<br />MOR7"GACE LOAN NO. L 23.99 :`
<br />ICI'lta~V AI,L MRN BY 7TiESE PRESE~fis: 'that Gerald W. JOtaes and Sharon k, Jones, each in his and her
<br />cAPfa right and as spouse of each other, Mortp~gor, wirther oee ar orate, ~, tottstdzr.uoo of thr sty of
<br />~1,~,d't~ra~sa~6i~ ar>bd no1100---____._~__________._____________ ----.._.~..-ZaOLLARS
<br />t~ to aid > by The Equitabk Bow and Laen Aaociation of Crand Isieata, Nebraska, Mortgyye, upon 1$0 titres of erotic of
<br />said A380CIA'lYt3Tl, Cerisfasele No. L 23, 947 . ~ bratty grant, tximsy ud gage unto the svd ASSOCIATION the toBtrwing
<br />deatxibad rwl elate, situated in Flag County, Nebrr~ca:
<br />Lot Five (5) ifl Block Four (4) in Rollins'
<br />At3dition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />together with afl the tenements, hereditamrnu and sppurtcnances therounto btioegmg, including attadted Moor twvetatp, all wimbw eaters.
<br />window shades, thuds, storm witdows, awrritq¢, ha[iog, air enwditioaittg, and plumbieg sari water etpripreertt and accesariea thereto. pump, sloes,
<br />eaftigerato>s. awdother fistmea and etptipmeet teow or heraftu attached to ar used ur ~_. _~+.b+ with acid real estue.
<br />And wherps the aid mortgagor has agroed sad does hereby agree that the martgsgor thvl sad wiB pey all taxes std aaaatmea4 tried or
<br />soared upon avd premise awl upon thin enottgsge std [he hoed accrued thereby before the suet shvl became delioqueat: to furrtis6 approred
<br />imruarte trptaa the btt~g as said presses tvitaed'irr the arm rd' S 1$, 000.00 payable to aid ASSOCIATION sad [o deliver to std
<br />ASSOCIATION the polities for aid iwaaaas: sari cot [o aammit .ar peramt aey wade ado w about aid premises:
<br />!n crate of ddudt in the ptxfare>tar v[ any of the arms and crxditioras of the reoregage ix the bond secured heresy, the rttortgspe abdl.
<br />an detmd, ire ttatitled to immediate paeseadorr of the aawtpeed pronwes and the tnurtgtgax hereby asriW. ttamfers sad acts over to the
<br />mwtPree ap the rents, revenues std ittoume to be derived from the morigagtd prcmaat druing arch time as the murtgttp iodebtedeea ahaR romeie
<br />vapid: sari tlr tnartgssea ahaB have the poarr to ¢ppoint any alDeet a aganla it mtq tleatre for the purpae of repaineg aid psemitw awl teHiia(s
<br />the gore attd txdledirtg the roots. revenues std income. std it trtsy WY trot of acid iamtoe aU eapeme ui repauieg aid, peewuaa aed oaaaery
<br />mmetiu4oas sad a intwred in renting awl araalRirtd the same and of roetah thereGam: the baMwoe roaniaiag, if any. to be
<br />applied toured the of aid tnortgsge iadebtadeea: these rights at the nttxtgagee rosy be eae[ciad st say time dtuiag tht eaidaaa of such
<br />de[atdt, irrmpeuivs of say tetr~rtxay waiver of the same.
<br />Thtwe !testate, hawaxr, ue uprm the Conditiaar, 7Tat if the said Mortgagor shop repay said taut oa w Oefrxe the reaturity ut' aid shard by
<br />peytaiaat: (pY rstrtiitiy to aid ASSOCIATION of the duo spaafred is [he itaad szsvral hereby as mtereai grad ptittc~tid rte anti late. oa or before
<br />the'Ilwsetitdh dry of rich slid s+ery rtsuah, taail strd Iwo is fttBy !~ pwY a8 tortes aed ataerreavu kviad ttBWd aid prmiaa art an this S/art<tits
<br />trod the satrtrod therrgf', taefora dd-y: ftaaah aggras~a iettauatce tipat iiar iLeraQa m the amt of #~a + 0.+~ peyaiele
<br />tta a~ ASSOt.'IAT; ~y =;r aid AS$O4'IAT~1 itpaa deaw;g an'_ mosey by it paid fm teas, ussta awd itrtteanerr with breed a
<br />tits gasatatm lepl rate thear+att true dart of paymat as of wtucta ~r tgtgar ~ebY +gr~set tp pay; perms ttu vtvatte aw stall ptea>ie~tup tutci rtomplY
<br />a~ the r~w~i-s cseiuaara-s is t~ i sw ~a ai3 s Jf~.:::: i'~`r +~q' gs~ e~ t'~r a`r~ w a~ :t]C~A7221i'i, as"-
<br />xvltsB-the that;- ~~~taid A'~'';Ea('#ATt(k~ the rhino pests ~satsawama and rend, s:thetwise shay
<br />tirB rett~tirr h faB faro and dry be ftxaclossd u tits uptioa of the aid gSSOI'IATION aftw faiiue fa thre mwstM to rnsYe awy of said
<br />t-, or ba three ratartir ut us.a~ra w teakiag wwti monthly peymsnta, rx to Iewp tud aaeply wulr the agrts and eaaditiaws of aid Bored;
<br />ar~id~hiartgtigtr ogress w hero a roneiw appointed forthwith h ouch toreckwue proaediwgs.
<br />U these is ttwy caaaee h owmrtthip of the real eulate mortBtged lwsin, by eve ar uthawia, thew the satire rotaaiairtg 4tdeMrdwet betty
<br />shared shrB, at the option of 71r tiquititteie Bttiidrtog sari Loam Aaotiatioe of Greed lslswd, Nahradta, baettase isawadiata~ dw and pytable vrithots
<br />(Mthe robot, sad the ssaplrtt rswririag due credo aid turd, sari soy othu bawd fa a.y addi~iiawv advuaeat made tlsratmdsr, they, hasp the
<br />tilde of caustic of aid gtapa, bear 9ttareat at the rwaeatte lrgv rate, std this rnoryga my that be fosacleaed to ~Y [hs atrottwt tilt w aid
<br />ltlsi,trd ayr alha bead fur addiliaev tdvwae. togrZba with aG aumtc paid by aid 11a Fquitahir >irtliittg atl l,ar Aruciuiww ~Gattd Islrtd,
<br />~ fat , rash std aweasrrab, sari actieg eatewicw charge, wits iriasert tl„aartr, fmwt dad of pwytrtewt at the arwairum
<br />f• fire Bttad secured hemby, while this rtxaatgtgo routine m e(faa tba enxysps mry her+eftat adrurx sddstttral auass to the
<br />sdwtt #i/ Bad, their aaiBos uc srwuwoes m inte[ed. which sutnis shall be within the security of thw trvurtgaga the satac u the frtrtds oriprrlly
<br />rn~taueA tltard/y, the trial aawunt of principal debt rapt to exceed at say time the origwa- amount of this toortguBe.
<br />~pld ~a day of St~tFill~r A. Il , i9 $ i
<br />C
<br />BTA'1~ OF NBARA3SICA, ~ a. Ott ibis 29tta day' of Bept~llbi:r !A $1 . betas see.
<br />the updaatgited. a Notary Ptdsiic a add far aW Cawty, parawraYy r;arr
<br />~81.d Vg.:3cYt~s Azad :~lx'aaaa R. Jt7iaE.l9* , e~zc2z in his Bind her c~ttft right ~~~ kaotto
<br />taieltill~C,
<br />t~ W ba the ids! lfeiaxt $ whtao ttatre s ar@ affueevi to the ^bova iudruttseni ss trttxtpgor s sad the}+ *sroralb
<br />tttilpolrledlled the aid InNrumatt to be ~'ir vvluntarp set srnl dad.
<br />WITME~iS ray hood a~ Stal thr tc afarasaiv. ; ~ '~~
<br />~y curnrdsrdtm expose ~ct~~: rA"~ ~~~~ t{ ~..// ,_ ~
<br />_._. ~ .~-_.. ~. r._._~.. ; rt~r
<br />a BMIMMMI~IIIf=thga d Ntitsep i
<br />4 Mliri ~~
<br />