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82--~)ii50~~ <br /> <br />u/1~(~~~1~~{ ~~€© <br />8egintt McDermott Walsh, a widow, and <br />Algae NaDermott Thorpe. a W idow <br />F.Itcn fr .lo3f GomWaq', t.iaxofa, abr. <br />herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br />is c~lderstion of Twenty-siz ThousY:ud Three $nndred ;?'orty-seven Dollars and Ninety-five <br />Cents ($26.347.93) <br />removed from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br />Wilbur J . NcCnmber <br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the follo«•ing described real prnperty in <br />................................Hall.............................. County, Nebraska: <br />Southeast t~,tarter of the Southeast (SB;SEt) Quarter of Sectioa Thirty (30}, <br />Township Tea (10) Forth, Range Eleven {11) 'neat of the 6th P.N. is Hs11 <br />County, Nebraska, except the following described portion of said treat, viz.: <br />A treat of land consisting of varying width stxip ad3acent to the road right- <br />of xqr along the Blast side of said Southeast Qnarter (S~) of Section Thirty <br />(30), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11} East of the 6th. P. M. con- <br />taining .18 acres, more or less, deeded to the Countti of Aall, State of <br />Nebraska by Q#~it Claim Deed on date of Nay 19, 1919, and recorded is the office <br />of the Bsgister of Deeds of $all Conntq, ;Jebrasica, in Book 128 of Deeds at <br />?ags 2TS thereof; And also A treat of land previnuely deeded to said grantee <br />and his wife in the said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast (SFtSBI}} Quarter <br />of said Sectioa Thirty (30). <br />IT BB:I13G TAE I3'TE1+iTi0)I OB 93.,i FAETIES HEItEi'0 T$AT YFIT$ T$IS COR'GA'YAIiGE TAE <br />SAID WII.HUB J. NcCIIICiEE AND 71II,EIIR S. ,•ScCUNBER Ah~~ BERNADINE u. 14cCL'NSBR WII.I. <br />BE THS Otft7E8S OF T$E :.2iT2$E S0~*THF~ST QL7ARTE& OF THE SO^T?iEAST QnARTSR (SBItSEt) <br />OF SAiD SICCTION THIRTY (30}. <br />To have and to hold the above aieacribcd premises together with all tenements, hereditameats <br />sad appurtenances thereto belonginP onto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns <br />that grantor is Iawfnlly seised of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance <br />that grantor has good right sad lawful authority to oonvey the same; and that grantor warrants and will <br />defend the tattle tie said premises s;sitt~ tho lawful claiws of ali persoes whamsoev$r, <br />I~atsfl ~Y' ~ ~+~ i9 71 <br />~ - -- s <br />~,~.~~ <br />KICHIGiN <br />STATE OF ~ County of ............... ~,~........... <br />........... ......(~:....~~:i~,~a~t:.... %~,... <br />l3sfore nee. a notary public qualified for said county, personally came <br />tae !Inl7srsrott Thorp#, a widow <br />............................... <br />~~~TATEMENT ATTACHED <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY. <br />STAMP TIC <br />~..t~.,,._ BY ~ <br />IwdRn W me to be the ideotioal pbrsna oe persaua who sigued the foregoing instrument and seknowledged <br />tMs stteeutioa thereof to bs Mart..~kttiE`gs:,>rF-4ir;xnsluatary set sod deed <br />,, <br />Witness my head. +u~d ~tet~s.eti gu;-.•.,,.. ...„_ --- ...,........ .~2.~,~~.......: 19...71.... <br />t <br />lily eonsmisyiort r=pit hs t!i°!9fX .PyN.ti:. a:~4 + °ai n q~~ ;; x~= <br />~r t`aoxeoYew-n i „ace, -_. <br />