_ ~ ..
<br />S~ ,$ 43~xi. g.P,TC.Ttr 3AC'RT6At33r-tNltth Tax Ciassse} ttec. 78 N=.rf#man ar,d igi#a^ F Wolf Wa!#aq. fisdfi7 °,.
<br />IfIafOW A'a.L A#EI'+I $y THERE pFt~SENTB: That Carrell B. 8olmes and Barbara Holmes, Husaand an<
<br />Wife, sash individually in his and her own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall Cctmty, s~ State o€ Nebraska , in consideration of ti^e sum of
<br />-----------------------IHDL:...,:.5
<br />02tE THOIT$AND fiW0 HU"13DR~ FORTY-THREE AND 611144----°----
<br />i8, hand , da hcxeby SELL acd CO1dVEY unto The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />~ Hall Cannty, State of Nebraska the €ol4owing described Premises sittteted
<br />in Hall County, sad State of Nebraska • to•wit:
<br />Lnt Two (2), Block Eight (8), Westview Addition to the City
<br />of Grat+_d Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />,.:~
<br />~-w
<br />...+
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an ahealute title in tee simple, including all the eights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND 1'O HOLD the premises above described, with ell the appurtetsanc~ thearunto belonging. unto the eaad ''
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, hor or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these Presents arc upon the e:preea '
<br />condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrtor or aestgtts ehadl pay of caws to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagee(s), his, her or their heirs, executor. administrator or assigns. the principal sum of i 1, 263.61
<br />P^yabte a: lat. ::. w sit:
<br />Payable in monthly payments of 5118.45 on the 1st day of each tenth, including
<br />principal and interest, with the first payment due November 1, 1981 and on the
<br />1st day of each »mnth thereafter, with final payment being due October 1, 1982.
<br />with interest acxordits(i is the teaur and etYesK of the mortgagors waittest Rrowissory note beariryt evBn date with these preeeots
<br />and shall pay aU taxes and assessments leviarl upon said real estate, and all other tales, levies sad asw~ssmrntr levied upon this ~
<br />moatgage or the stole'whieh this morytase is given to secure, before the setae becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on '
<br />said pre>< inauttd for the sum of S 1243.61 .toss, if any. pryable to the said mortgagee, then these prsisseenta
<br />to be void. otherwise to be and remain in lull foece.
<br />IT IS F'UR'THER ACItEk,D 411 'T'hat it the said mortgagor shall fait to pay aunts to:a ar pruc-ure sus:n in~ntras~, t'tce p
<br />said tortgagee may gay such ta:e« and procure sw:h inscuranez: and the sum so advanced, with interest. at per
<br />cent, slsall he reRa~,i Gv ~~ mctatgt. and the rssorigs~~ nail slang sss s~,~;~.Y far .,W s:usE. tom) ':~'`•at a fai3u~ ~ ~.; a~-Y
<br />~r .: -~.-. ~i??;t'r s ...,.-3.~ ~. us~r~t ,~iset ne s..:::; -~ vc.,ea e;ur. ~,- a taat;tre t~ :~rl_ ~.1: a.~zy ~ .~. t-~ag
<br />agreements, sfialt cause fhz whGla au.-n ae rnexisey hersn ~- ~=nd t~= ~~ =tea duz amt ce+tlestibte at ot~~ at the ~Rti~ w rrm z
<br />tt7Kirtga~~• .
<br />~tt1t4 l~,t QaY Pt ()~tL ear 1~ V3. - - - -
<br />._..~ --...r. _y i -
<br />in presence oI ~.... .. :.- t
<br />Carroll B. Hv1iM4 j.
<br />,-
<br />Barbara Holmes;
<br />..NEBRASKA ................:
<br />~`I',A'i'E OF ... ....................... t~ounty of ......HALL,
<br />'Cho foregoing itttatxutnent was ackttowledgttd btrtore me ..... .
<br />by ............................
<br />t9 .8i. .
<br />.-.:"~..~.4
<br />Sigttatttte of
<br />Title
<br />l3BSRASKA
<br />'A.TE........._...,...._...• ..............................----.----.1 Etttared oa nutuerit-al index and tUed [or rckmrri
<br />f ~ ss' iu the Register of Dawfa QUice of said County the
<br />( County .....---..=..~aiA,yi,........ _ ...............................
<br />1 ad..___..e,...__ .............................. lta...... -...., at..-.-.... _............_o'ctoclt and......_..._.._ .._.-....-.minutes M.,
<br />~ ..............__.,.. day
<br />i aatd tecard+xi La R~oo3s ..................................d...............-......... - ....at gaga......_..._ .__ - ..._ .._ .
<br />#3v. _ .... DeRutY
<br />T
<br />
<br />