<br />~~~~ ~~ TRUST
<br />TlffSi~EEDf~'fRilS~'isrt6fde-this. Twenty-sixth dayvf ,.Seyetember_.....__....
<br />19$~..,arifongthe'tittstor,..?r,ed„A,..iio.°.d;and. i4ancy.,,T., Wood r. Husband and. i~13fe.
<br />................,:...-......................(herein "Borrowtr"),.................................
<br />. ,.~bhn R ; 8~t},t~1t21 ..... . ...............................lh~rein "Trustee"). and the $cneficiary.
<br />Cotaaetri ieCl, Sav idgs _ Coapa~Y . . ........ . .... . ........... a-corparation erganizcd and
<br />...,..
<br />...
<br />exrstin uttclf;thehtwsof. ... 'Nebraska .whose address is ................
<br />...............
<br />..1<-616. sa;._ ~acts~e~„Gra~sd I:siand Nebratrka~ 68$01..... {herein"Lender").
<br />HatttEOwsx; in consitkt'ation of the indebtedttess herein recited and the trust herein created. irrevocably graph
<br />and-conveys- to Ttv#tee, in trust, with power of sale. tht fol{owing- described property located in the County of
<br />$ALL ..................... State of !Nebraska:
<br />Lc!t` Pour(G),. in Island- Acres Number Four (4), beiag a Replat of
<br />hoi Seventeen. (17), in Island Acres, a Subdivision in the City
<br />~€ Bt*aatY Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />wl~b ~s.tbe ttddres~ af.•...311,3. bf,.. LSth .SL...... . Gran3..xvX.aod.s . N.e6F!-ak~ . 6&801... .
<br />t51+wAI fe+trl
<br />.:. . ........... ....... (ht:tain "Property AdAress"1:
<br />- I1Jrt1~ aed 2iR~t:MMa1 -
<br />TQtiw ttttg v:ith ud, th*. itrtpr~rvements rtuw cx hcruaNcr eratt4d on ih- property. and all easem~nls, righ6r,
<br />uppitrttcc~. rctNft tsubjcct het+er to the rights and authorities given betels to LcrtdNr to eoik•ct attd apply xuch
<br />~sAa,3, ttiiyaftw+. utitt~t~l, oil and.grs rights :tied praJits. avatar, aster rights. and-water stock, and all fixtur4a now cu
<br />ltenatt,tr utlut;hcd to-the proprrty, ail of which, including raplacennentx and additions thereto, shat!! be dcattntil to be
<br />aatl-t~twuiu a p<t_rr czf thr prs~rrty ~over4%! by this-~c'tl of Trust: and s-11-of the farcgttng, together with sail. prtipcny
<br />-
<br />for tl~ ku~:h(rft~ estata of ihts fft~l of Tryst i~+c~ a le:t~hutd) of hcrviO ICfcfred to rta tttc .'Pmpr:rty'
<br />'EEtSaFetutF ttt L,~nt&r ~~)-tlta repaymsnl+tf 1hr indchty~tnCl+rvtil~ncui by_Ho-rowcr's rite datcJ. o9f 26 j8,1
<br />.. tharein"~')=t-~ct~.rt-sue-~ -.oac-t•hq>;rtatnd=,snd-na11II0--- ----....
<br />...._
<br />(6, fl#f0...0U)... ..... .... . - . ~, with mtcread-theriwet,-providing for monthly instaUritcrtts
<br />of tncipul au-r! ial+:rcu. wtthlht ba-lant:`~-ot the indcittedr~u, i[ trot =.trorner paid, due and payable un, .. . .
<br />', h~lt,1,. 1985 - .... .. -: the pyymettt of all etht;r suite, with-interest thareon= advunsi'd
<br />in aCcor+dancc hcn~t k- prc~<t tlK stirurity of-this. ~ccd of I'rttst: attd tha partartnattce u< rite eovanant:. aatd
<br />agtccaxnt~ of 8~orrtrtr~;> Ftitt€e~taitt,_:ind-f~ tfic rvpuYr~nt-of urtyltdt~rv vdvart4±~>, with intcrrst !hereon. rtwdr
<br />tq ~erroyrtr Ny taullair-paett tia pltt~ 2 f hrrtut t herein "Future Adva'" l .
<br />Wxnrwcr eow:ttpait, tlaatllnttowet is Sawfullg st,ised «f the thtate hcraby conveyed and has tha nght to grantrtxt
<br />u~hvcy the Preiperty.tiwt the property iyi,ttitencumtirrad. atttl that Borrnwcr will warrtint and defetxl generally tha
<br />tick to the Property apattnu sN claims ar?t~~in+trt+f4. *ub~ct Icy :-tty dcclat.ttians, eas~m~nts cu restcrstrons iistrcl in a
<br />~hcth+k cd rat=cpttrn~ tta vcf~gc,in .lily title ttt}#a1Np4r pl~ic} sn;,urittg Lrnd4r in}crc~t itt tha PatpcvtvT
<br />. i ivlr~ar_ t.?t rtit.A!thtl4g ~4ktil~t.ttt~;trt
<br />