T'ni; f,rm i_ 3.~s,rd in conror-
<br />rinn ~.vith mrrrtr;ages intvarra~tl
<br />ii~~~~"s3~i~~.3#u ~ under tie c,ne- try faer *-6trtniGy
<br />^~ provtstaps af' flees h.atianal
<br />Q ~ ~ ~~ ~) ~ ~ ~~ ~ housing Aet. -
<br />THIS ?4it71tTGAGF, made and executed this 1st day of Octobet^ ,A. D.
<br />t9 81 , by and ttetween Galen 5. Crippen and Sk~ryi R, Crippen, Husband and Wife
<br />of the County o€ Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter caked
<br />the Mortgagor, and
<br />Superior Mortgage, Inc,
<br />a corporatinn organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Efortgagte.
<br />ttr[TNESSETH: That the said !Mortgagor. for and in c~+nsideratian of she sum of Ttnenty eight t)w>„sand t
<br />hundred and No#/100ths----------------^------ Lkitlars (S 2gg 2n~t0.00 )~ paid 6y the It~nri-
<br />gdgee. the receipt a which is heretty acksxrwiedged, has Granted and Sold and 6}f lfiese presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />gain, Se7I, Canvey and Confirm ants the 'Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real estate, situated in the County of Hall ,and State
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />Lot Trio (2)r in Block Six (5), in Wiehe's Addition to the City of
<br />Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all
<br />menisurvey:
<br />acres according to Govern-
<br />'f0 HAVE ANll'TQ HQLD cite premise, ubnve described, with all the appurtenances thereunu~ belonging and including
<br />at[ heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment now ar hereafter attached to ur used in eonneetian with said rest estate
<br />unto the }+.tortgagee, artd to its successors and assituts, forever. THe Martftttgttr represents to, and covenants with, the fivioriga-
<br />gee, that the Mortgage, has good right to sell and convey ,aid premises; that they are free tram encumbrance; and that the
<br />H4«t« Witt warr==nt anti defend the same against the ta±~ fat ciaima.?f all persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by relitutuishes sit ri~ttts of hnme5tead, artd aE} marttai =itt _. either rn saw or in equity, and all outer contittFtent interests of the
<br />;rt~gur irF oT.u .p ..R a:;:r.:-..,.a.ri~.: prrm:s:,s, t: ° ..... ..:x s'.g :.: ~orvw; rte., by w.. a: ~;iui. i:t ~. in tcv si :epee, en~3tid-
<br />inaall rinhts of homestead. and other ritthts and interests u+ afureaaid.
<br />i~Ct~viU~D Ai_iYAY~, and tit€se pr€senta are ex€cnteri and delivered upon the iutiowitrg condit~cuts, to wit;
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortftagee. ur order, the principal sum of Twenty eight thousand twq
<br />htandteed and No/100tht3------- ---__--_-• ~t~rxtS 2gr200.00 },
<br />with interest from date at the rate of S3.ghteen par certtwn ( 18.00 `~) per annum un
<br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said princtpa! and interest shall be payable at the otFtce of Sttp9xiot: Fb7t:t5tige, Inc,
<br />in GsCand Island, Nebraska . or at such other place as the holder of
<br />the hate may designate in writing, in mnntltty instatlments.;f (accot:ding to Sarhsdule A on said note )
<br />), cumntencutg on the first day ut
<br />pq~g,s ~. artd on the first day of each month thereafter until the prmcipat and in-
<br />terest are fully pat0~t that the final payment at principal and interest, if nut sooner paid, ah:dl he due and
<br />payab#p <»n tits first day of Nryyer, 201 a}t according !n the terms of acertain prumis-
<br />svty ,Nate«(evea date herewith executed 6y t said Mnrtgagur~(ph~eferred interest shall be added to the
<br />~~~ M~prt r~nei t w~c fully to p~~t t t~e s~er~ttrofttus i4~e e~lurtee to not r¢ore than 532, 023.9.
<br />i, `shat ~ will pay the inddrbtedttess, as ltereinbefare prii'skicd. f~ivitagr is reserved to pay the debt in whnl~, or in an
<br />amount er}uat W one or more mattthly paytents on the principal that arc nui due an ttte note, an dx first day tai any month
<br />pricer to rns,ittrity; Provided. htrN°ever, That written na~tice of an intentuan to exercise such privilege is given at least Chitty f30)
<br />days pripi• to prepayment.
<br />5. That, tn~ettter with, and in addtis>n ao, the ma}nthly payments of nincipal artd interest payable undo the terms of the
<br />ntste sectrceJ Drab}, the i~nrigae.}r wilt pay to tttr M«igagre, un the first day of each nianth unfit the sailf note is fully paid, the
<br />falktwing sums:
<br />(a} Arntxrttt sufficient to ptrtvida the holder tteteoi' with i'uttds to pay the nett rnartgage insurance prertnwu if t}ris
<br />tnsuuntent artd the ante secrtted hereby are insured, nr a monthly charge fin lieu crfa nrortg+t(te insuranrr• Errs..
<br />mirurtl if they are held by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Dt,velnptru:nt, es fotIows:
<br />ill If and air tuna as said note of even date and this tnstruarent are insured ar are reinsured under efts psu
<br />_iYtsv_;~ .rf ttt~~ 1t~ti..s+at Fka~sin„g Wit, a~ eras Saint iafft~igttt ir_, ~~°yntufata tr. ttte. hands t+f tlt;-. tt t,.der u[te
<br />ttgrrNxa3 rNa~a7w3ra »#,axrr mqY Hx uYSe! until turxrly .c exha: aces! ~l'.t,TF; ttF \ F.ItIt,~1S~..,*:
<br />NUO~92tA~M t9-Till
<br />