ild[1`C,AGp ~~
<br />@uttlR'1'GAt,I: LtiAtH raO. L23 - 9~~r'~-' .._._
<br />gip per, ~N gy ~~~ PRffiEN7s• T4ait Terry L. Meier and Carol L. Meier, each in his and her
<br />Ovari right and aS Sg;at;se Of each other, tr3art~or, votietiter oae or more, ~ ootavderatioa of the ~ of
<br />~a"tY 2R»x>sarad and ~~0~ ~--.-_--_ -------- - _,'~ DOLLARS
<br />loaned to aid ittor>gt~Or by The F,gnitable Bu~diag asd Loan Aaoaatiott of grand Is6nd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 400 duraa of atadc of
<br />raid A3SOCtAT10N, Certif'igte No. !.23,998 MGIC , do tnrreby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foHowieg
<br />d test saute, sittated in t1sH County, Nebradca:
<br />Lot Four (4) i~ Biocic Four (4) in Colonial
<br />estates Second Subdivision, City o~ Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />together with aH the tenarttents, tiereditatrrrnt: and appurteaaneex theretmto Iseiongirtg, utdtdertg attadtcd Moor mverinp, aH rrindoai aaeees,
<br />wsdow dudes, blio~, storm rrirtdows, aamirtga, tteatittg, air cortditianirtg,ond pittavbiag srd mater equipment and atxieaoris tbesalra, pttsapa,stowa,
<br />Rfridetafora, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached w a iixd in twortection with aid red estue.
<br />Aad whereat tine aid tralgagitr has agxd std does hereby ogee [hat the mortgagor shall and salt pay all taus sod ksid as
<br />astssmd upon aid premiscs and itpmt this mortgage sad the bond sea~ttred before the same shall become delirsgttnt; to fnraii apP~
<br />inwraace upaa the baildinp oa aid premises sittated'in the stmt of S 40, 000.00 paysble to said ASSOCIATION and w ddiwr to said
<br />ASS0CIATNRiI the paticiea far aid itnmanee; a~ not to cam~t ru pernat any waste oa ar about and ptetwsp:
<br />In case of default u the petformaaoe o[ aey of the terms asd conditions of this mortgage or the bond waned hereby, the aaon~iis ~,
<br />as damarsd, be entitled to intnrdiate puaamtrn of the iotxtgaged preauses and the trtartgag~x txrcbY =~. trssdera and acs aver to tlra
<br />malpgee all the [seta, revenues and tnarnrtz to lx derived linen the rrtortgaged premises dtuiag such time as the ritortgge indebasMrsis aYni nraip
<br />topaid; and the titnrtgssee shag lure the pomr to spptant any sprat a ageata it troy deairo for the ptapsrsa of roparrirtg aid pramiaas used
<br />the :sloe and arHecsing the real:, revenues and incortte, and it mY WY out of said inwmc all cxpeasa of repiris~ avid pnmiaea and nsssrty
<br />atntmistiurts sad expenses incurred in meting and enaaagaig the same and of coltedat6 rcatsls theefrom; the baiaooe tetnainbtR, ~ rsq, to be
<br />applied eorratd the disc6arpe of said mwigage indebtedness: thex rights of the tvwrtgtga may be exetased at say time diriag the ettioaars of attcL
<br />de au{t, irrespective of say temporary waive W the :[errs.
<br />Their prgEatta. Havre-ve-r. as upuii its C~.ndititu. Ilut if t4s surd Rlact~tgar stul! [slaty mid loan ao ar heft>Ee the mattpity of said:bases by
<br />oavmwtt; nsY ttronthly to said ASStICIA'fION of the sum specified in the Hood scctued hemby as interest sad pnnupat as aid lose. oa or bafam
<br />the Tvrentiath Say of each sad [very month, unlit sent town a telly pant; pay alt taxes and aaeasiaenta levied agaiusi acid psrmrsa turd m this iiartpdr
<br />and the Dotal segued thereby, before delutquern:y; (mntth apPiruvci iresitraase upon the bui{diuss thereon in the stem of S 40,000.00 payabb
<br />to said A~t7C1AT10N: mWY to tlid Aa~x.-tATt[rN upon dettrud ail ~y by it paid far sttr3t roues, rats and v;itb i aR
<br />ilea leisti rate tFxrrxa, ftiisi data of pay~t all W whidt ~ .gagFx heserag afire to paY: t~utit rx, waste on soot pEeep and avmpiy
<br />with all rise atraetuents and uutditnms a the Grind for f Q0, 000.00 ehs day given by the did Mottgrdot to aid A~S(lt-YA'i`iOPt, aed txtnsp~
<br />vas ~ the requuemenis of the Coasatetirrs aitd sy +a,.-s au s::d R.~..~,'flC1A"i7C~l; tip tita€ ~ beett~a mt9 sad void. v.:~ ~ ~7
<br />tetaaitt i#t .`ttli farms sad ;may be .`~r~1o~ 3t ttte vptsan of the aid LATIL~ after fai)~ fig ttitce mnniks icz tnafic ~aaid
<br />pnymtats or be three months nt arrears in rnakiag said tttoathly paymenu, or to keep atul comply with the agroementa and eoaditlam of aid bond:
<br />and Moctysaor agrcas to have s rcoeiver appan/ed forthwith is tlydt fareckxare prriceedirtgs.
<br />if there is :ay in atvaersbip ai the real eYUe mortgaidati herein, by ratb or Wherrviae, than the cattle remawirtg iodttbadrrea herby
<br />recttrod shalt. at the option of The FHui4bk Holding and l.usa Aaociation of Grand tsbad, Nebraska. became iatobdiately due and payabb trithorN
<br />ftstlscr police, and the amount remaining due ttnde aid bard. and any Wher boas for any arditional adwatoes made tlteetroder, abaY, Gap the
<br />date of exescme of said aptiay bear interest at the rtu:unum ingot rate, aid this mtxtlpge roy they be farecbad to atisfy the smtnwt due m rid
<br />bond,asd any Whet band for additional mivances, together with aA cams paid by said The Egititabie Bttddirig sal t.oaa Aaarciatioa of Grand tsburd,
<br />Tlebrafka to ittsusanrx, taxra arul aaeaatiatts, sad abstrtir.Y.iag extensiart charges, with interest thereon, truer date of pymeat a the taattistntta
<br />bled rate
<br />As prouided in the Hotel secured hereby, where this mrrtgage teawins in effect the ttxxgyee may bererfter advance additional sums to the
<br />oaken of abl Da~nd, their sstigts or stnacssaas in iaterest, whidt slims dull be wishin the seuuity of this nwxigage the ame as the fwMa origioaiiy
<br />seorred Sheehy, the total amount of prirtcipd debt not to cxce~ed st any time the oriigiwl amount of this mortgage.
<br />thin 1st 1 day of October A.1,., i9 81
<br />r
<br />- ~ -~ --
<br />~ ~ ~, } lit. On this 1st day of October 14 81 , betas ma,
<br />frtlilTfiX OF t1Al,L
<br />the itodessKoed, a Notary PabYc in sad fm aid County: pesonatly nine
<br />T L. i~eier artd Carol L, MeieT', t~1ch in Isis vki her r7MIIl rust at>~as :posts perwm~'owa to
<br />©t}tRrs are
<br />app Gy be the idetltinl peaon S whose aortic s SZ'E ai7ited to the above ~ mort~agor5 sad they 'tevetaiiy
<br />the said itsdsertuextt su be their roluatary art and dwd, ; f
<br />tIVlTltil~1 my head Seal for date rforeaud. ' / /'~ ~
<br />/ ~~
<br />Coa s ! ~ ~~' _ t .~' . _.:
<br />ith' spiral ~}~~' / ; ,~ ~ ~ 1 ~s- s~....-~
<br />des ct ~ io+.M+ltlrsiip
<br />wAl~~-
<br />