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.,-- -- � <br /> ..:_...�_�._�., _ : .-r. , ...�:__ . - — <br /> �. _ _ _ .. . __ <br /> . , ��. �- -- _ _ _ _ <br /> ,_ - - �'- -_ - ` ' �... ,_ �.,-:,;L::�=- _ <br /> �:- - - _�t: - --- -.-- - - - . . - _. : ,92� � <br /> - - - --�:� � _ . . . ._ :- -:fo�o�� <br /> :�-:: _ � _ _ _ <br /> _ — < < � <br /> - - � �� __ , . ._ . <br /> TQ�iE[HER wrrEC�it�tt�improvemeotsmw or 6aatta eeccea on ina pcopaty.ane au�nb,appae�r�oa.,aa <br /> . � fi�wtes eorv or baaRsr a p�t of i!rc propecty. All reptaoaaaxs and.additiong,sh�1l dso be ooverod bSr tins Sa�{ <br /> � v <br /> - Iasuume�t•Ail of tLt:fore�oit�g�s nPate�w iit tlu�s Socuritg i�uommt as the�Ptupe�Y•" : . <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS tl�t Bomawer is lawfu!!y seised of tLc est�oe here6Y conveyod aod has tlx rig6t to gr�at ud ` , <br /> , a�►veg the Prope�ty utd t�at tl�c.Pcapetty is unrncambR�ed,,txceQt for eacutu6ca�oes of tornrd;Bocrawet aartadts and w�71` : <br /> de(eod gcnerally the tiile W tbe P�opestY against�lf claia�atid demands.subject to any encamhrancss of reoont. <br /> � T1�LS SECiJRiTlf INSfRUMENT oomhivcs unifomn tova�ar►ts for nationai use and nnn-unifom�ravcmmts�vith limitad <br /> -- ---— v�ri�tians bY ju�iuliction to constit�ce a ueifam�socurity inatummt covuiag[wl p�opeRY• ' <br /> ' UNIFORM QUVENAI�ITS.Borrower acd t.a�der aoven�mt and agroc as foltaws: <br /> , � 1,�Yo�E at PtiAdpd a�d 1Me�d;P�+ePYmaM a�d ��� Barmatr shatl P�P�Y PaY �n dae the � <br /> pziacipall of aod inter�c on[hc Qe6t evidenced by�tbe Note aad anY P�Y�t ard tate charges dne nrder tI�e Noce. <br /> - Z�Fi�foc Tas�aod Ie�uneK SubJc�t to a�Plicabk hw or to a writts�waiver bg Ir,nder. Botmwec shaU pay m <br />= l�nder on the day monthlY P�F�s ar�e due under the Nate.u�nii the Note is paid in fuil.a svm t"Funds")far.(a)yearlY tu�+ <br /> and assasmeea whicb may nttain priority ovec this Security Instiument as a lia►on the Pmperry:(b}YeartY teasetwl�PaY�s <br /> __ os gnuund re�us on tltie Pcopesty.if�1Y hazacd or propecty insurance pr�niums:td?Y�Y flood i�ran�r prcmivms. <br /> � iu <br /> ::<. if�ny:(a)Y�9��8�insur�nce pran'suau,if any:and(fl ang surns Paqabie by Bormwes to Leader. en accordancr with <br /> 'the provisionsQipangnph lias of ttfe payment of mortg�ge ins�uanoe preminms.7'hesc items are calted'Escrow Itaas., <br /> l.eodcr�y time.colEect apo lwtd FUnds in an amount not to exoeed the maaimum atnount a lender for a federaQy <br /> ref�tod mortgage ioan arry�cquire for Bom�wer s escmw a¢caunt under tha federal Reat Estate Setitrneru Procadares Act vf - - <br /> 1474 as arnaded fmm 6me to time. 12 U.S.G Se�tion 26QI et seq-("�#'a").�S��w that aPPties ta tLc Fwds : <br /> - seas a lesser tinauit:If so. l�endet may. az airy rime. btlecc aad 6oTd Fwtds in an amaunt not m a�ceed c6e t�ser amouzst. . <br />. �,eMer may atiq�ate the amount of Fwjds'due on thc basis of current d�ta aad reasonable�tes of eapenditta�s of futare --- <br /> Fscraw tiems os otherwise ia aocordar�ce wit6 applicabte faw. ' ---- <br />_ • 71�e•Funds st�all be held in an institntion whosc deposits ane ituttr+ed by a federdl ageaeY.insdumrntaliry, or emitY <br /> � `" (iacluding Lender.if Lender is such an institution)ur in any Federal Home La�n Bank.Lender shall apply the Fmids to pay t6e . _�_-_ <br /> �•; , �-==__ <br /> � , Escrow items.Lender may not charge Borrower for ho2diag and applying the Funds,annually analrzing the esc�nw aocouat,or --.�,.,.�,_ <br /> . . �..�"�,� <br /> --_ ,,�,�.�4: - vsrifying the Escrow Ite�.unless Lender pays Bosrower tLe Fimds attd apPlicabte law pe�miu l.ender to maice such �=,�=:.F <br /> a charge.Hawever.Lender may require Borrower ta pay a one-time charge far an independent real estate tax reparting service ���°V.�� <br /> �_ - , usod 6y Lec�der in oonnection wlth this loan, unless applipble law provides ot6envise. Unless an agreement is made or n��s� <br /> +` , w r an interest or qmi on the.Functs. _ �"��-��` <br /> ` '�,w��,`.. applicabie law requires interest to be paid.Le�tder shalFnot be required to pay Boma e y � �.-•��.�• <br /> �_s. ��°�- <br /> Borcower�rd Lender may agree in ariting,however. that interest shail be paid on the Fuads. L.ender shall give to Borrower. ��f��7-;_,: <br /> � without charg�.an annual siccounting of the Functs:showin�credits�d debits to the Fands and the purpose for which eadc ,.��. �.�_-,_' <br /> ��:-�,�_-- <br /> ., . �:..,_:.�;� `' debit to the Fateds�was made.The Fu�s are pledged as additiona!security far all sums secured by t6is Security I�strumau. � E��.�- <br /> � ff the Fundy held by[.ender exreed the amaunts pemiitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Horrowec �i'�:' <br /> , - �T��Y' fortho exccss Funds in aceorct�ttice with the requirert�ents of applicable law.If We amount of the Funds held by Lender at any �_�'-=_: <br /> . a:. ,. <br /> � �� _ time u nat sufficient to pav t�:�scraw items when due.[.ender may so natify Barrower in such c�se Barrowe� �•,:�;�;�:- T <br /> • �'�"L�'"- s5alf paY ta Lender the anuy:rt�ecessary•to make up the deficiency. Borrower shali make up the def ciency in nv more thau �;�,��': �-. <br /> :��,_:., ,:. '� <br /> �=';''- ' tw•eive monthly Leader's sofe discretion. <br /> .::;,i �, -:. . <br /> ' ,�e;�:�;� ••.;-,-, Upon pa��ttent in fu'.t�ruf all�sums cecured by tbis Sec:urity tnurument, l.ettder shall prompdy refund to Borrawer ac� , <br /> ..,. . <br /> _. . .• .....�.�'�'---� --- - . -- <br /> °r:•. •,�r �� Funcis hetd by Le�tder.if.ur.der paraDrapfl 21.Lcndcc shalt acquire or se!!the Property,l.ender,prior to the acquiset➢nn or saSe _, _. , ._ <br /> ' , �`;'�'1;�' of t'L�e Pcaperty;sha1�appty�any Furtds held hy Lender at the time af acquisition ar sate as a credit again5t the swrb secured by <br /> ' ��"'�` .-x;.r.. this Securicy Instrument. • • . : <br />' ' � � `'�;��� � 3.AppTcafiqn ot Payments.Un1es�agplicablc law provides atherwisc,all payments received by I.ender under paragraphs : _. <br /> . '��"'�.. ;• � l and 2 shal}�tY applied:iirst. to any pr�ment charges due under the Note: artx�unts payabte under paragraph 2: <br /> r°:, , <br /> _ • � �,`.::� interest principal due:and any late chargec due undcr thc Note. . . � - <br /> ` ;;:-.�-~ __ � 4,Chatges;I,iens.Bc,,r�c��•er shall pay all tazes,asce�sments,chatges. fines and impcnitioas attribntable to the Property ;• <br /> � '�`"""i� '" . � �fiich may attain priority o•.��his Security Instrumen� �.�d Icaschold paymentc or graund rent�r.if a�ry. Borrawer shall p�y �'��+�:�.� � ; <br /> .«'±, , r : . , ,',�r,`�'�:<;'. <br /> >��'"` �•' these obligations i»�he manner pravided`���^aragraph 2,or if nat paid i�that manner.Bnrrower shall pay them an time diractl} r,�:r,.•.•• �� <br /> ,. .. „i:._:- ,.,,�,; . �t?;;���:.� <br /> � :;"..:; ' _`�=�,:;;��;:�:° . to the person owed payment. Barrower ss��:�r�rompily fumi�+h to i.endi-�all natice�oi'amnunts ta bc paid under this par��*ra�`.+:'� t;�;��>� •. _ <br /> �,<<i,:. <br /> �" '� � .��� °�t�• lf Borrower malces these dyment5 directt'� '$orrowcr shall ror iI�+umish tn Lcndcr recci t�cvidcncin ihe ayments. i;;�'.;;;�r, ' ; - <br /> �,��. . P' 3• p S .'- P• s P . <br /> ��""`. � Borrower shaU ram tf dischar e an tten which h�.� rc o�er this Sccuril la�trument unless Bnrrowe.:f�a)$•�'��n �;; • <br />�. i.�• _. !F'�.'".i ' �I`�. . <br /> , � .: 4h•�.-.�•.: . . P P S` S Y � � ��'ttS", Y z ,� �r, <br /> � �y ,s•i r�:� :. , • ariting ta the payment of t�:o�bligati�n secured by the t�:�t"s�t a n�anaer acreptablc to I.cndcr:lb1 C(+nles(s iO gnod f�:�S[!`1S7iii�;1• . <br /> ' '' ��'�� �.1'�Ty••.�.41�'!•j.'� <br /> :,::.� �-.- �;, hy, or defends against enfarcemcnt of t1:e tien in.�tefial proccedinry whicfi in thc Lcndcr'� �.pini�n aperate to�pre�e.:t ehx., <br /> lr;,�,,. � <br /> ' • •• enfarcement of'the lien:or Ic)secures fraa�t':c holder nf the lien str s�reement ti�ti�fact��ry to l.cnder�ube�rdinatin�the tiec xsr _ <br /> ' ''�'`� � ,,��:!,,+;,� ' this Sccurity Instrument. If Lendcr detcrminc�that any part �+f the Pre�peny i��uhjcrt U•u licn which may attuin priority over � <br /> . � � . ¢his Security lnstrnment,Lencler may give&�auwer a��t;ce identifying the lien. Borrower�hall�uti�fy the lien or take une or <br /> . . �;`>..: "•• � more of the actions sct forth abcwe within 1U da}��of trt�-i�:ag oP nutice. . � <br /> � � ' ' ' ' . iorm 3028 9J90 . ' <br /> . ,�;ii..' � � • <br /> � ' � �... � .�'`I . . P�Z C» . • .. <br /> � � � . ' . 1�)i'� - . <br /> � . . ' - . ;IS'. ' . <br /> . ..�/ . . . -: . , . <br /> . . ` �. . " ..,'• � _ _ ' i. . . <br /> ... �. . --. .. . . .__ ___ __ . __ _. . ._ ' • _' _. __ . ' <br /> , .. .._. ' .... _.__. _ _ .. ... .. . - . . , . . ,ii;'��'� <br /> . ;� , <br />- .. . - ' . <br /> ' �� ..-. .. . . „ � � � . • .� ,' . (� . <br /> " ' " £ ' ____ ' '. . _ . .. ... . . . . _ _ . _ " � _ <br /> .. . : , � ; . . . . .. . i; : . _ .. . <br /> . . _ . t . : . <br /> . . � . . . . . . . <br /> ___ . ._ , .- _ ._ . . _ -_ __ . _ ________._-_ � _ ____: _ . _ . - _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ _ <br /> . : ..: : � . - . � . - �. . __ _ _ . __ -_-.-___-_ <br /> .. _ . . . . . . . . . : . __ . , �. <br /> . . . . � � � <br />, . . . .. . _ . <br /> . . . . <br /> . . _. . <br />