred Twenty-one and Four Tenths (421.G) Feat; thence Southerly <br />parallel to the East line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter <br />fWl/2 NW1/4}, a distance of Five Hundred Eighteen and Fifty-five <br />Hundredths (518.55) Feet; thence Easterly parallel to the North 11ne <br />of said Section Eight (#), a distance of Six Hundred Fifty-eight (b58.0) <br />Feet, to the East line of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter <br />(W1/2 NWl/G}; thence Southerly along [he East line at said Went llal€ <br />of the Nnrthwest Quarter (W1/2 ?~?/4}, a distance o€ Five: Hundred <br />Ninety-eight and Two Hundredths (:98.02) Feet; thence deflecting <br />r-fight 41~GG' and running Westerly, a distance of Two Hundred and <br />Nine Hundreciths (200.09) Feet; cheese Southerly parallel to the Eaat <br />lice of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2 NW1/4) a distance <br />of Three Hundred Twenty-nine and Seventy-eight Hundredths (329.78) Feet; <br />thence deflecting left 40°00' and running Easterly, a distance of Two <br />Hundred (200.OU) Feat, to the East Iine of said West Half of the North' <br />west Quarter (W1/2 NWI/G}; thence Southerly along the East line of said <br />West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1/2 PiWI/4), a distance of Seven <br />Hundred Three and Twenty-two Hundredths (703.22) Feet, to the Southeast <br />corner o€ said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1i2 NW1l4); thence <br />Westerly along the South line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1/4}, a <br />diatatxCe of One Thousand Twa Hundred Eighty-four and Seventy-five <br />Hundredths (1,284.79) Feet, to the Southwest earner of said Northwest <br />Quarter (NW1/4); thence Northerly along the Wxat Iine of said Section <br />Bight (8). a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-one and Thirty- <br />tiw Hundredths {2,631.32) Feet to the glace of beginning and containing <br />64,174 scree., eaQCe_or leas. <br />$PTIIi& THERSFRL?! the following Eaaeu~ents and Rights of Ways; <br />(l) t3awsnt and Right, of Way dated duly Il, 1938, and recorded in the <br />Nall Gnt;tiiy Regtater of flceds Office as Document No. 78-OOG705; {2) <br />liaae*ents Rod Rights of Way dated Apzil 20, 1481, and recorded in the <br />Hail C:n;sAty ttagiater of beeda Offlce as t~c:ument No. 81-004113, and No. <br />8l-Qn4114, (3) 6aaement and Right of Way dated Agril 20, 1981, and <br />r~eorded in the Hall Cc~unGy Re,giater of Ueeds Office cxs t}ocumcnt Ha. Bl-t}t74lla. <br />