<br />..
<br />'~ p"~ ^uYYr~3n _ ,n„Vta'r. 't{z_:frist YtF m~~a3
<br />186-~--Ga*ParaY?en 8urv?varnhip War'snty Deed t~ ~ ~~~l3 ~j t<} u~~~.l.,. ,.,_
<br />li~p~ S2,t,11f~!' BY ~8 ]'~ ,That irEST~N 1£C.ICr$TS i3Se.'kP LOFi~EN'P CO.
<br />a eorporatian organsz.-d end e~istissg under and by Firtve of the Saws of the State of Nebraska
<br />fn eoasideratian of FOR'A'Y-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND Nflj lflflTH5 DOLLAkS
<br />(;42 , 5~ . ofl )
<br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sett, convey and confirm unto HARflLA V. 2ESSZN and
<br />AiAL Ai. Z)~SSZN, Husband and Mife,
<br />as joint tenants with right of snrvivorslrip, and nat as tenants in common, the foltncving described real property in
<br />Htill Covnty, Nebraska
<br />Lot Eight (i3}, in Block Two (2j, in Evan's
<br />Addition to the City of Orand Zaland, Ball
<br />Cognty, Nebraska.
<br />.~ P~PG~~o GGT MPS 1981
<br />~~ BY
<br />To haee and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditamenis and appur-
<br />tenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to tttrir a;;<sigcts, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />And grantor for itelf and its tiuceessors does herehv rorenaut with the Rrwtees and «•ith their assigns and
<br />,with the heirs curd awcigcra of the survivor ~,f them that grantor is Iaccs'vily seised ot" said premises, that they are
<br />free fromencumbrauce except easements and restriotiona of record;
<br />that grantor has goad right and iacefvl autlcaritti° to cotare~~ the :;ame, and that nrantur warrants and wilt defend
<br />cha title to said premises against. the l+tccful claims of al! persons whomsoever.
<br />It is the intention of all parties i,eretu that in the +•vrut- of the death of eithc-r of the grantees, the entire
<br />fear titnple £itle to tt?Y rem Kstate :;halt vc+t in the snrvivitarz grantee.
<br />1£ w=..-;e~~ u•hvr='•3t', ~;r=,rt,?r hu ltr~r«~n,ttu caused its r•,trtHarat,, ,tal to be aCtixe~t and these presents signed
<br />by it?t S'rec.ideut.
<br />bated -S+~gtember ~f,~ l`.!F?rl
<br />itE,~fT~iN- -I~tE~Ci-j~~ ~IEYEt.ti~AfY,~f'1`. ~C3.. .
<br />°- = -,=,
<br />n~~~~G-c_.ry~-"~- ~is~.~rru.~^v..l'r6sid8L't
<br />STATE OP . NPBitA.SKA. ~n this.r~rTXday o}.. September _198 ~ - betare me,
<br />ss.
<br />Cwut~ty of Hall, JJ the tandersigned, a Notary Fubhc in and !or said County
<br />geraanally came. _ _ _ Dalbgrt D.•_. Tteeaar-oper.,,_ . _ _._.. President ai
<br />ttestvr?n Hei~Ata Development Co. r
<br />........... ... ... .. ... ._.-- ...- .- . -. _ , -..- .. .., ......._ . _.. .... .. ... __. ,a corporaiioni
<br />to ma personally known to ne the Fresident and the identia:! person whose name is affixed to the above convoy-
<br />cmeo, and acknowledged the execution thereat to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary
<br />set and d®ed o! said c~orparation and the! the Cazpozate seal a! the said carporatian was thereto afftxed by its
<br />csuthorlty.
<br />Seal at~?'.~x!d.-.Isleq~ county the day and y last acove wntten.
<br />.~ ,
<br />f 141Y Ce~mmtasfart exgira.a the . "`.t...t day a! .-, i~.- 19. ~:~' .
<br />.~
<br />--__ __
<br />t
<br />t~T~1TE OF ..............................~~ 1
<br />('aunty ...................._ ...........~
<br />t~tterecS an numerical iadc~x mr~ filed for record in the Ite;tester of Deeds l)ffice of send t'uun!}- tlae
<br />...... ... da~~ nf.. , IA.... ., at...... „'t•lu~•k and. nziucrt,•* ~S-,
<br />and rreordc3zt is SSrr~abc..... .... ... of. ... ... ..... .at page.....
<br />lteg. ui' ltrrr!'+
<br />f lsy lYrputy
<br />i
<br />t;.
<br />