<br />-.- --- - . 19 ____.. by and between
<br />T}91& SNHI+:NRRiR~, raetk ttt~__ 30th..--------_-'fay oi_. September 81
<br />Jerome 3, Czaraick and Sandra J. Czarnick, husband and wife,-,each in his and her __
<br />-own right slid as spcuee of the other, _ ___
<br />of x$11 Coanty, Nebraskr. as mortgagor 9 ,and Home Federal Savings arai Loan Association of Grand lslrnd, a crorporation
<br />orgattirad-and existing antler the laws of tM United Slates of America with its principal offi« and piece of business at Qrafld tsisnd. Webraska, as
<br />»;
<br />WITlYESSE7H: That said mortgagor S ,Car and in consideration of the sum of ~___._____A __
<br />*Fourteen 2tfousand One Hundred Thirteen and Noil00ths*'~~ ,.~,~} 1
<br />`_ r ,u~W4 °~-----
<br />tpZ raeelpt of which is hereby acktwwledgecl, do ___- by these presents mortgage and w~rt~A~>',~1g~11 ,
<br />forexer, all the following described rest cetera, sftwted in the County of .__ -Hall _`_~
<br />anti State of Nedtraska; to-wit:
<br />Lot Four (4) in Block One Hundred Twenty-four (124), in Union Pacific
<br />Ral3way Company's Second AddiCion to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Tag+,atlter with all frrting, air conditiotdag. lighting, and plumbing equipment and factures. including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, anti window shrdar or hliods, used on rn rn con[faction with said property, whether the same aze nnw located nn said property or hereafter
<br />Pik thereon.
<br />- TQ HAYE AND TO HOLD THE GAME. together with all and sia&ular the tenements, heresUCatnents and appurtenances thereunto br~
<br />Igragsng, or iu anywise appeetsiairrg, torewr, and warrant the title to the same. 9eid morgxgor__9._ hereby cwvemnt .. ..with said
<br />gpRsaaQee that _.._._.. fhe ~C.__ era- , at the delivery hereof, tM lawful owner ~... of the peemiaen above conveyed and descriheti,
<br />,..
<br />and...-~_. _ eared of a gam and indefayaibte estate of irrheritan3e ttretein, ir$a scut ct~i of all ear uarbrant~a, amt thst_~__tte.Y_. xitl
<br />ce!r.~- "' t'~ ti"~ ~~~ ..^'~~- >~°;~~ ` {lsit:..` am .i~..,.,,.t. of r}t ~~sr ~ whnr~w-=var.
<br />.- FiQYlA6b xiLt~ AYS, atxl this inetrumaat is executed att:t delivered to secure the pay ment of the sum of . _ - . -_.__. _.__ __ . -
<br />etsgo~~~eee Thous~d 0~ kttpdred Thirte•~n and No/l0pths**t~r~14,113_.00_
<br />--~ t ~ wits. ~h _~ :,~ w3y_ - .Ty !ie d~ alai `ag•nts#e to said rrarr~a undcz the terms and rorrdituns
<br />-af fl`~ p>~siwary tease sf sv~a data i~soa::tr. atul secured ewreby. ea~uted Gy said mortgagor ~... tE said rrs: ~~e€, f~ayablc a:~ expre~~!
<br />,~ -a=te ~ ~~"•` ----- -~.~..~bt '>~~~ •"
<br />~~e
<br />!t is rho intention axi agrasmsnt o! the part.ier hereto that this mortgage shall also secure any future rdvatx:es made w said mortgagtu• _S_.
<br />by tatid mort*pgae, and any sad all uutahtednese in addition to the anwunt above stated whicb said mortgagors, or any of thatn, nwy uwr lu
<br />ettid.msrSga~ae, howeverexidenasd, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect tretween
<br />tJte pertiart iwrato and tttete hairs, perao~! rapreatltNUtivea, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hen+utxlar, irtcludiug futon
<br />advrtsoea, are pall in full with interest.
<br />The »wxtgagot_....t3,_. ltarebY assign ____ to said mortgayae ell mats and income arisititt at any end all tirnm from said property and
<br />l~traby rutlwrise said martgrgea or its agent, rt its option, upon default. w take charge of acid Property and eaUect x31 rents arul rncomr
<br />titateirom end apfaly the same to t~ peymwrt of inter+aet. principal. inaarance prumiuraa, texas, assea'~. slants, repairs ar impruveuwots
<br />aauOgNyt41 :1'it ip tenrtal;ttitle ooadition, or to other charges ur peymaptx proxidad flu lwrniai or in the torte hereby secured. 7'hra
<br />root tuat~naitaut shall continue is tone until the unpaid brlraee of said clots is fatly paid. 1'he taking of puaaaaaiun haraunder shall in tart enmuror
<br />provent of retaty! ssld ntortgagaa in the collection of said awes 4y fweclosurc or otherwise.
<br />- T#te~taU+tro o€ the tt(;aa to ssastt any of its ryfhta twreundar at any time shall net 6e rnnstrttsd ss a waive of-ire ri~it to assert. the
<br />as at say lafai'-.ttata, and to ittsiat upou and cVtfur't~ striet compliance with all cite terms and provisions at said reut.+ and at this nwrtt{agv.
<br />11 utid,t9 rhrU aura to ba paid W sad trwrtgaaee kha antics amount due it herattndar, and wider the temrs salt penv felons
<br />of saW mfr hereby a~tuatl, lpcluding futuea rdvatrres, sad any esteneiona nr rxamxals Ihemof in accordance with the terms and pravtsitms
<br />thereof. axed 1¢ ~ mati~ilr~t~..~.._. ebaA s~P1Y with all the provrswna ui said nine and of thin mart*at[e. thaat tlre~ press-mts a-halt hr. v.,iil.
<br />ei~~r-.;.e',.r t~ at ea : ~fae_t. ac : a:i,-' m~ sbal! ba ~t:t~+ t3 t~ Pes_~ss~rt of all ei rte! ~Farty. sad ma~_ at ua aptiwr,
<br />dst~raa.tlttt+:f ea~•nale and ril i~§4doaaa neptnauntad tltaohiy ttr bs immediately dun and payable, aqd may tosacloaa this nrortgarte
<br />ttdta;_ any uihar at4t~rn tit pmtet'k eta->. Appraiarmen€ waited.
<br />Thkr mpa ehttU he lfittdtn¢ upon red shall enure W the benefit of the heirs, executors, adminiatnton, sutsao-xaura and rsaigtts of the
<br />ty3ix~e'parttae lt~eto-
<br />IN LL'fTN W11BRF.GF, said AStrKgagor. s .. ha ~~.__ herwtnto a~ ._-their hand ~'..._ the day and .ear brat aixn.
<br />.wrfttsa• t"~~
<br />...--
<br />., - .~ a
<br />3 ~J': is
<br />