Y i
<br />J Z•pris•-aEL,'!~~ of ~tox'IYSAts1~-~orpozmec ~ ~ ""S) ~j a~ ~ "~ ~ t+urtman ana tartan a woof. wanton IWe saafil
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the paymext of the dent xarned thereix, the Coaenercial National Bank &
<br />Trust Coatpany hes-eby releases the mortgage mods to
<br />Comatercial National Bank & Trust Co. by Anita Ann Hansen, a single person
<br />oft tAs fotloaring desesibed sea! estate, to-wit:
<br />The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NEttSW~) and the Northwest Quarter of the ~
<br />Southeast Quarter(NW~SEti} of Section Five (5}, Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) {
<br />Hest of theSixth Principal Meridian, except those portions known as Saturn Street and !I
<br />Apollo Street, or any part of-Argo Subdivision or Argo Fifth Sulxiivision, acgcording to i
<br />the plats of said Subdivisions on file in the office of ~gitSee Atta~idmen~) Hali County,
<br />of Section ix Tou~xship Range ~, o thew P• ~. Hall i
<br />County, Slots of Nebraska :which u rerorded ix Book ~~~ c~ Real Estate Mortgages, page
<br />(af tht tsrords of sold County. ~
<br />!! IN TE~Z'.~(Itr~(~' WNERE®~¢ethe said Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. has caused i
<br />tksst Qle~it4s tq,Tr€.gxe~Cwe by its president and its Carpnrate Seal to be affixed hereto this /~'>~ {(
<br />-` ''
<br />~'~ .~ ~ -~ ~ ,yg/ Cotnme cial Natiory}1 Bank & Trust Co.
<br />., , I .......
<br />!' } O~.•l/y .. •._ Vice Prssideret
<br />a, r _.-k-......---- .. - ~ f
<br />Y , ., ~~
<br />._...,-~-• -- -.av3-,.;~; a~.,- .a~ .. .~.. -.._.._.. :attest .,.:~.:....:.~ 5s,.. ~' -°--... ac?-~- !:, Cashier, Ssnetasy
<br />~ ...
<br />$TA'i~ (~,. .'o ~... ............. On this.....~t Yf.--.day of...-. ~-"~':'~_.....----- - -, 19~~.-
<br />---._,--,,.~? ... County before tne, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for
<br />County, PAY ~---------- --- -. - _ Clifford H. Dale ~u..-,.-~ President of the
<br />.. ..... ..................Cgmmcrcia!-National Lank- ~--Tr+3st -Via.......-°- --.-......................a Corporation
<br />to ale perona!!y known to be the President and identical person whose name is af6zed to the above release and
<br />acltnowhxlg^ed the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and
<br />+~ed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was tbereto atfized by its authority.
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at...~1.'.t~"..-~.. ~'~""~ -.-..., in County the day and year
<br />last above written. •ws ~ ~ 1`
<br />My cataomission ezpuea......- .wn11~ .. ....~. .. .....- ~ .--.-, .Notary 1'ubiie
<br />And, The South half of the 5outhvterst Quarter (S~Sii~}~ the South
<br />.,^_, _
<br />half o€ the St~tltheast Quart€tr (ShSN~}, and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(NE1s5Ek} of ~eei:ion Five (5), and the West Half t~f r,he Northwest Quarter (WefNWtC) of
<br />Section Eight (e}, all i~, Tom,°..rship '.'en {1:) 'torti-s, u~nge Ten (t0} We~?t cat itw Sixth P,M.,
<br />cxeepting also certain tFa,~=s ~=t yrou.~d .~r~ x:a=tt^u3arly d°sot'?~~d in Warranty L~eris 165,
<br />page 6272 1.55, page GIN, 1ti5 page 76, 15E. t aye 2681 1.55 page Ez35; and Warranty treed
<br />Iktet3zrent t3r,. :5°d:;i''33. All .., .~=.<~r==s-zt ~:~ rh3 _;ifi^e r,f the Ren~4ter of ??eet3s, 1l:tll
<br />~ut-ty, Helsraska. Tula srarc.~aya 3oas nt,- ~.. a ta.~t. 3` larul co~gzisina apart of the
<br />NEts5i1ly, NWt#S>r~, S~Skiy, 5'ssB4 a:+d NE4SEra ~ _ .=ice ion five {5} , Townsl.il: Ten (! it} , tlorth.
<br />Ran~~ Tea (l.~) ~E:~t csf ..i,c t;t.= =.+"1. .n Fi.a~. =~saizlty, xe.aiaa~a: ..ore ~~Tt..}.,.,.Kt~.~ __----_.._~___.._.
<br />,tea fulinws: e~,in..in- .... ~ Aar,t 3 _ ,-~~t ..[th ai ins: 3c~ihca~,. ~orn~_ .~ .-z.. .--. ,-r.
<br />(~+}, thencri Westerly parallellto the South ' ins of saint Section £'ivc {) sad alc7r,~~ ; i;c- Nar:h
<br />line of Argo Serond and Third Subdivisions, a distance of 2,G57.03 Feet:, tp th4 Northwest
<br />corner of Lot 11, Argn Secon3 Subdivision, thence Northerly along the Wrist l.in+; cif Lot 11,
<br />a distance 10 feet to thu Northeast corner .~f Lot Five (5) , Argo Second Subdivision, theme
<br />Westerly along the North line of Argo Secon3 Subdivision and garallel to the South fills of
<br />acid &ection Five, a distance of 1.?24.87 fact to the East line of Saturn Strut, rifeness
<br />Northerly slang the East lire of Saturn strreat, a diatanco of t#2?.53 feat. thence i;asterly
<br />Plli+irl#~tl tea tlta North line a# said Argo Sttcond Suttdiviaion a di.atance a€ 915.47 foes,
<br />tl~a!#ectinq felt 90a 1S' 70" and ruaninq Northerly along the East line of Argo fifth
<br />~iait+a at-d thi• line ext~r+dnd to the North line o! thw NS~s>3t.,
<br />tlt1 Naatar#y a1c~g tbe tlorth line of the Nlilab"1~t~tr and along the North tine of the
<br />~utt-+aa;at Quarter of Sectiop Fives es3 the t Line of said Srctloes Fivesa: thence. Southert
<br />a#ung the F.a9t line of the Southeast ,~.uartor far 2,278.b? fast to i.he gla« of thy:
<br />ttnninq. And addinsJ th€ following draacr,ilx:d: Walt half (Wy} c,f the Southwest Quarts:::
<br />(t34i1~} Seclic~ i•lvct (S}, lrownahip 'fan (1~) N..,rth, Rsnc1K `1`«~n (10), West of thr: Sixth i~.,l,
<br />excnpt tho:ae portions ktwit as Saturn =;tre~:t and Argo Fourth Subdivision in any part of
<br />Argo Suiadlv.apian, acc~arding to plats set said Sut*divzttian ou filca in thc~ o£fic~ of thw
<br />~~giater ref Basile a! IWlI County. Nebraska.
<br />L
<br />~r ~:_
<br />
<br />
<br />