<br />'1'fi6s aredert[ered tnto this 3pth day of ~g~ytber
<br />~i4~l:~t~'attd~ KestT[tsttt ~. IeuellefP ttE11d 3oan L. M*yttllei• iitishand and 5dife
<br />(herei~tal~erre#ttrs,tfto as ) and Commercial Nateonai Barak and-Trust CampanY
<br />(hereitaafter referred to as
<br />ttat, rvho'natirttstins an`office and place of business at 424 t,~st Third .street in Crand ishtnd,
<br />FtYali Cotiiflty, Nebraska.
<br />WrrierH; -that fdr'ttie consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby ackflovvkdged; the mortgagor
<br />does hereby tom, sell, .grant, attign, and ttmvey uttto the mortgaiet, its succesors and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />tcwNttY daerlbed property sitpsted and- being in the Couflty of Iial i
<br />StatE of Nebrsa.
<br />Lot Three (3), Warren Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />together with aH`the tetttattents and appurtenance thereon bebngirta, all the rents, issues and prefits thereof, and all
<br />eaeb, rim royaldet, minaal, pit and ps rights and proRts, water. water ritltts, aced water stock, sad including
<br />cep ~iM. plambittj, refrigeration, lighting, ettttipment sad all fixtures of every description beiansins to the
<br />mprtgegor ttow or htxatfter attached thereto or used in connection with the pt~emisss herein described and in addition
<br />Char the fa_Ibwittg deeribed propertie whieh are # shaA bt deemed to bt fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />ate ~purtiira of-tit€ f~ the ir~tdsdrtets harsin stated, ttf nptre, stater "nom") tt#orto
<br />_ -- -_ Tn-A~v~find-itl hE~ddtle5i6sE<ilffifFt~fi~lnrtnaeE.~hertin ~fQY~~
<br />Tite~~' i3 4twfttily teiaed anti pptteted of erred-hat the right to cede and convey said property: that the
<br />tame is Eyes frem=alt tetbrancet except as hereittabove recited) aqd t1Mt Moryagor covenants to warrant and
<br />dtd'aatt the title aforesaid tbeeata and every part thereof agaiatt the calms of ail persons whomsoever.
<br />in the p1~rtCip«l stttna a
<br />in half of ,,,~.~
<br />to ,ue-the payment pf a promiuory rants dated September 30, 1941
<br />a . ~-frfr~ . s~ by lSOAti?t~ k ~ moiler
<br />alsp, t~ rNtck ttotto pr ngttpt rnaY froth tints to time be modified, rettetvad tar extendrd In wtldng.
<br />to the,aveast the title to raid rtptt ettt~te i<.tr$ntferted, pr cotdrg€ted to be traEnferred,.from the_undertigned for any
<br />ralu4tt ar by aay atNthod wp~gtoaver, the eaatira,ptittdlst_tunt and atxrttad interest shall. at once become due. and
<br />pttytthie at the aixtioa of tM htrtdtar Iteteof. Failure to tsxetcite retie option btu. of tratufer of tide as abpve sutad
<br />ip care at+eanca shau that caNppt[ttt~ a waives bf rite elgiit tp scire tits stt~pa in #~ evert of any sutttent trfar.
<br />1, The ate'attuplt~ti+~teetat li~ll4ws:
<br />'19s prpeo pwy tite;~.eride®ead by raid ptotQilplgty note at the dines and in the nwnner
<br />tiierd» pttriidad.
<br />b. ~: Wy air tatte+t, 'att. wetter rates.. arid. otter governmental or rauni~tipal charges. tints. err
<br />fgllpa~itigt'ts, fert wltucA prwisiote hale nta been math ttirrt~nt+efore, and vriMl promptly deliver the aificial recripca
<br />tltpreiror to tMt satd ~«
<br />c, 'Fst,:-pay. s-~-and fees as rutty bt ittettrrtid in the pwtectfon and rnaintettant~e at said prapeny,
<br />alts Ease of any "atttx~tex ~ ~ titer ~ far the calkcdan of any or ati of the indebtednexs
<br />ity~eby sextiEred, err forrctosute by martilagee's saes. err snort ptacr~edings, er in any ether litieatian err rFracrrdinsz
<br />affectittg laid prapesty.
<br />