T*?[3 Mok ~1~>'a t~vl.wnxTS ~xr~ nos: ~ ~, ~-;a ii ~ '~ ~
<br />That the Mor'tgsgtsr w!#k pay the istdetstedrtess ss-hereirtfoetore provided.
<br />That the Mortgagor #s The d~W;ifr of said pmprrty in fee simple and has grxxl rkght and lawful aufho.^.tv to ~e~! ant!
<br />convey the slime and that tlt~ scale #s 4sc~ and Clear oC aray lien or-enCUm6far:tr: and €bat Mortgagor will warrmnt and defend ihP
<br />title to said premises agairisi the Cl"af[ns of sit petsiitrs-whoirlsoever.
<br />To pay-immediately iahett due and Payable all general taxes, specia4 taxes, special assessments, water charge<. 4ewer ser.-
<br />ice charges, and-other tars-and charges against said-ptroPrrty'. and a}t taxes-levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon requesC, with- the original nr duplicate receipts therefor. The 'Mortgagor agrees that there shall hr added fo
<br />Path monthly payrnent required hereunder „e under thf= evidence <,f dehf secured tr:-rehy an .rmoernt estimated i:v fhe MnrtgagoP
<br />to }x• sufficient-t6"eiiabie fhe lwtortgagee'to pay. ate, they became duo. a!t taws, asses ,meets. and .imitar charges upon the prPm-
<br />ises sL-,j[rt tfier~fo: any deficiency tvr'nu5e ,rf the insof6ciency r~~ suc•h additiona! pavmentt ~hatt he (n ri}+w=ith rlep+rniteA tsy the
<br />Mortgagee with the Mortgagee utnm drmana ti t.,a ,`.^I rrtgage e. Any dvfatrit under flag paragraph shall hr de•emrd a rle[autt m
<br />p>ityrrrent of taxes, a~essmenis. nr similar chargrc rr.;weed hrrrnnder.
<br />'~'.:.
<br />The Mortgagor agmrs that there chat! else ;x added t~• ,each mnntl,ly itayrra-nS t,f pnncipal and knte-rr+t required hare.-
<br />undrr an am wet estimated by lhr Morlgager p+ !~• cufiicteni t+• ..sable ihr Mortgagee- ~~ ;,ay', a; it hrromrv due the ;nsu caner
<br />premimm an any. insurance fwlicy deftvered U, the ~Surt gager. .any drfic,enc'y i>.~rausa ..f rho tnsufficu•ncy .a such additional pas
<br />mane'"shall }>P forthwith depnsiied by the ~4nrtgaenr with the Cf nrtgagrr niu,r} demand f,y the b7ortgager Any default under this
<br />paragraph shall be deemed a default in the payment of incu ranee prrminms If thr• 1>ohr•; ..r pnlicinc rlPpncitrd err each :m tt+.:mr~
<br />owners nr al! risk fxslicies, and Lhe defrrsits err ~nsuftica•nt to pay tL<• .mtrt+- pn•m u}rri. th+• '.vortgagee mac apply the depro-rt to
<br />pay premiums on risks nhuired to F• msu r.•d by this m+xtgat,e
<br />PavmenGc made hp the Mortgagor under !hr above pa rn Sf raphs may, at the +:ptann ,~( the Mortgagee, be held be it and
<br />commingled with other such Funds nr its own lurd+ iur rho ~mky-meet •,! ;a+'h itrn;.:uu! untiE +u applied, ;uch payments err hrrnhc
<br />pledged as security for the unpmd balance ~rf the tn+ulgaur sale M,cinr;c
<br />i•o proe'ure, deliver Fo, and mawtain for the b+neiit ~,f ±h+• M.=rt t;agrr dunng the life c•f this mortgage ~~ricinal polivios and
<br />reriewals tharecrf, delim•rnd at least ten daps !»•fnre th+~ ~•xpkrannn •d ., _: =~+a-h i,al~rrr;- uksurmg ag.~kr•st flee and „thee m,+u made
<br />hazards, ea9ualties, and contingrneies lts the Mnrtgag+~• may requtrr. ! n ,tn amovut rqunl to the indehtCdness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to the ~4ortgagrr, ,vrth I,~_c payable clnucP m favor of and m term acceptable to the Mortga-
<br />gee. in rite event any' iri ,- _ ,~ ._,. •~,,. ~:ut ::...:: F fare ~,•n ,tav-< +,f kts rxpt ratum. the blortgagPe may procure mwrancr on the
<br />improvements. Pay the prrmwm'then•Eo ru and vurh ,um zhall i r ~mmrdkatelc due and {~aYab!r with rna•r 't at the rain wt
<br />tnrtit in said note watt Paid and shn^ ha• -w•cu re,i h} the rm r.y,ag< t~ar{ure +~n the part of the dtortgagor ut tarnish such renewals
<br />as are herein required or failure to pay arty came ade:ma,•d hr rrunder ;hash at the upUan of the 14origager, ,onstihrte a ~1rlault
<br />under the ternta of this murfgagr. The drlivrrv =~( au h t,nlir;as ~ha!}. :n the «-,,Pet +.f "efault, =vnsti lute an _tssignrnrnt vi the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums received by the Murtgag+~ by reason +.f : ,<-. .,r riamagc u+su rrri against mac he eclair=ed 6p' the Mortgagee
<br />and applied toward the payment of the debt larrrby crcure<i. +, r, at the oPtu,n of the- Mortgagee. ;uch sums rkthrr }vholiy +.r in
<br />part may be f>aid over [u the :~tortgagnr to t,r as.vi t} repau :u+'h butkiinKs ar to hull.{new build n:gs ~rs thr4r Purr .u For any
<br />ether purpose or object uitksfactory to the 'btnrtga„c-r ,.rtht=ut alTetiung th.• hen on the rnurigage For the full amount ~:-rum! hore-
<br />by before such payment ever took place
<br />To Promptly reparr, restore nr rt•buitd any hu,ldu}gs ~~r unpn~t rtnrnts now or hrnrafter ~m the preuuaes whx~h ma} he~
<br />come damaged or deaf ruy,vi ~. to keep said prrrwsr.. m ;; ..d ,-umiitiun anti rr Pair and ire.- (ram nr}y mr-<'k:atu.~+ hen or <=the.r Irrn .,r
<br />claim of lien nut exPre;.Jy .utx,rclkruurd <u the lion t d rn t t u(i ,+ Pt'r ru + i ~ ~Iaw ful use. ~ f ~~r an,- , .~ a cr t -east an
<br />said prcKx?rfy nor W ftPrratit waste on ssta preknisr r .•. esr - - -!,-t-} t - -r t'r'"i'erfv kkrreht r=• e_u .shall tx CUme
<br />less valuable, nuc tae arim4r,:mar -•r - , _. .. .....= a ._ - .- --.._,. -. ,"' .,_ {,li -..itl~ rat r..sr,k'rrmr+kt. -f l.ew +.,ti- .sprat
<br />W fhe mortgaged pt~nsisss and the use thereof. ~. _ .
<br />. - . -.,.
<br />That shauid tir..° i,zrtut~ •_c -. ~ -.art to=r t ,r ~ - - -
<br />-3 ..~tv- frt., ri~iat r at,4?nrilf -tntnalkt, .rC in -- ~ .rt~ r tx.ut , _ ;;' ~~~ .,4..F,-. --k,- -k k -. -i.x. , _. _, i .i 1-.n-.
<br />awards, and anY other payr~rcni ~, ~.i~• the: rf:sr, e+.. 3:et rtti!.d t is .,iuk.yk ... rl -rt -- apt ar an anu nresocerre : :f-~
<br />t.. .r r.,t ..ri ~;th ~ . t kp.; .~r .#a..t~r alt such
<br />nwF~ name any ~:ttLY3 ifr :,r„y _ ~ .•. ...-...- _
<br />-•rs•,.---3.3,-'mss *,~ arm he:~h_ 3~l~ned t= ttt rvtrrtgeager- who mav. attr•r (iallurltng
<br />c~r+tptautattpn, tewa~, e',en:ea'n-p• ~a ~ _ • ^_. - •-a ~ < _
<br />thereitrorn a!l its expenatw. ra!ease any mwu+ya sn rati'fiived by tt or apply the settle <,n any mdebtednerc: cc ueraf hrraty. "S'tt€ Mrsrt
<br />gakgor >~reea to et[ecute sttr#f further aastgnments o7 anY rompeti+atton, awar,la, damages, and nir-hts tf action .en,i prax'retls as the
<br />Msutgagea natY roquire.
<br />That in Case of failure to perform any of the auvenants herein, ihr .tnrtgagee may die un the :t4ortgagor's behalf everything
<br />an awettantgd; that the Mortgagee may also do any act tt okay dt~em nrtvssary to Prutra.'t the !i.•n thereat; that the Mertgagekc will
<br />repay t-Pon demand any pnutliys paid or disbursed by fhe Mortgagee fns any of the atwve purposes, and such moneys togettiPr with
<br />interest tharoeon at the rate provided in sa#d sole, ahai! becorrle sn mu<•h additional indebte'rinrss hereby secured and may kw in-
<br />clutteti in terry derreo for€v:ltrsittg this mortgage anti !u Paid taut c t the rrn~s :,r pr.xreeis of sate of said premitua if not othetv.late
<br />arid; t#tat tt ehxl# cwt ha uhtigatury upnu the Mortgagee to Inquire into the vahdcty u( any lien, rncurnbraetrr~. <,c +:laim in aa!-
<br />vancintt tntxu+ys as ahtrie autharized, but cwthing berate rontamCd sllali be cunstruev# as ntqulrtng the i.4i,rigagz~= to aduata a:}}
<br />rrwrtaya tar any such Vurpose nor to do any as•t hereuw#ar: and that Mortgagee siwll cwt incur any personal liability because of any-
<br />it 3tis3` do cr lutti3 -ti, .k har_ot•_3de=-
<br />[n [he Event of the defaukt by Murtgago€ in fhe i>aynx°trt of any irte:taNirucnt, aa_rrquirecf by then~'t.tr seeurrci ttrrrby, c•r
<br />in the Parfor'tttartre of the uhligafion in this mortgage lrr in the sale secured thereby, the htortyagee shall kx, rntitlel# to dettatr the
<br />t~3.s@ctt>Rd herebky, dolt tfrrd payable wtthttut nWiCr, aftd the tv;ortgagee ehakk hr entitled at its option. vvithUUt notice, either by itvrit
<br />3 s~ tt~ as Vie, of ane' s±~ 1t tf rnr the n~~itrdnesa re..
<br />nr ttY a secei~r io f7e apt7vrst~. ~t° ifte .3.t i,e ~. ~c' -~ yaar'° _
<br />C_rc i ~~.~, ~ @rl+ _ try Rand tY#t@ t)n9ileSatnR ni tt't# tril,rtKa[~t-d premier, a:td .a €~:klrc.t and rerPte rl~ , ±~t:nts- isyus•s anrt prl?tita
<br />thesetd, and aPp~Y ihp rutmC. .iexa casts of opt+rntwn an.t cotlrcdon, upon the mdf=btrrlint sx ceeutrd by this mortgage; +,atd caste,
<br />isrnzes and prtp~a-Freitag hereby ittned to the MtrtRag?c* as tnrther security for the payrnrnt nt a1t indehfedrtrss arrureti ttCrrhy.
<br />'Ctrs Mart{rtfkgee shalt have the ptnver, to appoint any agent or agents it relay desire for the purpuae nt repairing :said Prrm-
<br />ises; renting Y#le aiFlanC: i-a11~Gtsn~the t'rnta+ rrvCntl€'s and i~urtte, and it may pay +,ut a! saiei inccrmr all rxfx•nar. uuurrec# fn rent
<br />lets and rnaknytft[i$~aE name atKk of-making the rental. t`trr~frvrrt. The tnslarrۥ r~r:tanung. if any, shall kw^ appliPC! toward ftw
<br />diarharge of the n?QrtRn~r indo2rtpdnrss. Thia assignment es to terminate and trrctxrrr null and void upon mirasa• of itus mortgage
<br />
<br />