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<br />__ ___... day of ___~~ __.__ ... . _ ... - , 19 _ _.. by and between <br />ors !xn»rva~, tae tztfe_~~ <br />~t%tkae.~ t3. _ Pau.P.iefiz_ artd_l~r.baha E..--Puu.~.iek,_furh band_an~_uu~2_ ------ <br />of ~~~ Cotmty, Nebraska, as mortgagor b ~, and Home Federal Saving and Loan Association of Grand island. a corporation <br />organiit+d and existing trade the laws of the United States of America with its principal oEF« atW place of btuittess at Grand Island, Nebnska, as <br />mOrfga6at: <br />Wi'i'NESSE7'H: That said mortgagor_~_____ ,for sold in consideration of the sum of_ <br />S°atrDtetu ice, IdtQt~~d-t~AlG¢. T33'_RIt~hDf! ~Pl1PYffl~-~y~~-~. ~-9~ ~ 04„x_,__). <br />the tYSxs of which is ackrtow . v~?~ <br />{~ herebY , do ~_ ~_._. _ by thane presents mortgage and ttttlat~s attd assigns, <br />fruever, all the folbwittg described real state, situased in the County of <br />and Stan of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Lot Foun 14 J .crt B2oek S.i.x (6 - , Mo~„i,9 Fourth Add.~ti-on zo .the <br />City o~ Gxand Yafand, Ha,ee County, Nebrtaeka. <br />Tottoe6ea With all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment end fixtures, including screens, awnings, sWrm windows and <br />doors, and window ahadm or blinds, used on or in connection with said prepeny, whether the same ere now kxatad on said property ur hereafter <br />plead thttreon. <br />TO HAYF> pND TO H4GA THE SAAiE, together with aL' and singular the tenements. hereditanrnts and appurtenances thereunto be- <br />bnging, or in aaywiae appertaining, forever, and Warrant the title W the same. Said morgagorb-~ hereby covenant with said <br />mortgagee that -_ -. ~ he ...--1~_ .111LQ. .. , st the delivery hereof, the lawful anner d... of the premises above convoyed and described, <br />.~_.~.~.__ seize-~rtd of a d and indaieaa estate of inhentanep the.:.. ft~sa seal ear o1 sL enettmb~anc~es, atal that _:~. h~ _ will <br />~._ t~ rL t~L rim„ f.~ `-t the e_t_ _.~- r~ sad dar~tnds of all perspns W homsasver. <br />PR()Vl(l~;D ALFYAYS, and thin instrumaat is exxuted and delivered W saute the paytnan6 ai the sum of <br />S.a~t~~eaa T_hcL~~nd a-Nt'_~ ce_~e-rttt%.±(~Ve_att.~t OO~,lfl~tg_ <br />_- ._-~.~.~~-- ~- ~~ 1.7=475. U4- <br />wit}= {Rt ~, ~ a-ith ~6 cls~e?, ::~ advaae~ ~ =s mar tta due and aayab~ tct said tturrtgagee antler the tartan aitd wnditicrn, <br />elf the pro>tiiaser~raitro of ~ixt data e`,eae~ v t arwe ~ii'ufe-f. hem`s . ~aeca''.~„'-' by = ttz3rtgaa;,~ _~_ t:; xaitf :rusrt~~, payable as exprrs~~ <br />°~ t~.l, ate- ~. ~=r9 t~ ,~••~,.~.•,~° car wss cee _r~~s aa~ e-®a._s~a .a~~„~ r~ra.u. , se ~r..~ eh asw xNas ~.z ..c=e.=_ r....a..~., <br />-~ €~s -sntee _ - -- - - <br />!t k tLa inuntion sad agraeataat, of the patties ItenNo that thu mwtLraga xh+,dl ako secure any iutttra advuxas made w said mortgagor__ .~ <br />by said mortgagee, seal arty and ail indnbtedneas in addition w rite amount above stated whu~i, said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to <br />said ntartgagae, httwaver evidautxd, whether by note. book acawnt or otherwise. 1'hts mortgage shall remain in full fins and efiact ttetwet^n <br />tJbe patties hereto amt their heirs. personal rape aaantattvrx, suceasstxs and assigns, until all amounts saluted hernundar, including Euturn <br />advane~, era paid in full with itttareat. <br />7~he w d-__ },s„rby msigo - __ to said ntoreg+tII+~ ail roars and utettme arising at any and al! times feom nerd property and <br />hanby nufhorira said tnorypigae ur its agent, at tw apLiott, upon default, w take charge of seed property seal collect all rnnts attd ittcumr <br />tharafrara and apply the same ro the paytt~nt oftntsrcwt, prin,cipel, msurattee pterniutns, florae. assesstttants, repairs ur impnnetranta <br />naopaaary to itwp ttald ptttpaiy is Gataatithla ~+~~~:5 ;, of w othrx charges or pnymattts provided ter hataitt or in 4ha no W hwatty socuted. Phis <br />teat ai:rigarcattt shall continua in ion:e until rise unpaid balance of saw torte is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall iu nn manner <br />prevattt or rrstarel said mortgagee to the cultx:taw of said sums by ttxeclosuro ur otherwise. <br />`pfaa failiure ul tae ~ ut assort any of its rights hes€ttndt4 at stare titrtc shall not ha cnnat.ruod as a waiter of its right to assort: the <br />same ai any In t.i~, and in inaia6 upon tttx! anlott: strict cornpiiancr with all tits ta'rtus and provisions of said twte and of this ttx,rtgage. <br />!f said ata[I,(pagor d shall cause to ba paid W said mtu'4pisaa the settee auxMtnt due tt hnretmdar, and utxler the terms and ptvvisians <br />of acid Hots Matal#>' aectuted, inehttlia{{ future advattcea, seal any axtensioret or renewals thereat in acconlant~ with the tartan and pruviaiuns <br />tftaraol, ant! d trtdd alt 3_-.., affil axnp{y with ail the ptariaitt>ts ui said Hole itrtd of tiros marigaga, than theaF prosant• shall tta d°oid: <br />,i~,~=.~lar_ay,~wq~.~pi ~.v..tutt ~. «nt~d cf rJ~e ttnaspxaian p( all 01 seal praoparty, end nmy, at its, tuttiwr, <br />Aaclpt+s iir ttr(tpla of said noia sad all ~aa ntptaeentad thueby W he imtnediately due attd payable, and may foracictsa this nwttitaytt- <br />ea spy ntlitx ~ a¢tutn to pteea€t ii+ . Appraisatnant waited. <br />7'hia tnortgitEa shall be 6iadiug upon std shall saute to the berattt of rite brae, executors, administrators, suctvaanrs and assigns of the <br />isay!nttir;pact-lei hereto, _ <br />1H W!'1'fV k.H:;{ W4fER~7k, acid Ivlur{gegurd ha tlE.. hnreunt+t set >:iiQ.{„lt hfttd ~ tlw day, and year brat atn?ta <br />.° ~ J , <br />wri6tea. ^ j~ ~ f/ <br />~ ~ ,. <br />,.- f. <br />fia~a c, Ftattt%cl~ <br />