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~~~TCit~GE ~ -r- l~ t ~ ~~ <br />Tt4fS IND$AiTUEF,, s--~- thia__ -- 3Uth _. ---- day of-_ Sepfiember _ - 1181_ _ , by and between <br />6di21it3m L, Giwder aitd Joyce I. Goode', husband and wife, each in his and her own ____ <br />right aad as.ffpouse o£ the other <br />of Hal I -County, Nebraska, as mortgagor S __, and Hotta Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation <br />orgatr3ttC~and existing under the taws of the Llnlted States of America with its principal office and piece of business at C,rand tsiand, Nebraska, az <br />mtxtga~e; <br />IYIT'dESSETH: That said mortgagor 3 .,_...~, for and in rnnsideration of the sum of_ _ <br />**Two Thousand Two Htmdred Two and Ob/100ths** ,,_ ~€k2.D6 <br />the reeeipi of whidt is hereby ackttowkdged, do ~___ by these presents morigagtand warraptnnioaeid mortgagat;--its atrccessors and assigns, <br />farever, all the fdlowing descritr_d real estate, situated in the County of Hal l <br />and Sate of Nebraska. to-wir. <br />The South One Hundred Eighty-three and Four Tenths Feet (183.4') of the North <br />Three Htmdred Sixty-six and Eight-Tenths (366.8) Feet of Lot Nine (9) in Geer <br />Subdivision being part of the Northeast Quarter (NE-1J4) of Section Nine (9}, <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M. in Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with atl heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing eyufpmeat and fiaiures, including scroens, awnings. storm windows and <br />doors, aad window shades[ or blinds, used on or in connection wif.h said property, whether the same are now located on said properly or frereaftor <br />Placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HaLB THE#iAME,-togetiwr with ail end singular the trrrerrnnts. hereditatrrants and appurtenances thenxrMu be- <br />kingiog, or in aspwiee appertaining, forever, aad warrant the ut~ to the sane. 9eitt morgagaz5-_-. hezabY covenant --. with said <br />mortgagee that .. ... G httX. -.. -.~H.. _ .. , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owners of the premistre above conveyed and descritasrh <br />arrd __ ~~~__... seised of a good arxi indefeasible esiaW of inheritance tlee:eie=, free aral clear of atl era:umbrancea. ami thai_t _ he ~_ witl <br />wan'attt and ds~d LI'~ ,~-<tle ?~reta forever aga3rrs=_- tixe claims end detvatt$= rat all t~s whamsaever. <br />pRgY I~~9 AL~V AYS, aad this inatrvm~tt is executed aed dellvenaf to ~r are the paytneni of the sum of _ -- __ - __- -_ -- -__ <br />¢* ~o •"h a ~w u drud Two t~.d 06: '_:'^=hs*# Ltoiiars to ~ _ 2n~ _ 06 _ , <br />+B;t~ m[iVYat th6~. taY~£ar wrath such cfrargts arxi advaua~ ==- >~av ire due ansf payafiw3 su saiei nmritcaiy - n.eucr t`~ re~en and evraiiti;,trri <br />of iha pttotuiray. oats of even data hetawith and sra:unxi hereby, executed by nerd mortgagor ~ .. io said mortgagee, payabh+ as expreaard <br />Ht da18~-'tile. afrEF W WebrBt~ f7~teriuarx~ 8f ail tsia t€rma sari cunsittsarrs cua`saurae -slrer2us. i rra ice: x:ks of qua ntixi~ are e:es~isy usixust+e~'a <br />_ ~. <br />It is the intptttion artd agreement of the parties Ewrela that thfa marigsye nhaU else' sw~ure my luture advarreea made u> said mortrtagur -_- s <br />try [raid rnortgpgae, sod any and all indebtedness m addition w the amount afwve swteti which snit! mortgagors, ur any of them, may awe w <br />said mortgages, however evidenced, whaitwr by rww, tmok account or otherwise. 'This mortgage shall remain in full tortes and ettect trrtwsam <br />the partiaa hereto and their heirs, personal r~resantatives. successors and assigns, until all nmounus secured heraurrdrr, including future <br />advattcaa, are paid is fit[1 with interest. <br />l`les mortgagor ~ _-- hereby assign to awiri murigrgee all rnnts red incomr arising at nny aad aN timrss hoar seal property arul <br />AatsbY authtu•ixe seal ntottgagoe err its agrrrt, ai stn optaun, upon defau![, to take ckrarge of said prrtprrty and cuUect all re uts and le'arn' <br />tharefrosa and apply the agate to the payment at intrteat, prirxipat, insurance premiums, taxes, asaossments, repairs ur impravunwnts <br />t0 ~..¢>~dv ~ tenantalJa tv,nfst;nn, >Y w nth r:lsargup err payaamta provided fur herein to ti the now hmvlry~ set:ansl.. `f hrs <br />root aaHgnlrlBat shall coatiwre in lorr:s until the unpaid Iralaas:e of srid rww is fully paid. The taking of pussessian herounder slurp in nu tnariarr <br />prevent or retard said rtwergagae in the collect.ron of said sums by turacfusure or uthanvise. <br />Ttra fathrtw M tlr tmrtpgee to assert any of Ira rights irercwndar at any time shalt not be r[rttetrued sa a waiver of rte right La assort the <br />snare at spy prior tiare,_and t.o insint upon and enfart~ strict cumplisrxv with a)I the wrtrts and provisiurrs of said ratty artil ert thss rru;rtgake. <br />It acid migpft;Mgor.. 9 shsA cauwr to be paid W said rmttgarlee tlse enure aauxtnt due it hereunder, and urrdtu the wrms end pray isruns <br />M acid outs 1>ltaby wt+tted, ipduding future advarrcns, and any axu;naians err renewals thete,al in arx:ordaace with the tertna and prtrvrsatns <br />t~eaaf, rat ii tt#ad mnet~or ti__.... shall catugiv with all the wnviaiuna of said note end of klrie mortgage. teen tlreau pruaenta stunt ba . old. <br />oifrarwiaa to rgmttin irii~focu aad eihct, sari said moaiptgse emdi oe entit~ai vi [ire poaasesion of wii of said piavety, aad [nay, at its ~gtl.;,.,a. <br />th+eltere the v~plE al Wald note and ail a representMi thereby to ha imreediawly due anti payable. end Wray torw•tusa this nwrigattc <br />a cake aqY #~ iirtpil action irr prtKact its tight. Appraiaessent waived. <br />Thin tttazfgegte shalt be biodiag upon aad shalt enure to tl;re b'''efit of thr heirs, exeavWrs, admrtustraurro, auctiesatus and asaigna uF tli.~ <br />tsc`~iwa paw htx~at•v. <br />itsi WI'FNt::~S LVIII~AEC7l=, said Mortgagor a.. he ve hereunto set their trend _~._, the day and firer first ,thus, <br />. _. <br />ra+rfttari. r n , <br />f:~ <br />' 1 <br />eta. .S ...t _ ~__a.._ <br />