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<br />A$SIS1T OP "^°""„~.~E - CorDOratia~tt C3 ~ r+~ ~' ~`~ '"~ ~ ~ a~
<br />P.Il0t1 A&L MB;i BY TffFEL PRESENTS, That Superior Mortgage, inc. a corporation,
<br />the party of the first part,~.in cansidetation of the sari of Thirty eight thousand
<br />at~f No1T6d------ _ Dollars law€ul money of the Un3t2d.States of AmerYCa,
<br />to it in hand paid by BANCO MIS COMPANY, P. D, Box TBt,, Waterloo, Iowa,
<br />§D~84 a'Corporation, the party a£ the seed part, at or before the ensealing
<br />abe3 delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has
<br />granted, bargained, said, assigned, transferred, and set aver, and, by these
<br />presets, dues grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, transferred, and set over,
<br />_ ;eta tt-e-said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a certain
<br />I1~8NTi~tB 6F lIDItTGA6E, bearing date 18th off 5~ptember ~ lg BI ,
<br />ReeoXdad Dxument # 81-©098U3 , of the Mortgage Records
<br />of Hall County, Nebraska and made by Dale B. Wilson & Angela M, Wilson,
<br />husband and wife to Superior Mortgage, Ina, and all its right,
<br />- title and interest to the premises therein described, as follows, to-wit;
<br />Lot One (1), Block One (1 ), in Second Addition to Holcomb's Highway Homes
<br />Subdivision, part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE~NE~)
<br />of Section Twenty-eight (28 ), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9),
<br />hest of the 6th P. M., Hall Coisity, Nebraska
<br />Together. with the note therein described, and the money due or to became due
<br />thereunder, including interest thereon, TO HAiiE AND TO HOLD the same unto the
<br />said-party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, subject only
<br />to the previsions of said INDENTSAtE OF MD<tTGAGE therein contained.
<br />And t!~ party of the first part does hereby make, constitute and appoint
<br />the said parley of the second part, its true and lawful attorney, irrevocable,
<br />is its Heals, or otherwise, bnt at their own proper costs and, charges, to have,
<br />use, rid-take all lawful ways and means far the recovery of the said money
<br />and interest, and, in case of payment, to discharge the same as the party of
<br />the first part might, or could do, if these presents were not made.
<br />IT WITNESS WHSREO!', Superior Mortgage, Inc, a corporation of the State of
<br />Nebraska has caused this Assignment of Mortgage to be executed by its President
<br />sad attested by its vice President and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed
<br />t~ 21st day of ~Ptber in the year 19 &1
<br />BEa~® of Nebraska )
<br />ss.
<br />County of Hall )
<br />SUP~.IQR MORTOA, 1N4:,
<br />_l~j _~
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<br />~ r ams+s 5. Reed, Pre - ent
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<br />Aktests --
<br />,~ amec D. Roth, vice e t
<br />Do this 21st day of September 19 91 before me, a Notary
<br />Public, dilly commi.saioaed and qualified in and for said County and State, personally
<br />ca the abc3va napAad Janes S. REed, Pr~aident, and Ja~ss D. Roth, vice .President,
<br />of t~a,ierior Mtrztgaye, Ina. who are personally knower to me to be the identical
<br />p+~ ~o6e~ Haase are affixed to the above assignment of Mortgage as the
<br />~+~ti<~pt and. vice President of said Corporation, ar-d they acknowledged the
<br />-~~ ~.,.~* . be th;~ ve~iust~y net arid- aced, a~td the vrlunt.~ry acct and did
<br />of tllg sa~.d Coxporat#acxn.
<br />i~I'6_~ hp~xi and official seal, in Grand Island, in said County, the
<br />date a~orest-id. ~~~~t • ~
<br />,~ `~ ~i. t
<br />+~ # -
<br />Notary Public
<br />,•'
<br />!t!t CX~ISSIOM 8Kt'Ili6&: Au~-st 1, 1981
<br />7'Di StlpPriOr Mortgage, Inc,
<br />~ o_ m~ 168
<br />C+rats! island, N6 b88o1
<br />