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~1..... s~t~496~. <br />Lender s written agraemetrt or applieehle law. Harrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />rnanrier prorvided under paragraph 2 }retool. <br />Any atmr)unis disbursed by Lender pursuant to ibis paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shah become additir ~srt <br />itde'tjfcdttcss cif ~ntxvtr srxurcd by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agrce to other terrrrs of payment sue+. <br />atnourtts shat! fie payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the <br />date' of dlsbursetftent at the rate payable ftrnn time to time on outstanding principal uttdt: the Nate unless payment of <br />tnteteat at attch nits would be confrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />perm'teatbk trader applicable law. Nothing contaitred in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />arty acfintt hereuadav. <br />H: )C•apeetiss: Lender may make or cause ra be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower trotice poor to any such inspection specifying masonable cause therefor related m Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9 Cerlenoaatiott, The proceeds of any award ar claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />a:ondemnation or mhsr taking of the Property. or part thereof. or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall he paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a tout taking of the Property. the proceeds shall he applied to the sums °ecured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Barmwer. in the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Horco:ver and Ixnder <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amauni of the sums secured by this Martgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately priar to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by $brrower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor affera to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Barmwer faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is atrthorimd to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration er repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Martgage. <br />ilnkas Lender and Harrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of pmcetds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due dare of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and ?hereof or change the amount of <br />such instaNments. <br />11. 1<srroasr Net telgred. Gxtsnsian of Its time far payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any strccesmr in interest of Bonawer shall not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borcower and Bttrcower's successors in interest. !_ender shall not he required to commence <br />proceedings against such sucttsstsr or refuse m extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the anginal Barmwer and Aorrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Forbean~et by Ledar Aloe a R'fiva. Any farhrarance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otlrenviae afforded t±y applicable Iaw, shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of imunrrtx tx the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by fender shall not he a waiver of [.order's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Martgage. <br />l2. Rewadks CawWHe. All remedies provided in this Mortgage arc distinct and wmtelativr to any other right ar <br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by law or equity, and may t+e exercised concurrently. independently or successively. <br />13. Socsaawa wall Afalgaa ~utsi: Jeim rnrl Several 1.]abiYtr; Capdow. The covenants and agreetttents herein <br />contained shag hind. acrd the rights hereunder chaff inure to, the respective successor and assigns of !.ender and Aorrower, <br />subject to the prorisiorts of paragraph 17 tterwf. AlI covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint weed several. <br />The eaptioru and ireuiingx of the paragraphs of this Martgage are far convenience only :rod arc oat to he used to <br />interptcf or dr:ftnc the pravisians hereui. <br />11. 4laNee. F.uropt far any reata~e requrrrd under applicable law to be given m another manner. (al any notice to <br />Borrower provided fur m this '4artgage shall rte given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Harrower at <br />the Property r:ddress ar at stash outer address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />(b) any ttohcc ro Lcrder shat! be grven by certified mail. rrutrtt recript requested. to Lender's address stated herein or to <br />such other addrms as Leader may designate by notice to goer+wer as provided herein. Any nt>tice provided fur in this <br />Martgage shall he deetflCd uy have lien grven to Borrower ur Lender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />1S. UrtMrstar : t:,aHeswYtg mow: 5everaiNity This form of mangaRe cnrttbirtes uniform .ovcnants for nateanat <br />ttsa ante lean=utrifarm c:-v~s~ants xat"a~ itrttit~ variaticut3 l~ ,:rr.JiFtiorr to ccrr»tituis t} un+form st~ttrdty instrument .ov~;ng <br />real property. "Itus :tarter shit Lsc gusetncd by tree}?,~ of the jurisdiction in which the Property is Ictrated. )n the <br />Event that ant protista?n as _?a++az a,t this Manttagr :+r thi tir,tc cnnHict. with applicable law, su. h conflict shah nut officer <br />utttrrr prx.visian_ ~ thic ?fir+t€_gtgc .'r the '[+tc whr:.h wan h~ eiv°cn ttlrrt withaau the aun{1ict;ug prokisiaat. asul tr. the <br />ifitt pac=:€iz~ss ai rt-u M ~rgag: 3.n~ 3'n_ ~.n= -° ='~''a;£d t<.a !+e xverablts. <br />lf. ~~ er4l~- ~QrralM4r shalt t+r furnestetd a canformrd copy of the Nate and of this Martgage at the time <br />of ctteiut~ aT afro t-wc~rdrstiar hcr~st. <br />11:. 7tlfYaflt ~ ~t A- - --T- ~--_ tf ar cer any part ui it-ia Prapuri~' +ar an i~i~v.--~~~ t-1°~-rt=-?g ~ z:-ld_> ==~~-fe-.=.=as <br />by Borrower withart Lender's poor written ,Dream, rxclttding tai the creation of a lien uc encumbrance subordnatc to <br />this Mortgage. (b) lira ct'eaiiatt trf a purihase trnxery sra:urity interest t'ur household appliances, ic} a transfer ht devise. <br />dtacerrt ar by operation of taw upaxe the death .+f ;, ja.+nt tenant ar tai r the gram of any leasehold interest of there )'ewes or less <br />trot containing an option to ptrrchasc. !.ender ma}, at 1 ender'. upuon, dra tare all the moms sc~utrd by thrx htortgagr to be <br />irarticdiately dtx and payable. Lattdtr shalt bete waived su.h option to accelcratr it. prior to the .ale or transfer. Lender <br />and the perwn fo w'ham She Proputy is to he sa+id or trrnslrrrrd teach agreement rn writing that the crralit uF such xrsun <br />is talisfariary to I.onda;r wad that the interc-st payable a+n tfte 3cma..esurrd h) this Mortgage +half 6r at such rale~ as lender <br />shalt reyrtrst. If [.ender } vwatveil tier t+ptttsrt :a+ a;:celrrate provided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's succrsstrr in <br />interest has executed a written auuntption agrrrmrnt accepted in writing by Lender. Lender shaft release Harrower from all <br />obligatituts unrkr this Mortgage ark t~ Nate. <br />If l.etider axerrises such apuun a+ ac.clerate, t.rndcr .hall mui! Burrower notice of accrleratinn in accardancr with <br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall provide a tx:nac! ut oat Irss than ?0 days from tttt: date the notice is mailed withue <br />whKh Burrower titay pay the sums dc:iared den.. if Bae~a.wer ta,i~ =rt }a} ,u.h .ums priar to the Grpiration ref .tn:h pericxt, <br />Lauder may, witimut further notice ar tkntartt] an B:?rruwcr.:reva+6E ans remedies prrmiucd by paragraph Is hereof. <br />NC?N-UNtlcoirM CovENANT5. BorraWer and t.endrf Inrtfier covenant and age@e as fOllaw5: <br />/i. Acctlltttttlr!pee: ttetaediea, liarepe as pruridsd is paragraph t7 hrtreof, wpm Borrower's McacA ut way roveattat w <br />tttgtta~ti~tai at rOrr4Ntl ht obis hlartNge. iarttaltag the atitataaats to pay rvbea due any vattts vtruttd by tft~ '.N~tgagr, <br />lwtatk+r gei~ lea geCpk[4iiaa ahttq attq safkrt to Bq:rutrsr ~ prodded to rnple li hereof spectfyEag; (I) tEre braar6: <br />I~1 Nee ^clior ~ otter arch btaaebf [~) a dMa. not ksa tMrw 3A lays tram the does fhe notice is mailed to Norrowrr, <br />try wie~elr mock ~ tttte~ he rtrtetk wad N) dau tailtue to amore such breach on or helots the date :cperiiieea io f~ natke <br />tuyt ttteMtt i• ~ et Nee sun sarernd by tbkn ~lorfgage, toraetaaare by jodkiat prorcedNtg tend sale of the Property. <br />1'lrt tsaitve aAa/,4eerUea iaWrtn iprrntser of 1br right eo reitxatatc.dtet acraderatioa amt the right to t-ssert is the tareeloeum <br />~rar[esltgg tl~ttt171AttICe of a defntll ar-any wrier tectense of Honower IO arrekrNioa and torertoaurc. H the brrar6 <br />if not rtrrettt ore w ba~we toe dale speriBed to the twtire, Lender sa ixttdaPs opNan may declare aB at the sums securtd by <br />FrfortgitHe to ba ieeeruelfnldX dwt wad payable withoot farther dtatartd wad ntrty totrrlone by' jadirial proceeding. Ltades <br />rrirrlt be attt w collect lw ttMrh prortteligt aB rxpetaaes of torrrlosurc, inc/utgag, but not limited to, costs of dorunsrMary <br />tviinetee, tiMlnrda trod e1Nc repoAa. <br />11. iMnrowatr'a ~ io ttalntdalt. Notwnhstandutg l.endrf's ararkrat:on of the +urns srst:red by this Murtgatc. <br />Bcrrewtr shall have the f~ttt in have aaiy praceedirtgs ttrgun b;: t ~ndrr t<. enforce this Mortgahr discontinued at any nme <br />