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t ~ <br />~y ,.~.=f~t1~~48 REAL ES'~ATE t+I~RTGA6E roa*~ Fie 2ria1-~~ Baer. 1-r71 <br />...,, - . F <br />,;~La_sep~~b~~r loa 148~1~ <br />Ileeniiis K. Sen€f and .}ayes L. ^a9nif, husband and wife <br />Martgagars, <br />of Hall ~~COUnty, Nebraska in conslderatinn of <br />the advance of the principal sum recited in r_he note hereinafter described, receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby <br />morLe acid eonvey tc <br />THE FED£RAE EA110 BATIK OF OMAHA, a CorDeration, <br />of Omaha, Oougiaa County, Hebraaka, whose address <br />is Farts Credit Building, Omaha, Hebraaka 66100, <br />Mortgagee {s~DJeet to 011, gas^ and mineral rights awned Dy parLles other than Mortgagors; existing easemenLS of <br />taeord; reservations in Itrited ;,tateS and State patents; and the rights of the public in all higriwaysl, thetollowing- <br />deserlDad real estate Sn Hall County, Nebraska <br />~_ TMP. Rg,• <br />together wltri all of the right. tide, ind Interest i+f he Mortgagors in said property, including all Duiiding9, <br />improvements, fixtures or xppurtenancY.= ncrw r *tereafter acquired, including all apparatus, equipment, ilxtures or <br />articles u3ed Go supply heat, gas, xlr ~~ond1*ioning, hater. ':fight „rawer, retrlgeration, venGilatlon, er other serv- <br />ices. and the furnishings ^_ur;to~srily ar apprapria*_oly inei:aded try lessors to lessees ineludipB. but oat limited to, <br />:~2:°'or„ svre.~s~. ~1:7'=a. _ _- ,3t.^g "<d ^t--h€r ~aat<~ftigs, '-a°-s=de-ar tr€ds, a~t1:~s, <br />Staves, refrlgeratar.~, ~vaL?r~naaLerx, Sr ~~ndlLi~rse*-. h~rlditiars. hearth~antl tlreplaee equipment, all of which <br />are declared to be a J~ t a.* the real .}strzt~. ~vh=_Lh=~- ,.'ys2ca}ly attaaned Lhereta ar noG, std deemed a porttan of <br />rhs s~t?3'ity rot rho IndeetAdi;~~ harnlntor das•_ria_•,;. <br />='1alY m_rrga~e t rash '- -~•^_rE a _.ra+5!--..era sera .- ~y ~h .Tate herewith, exacucad by t1~rt~a3t,~`s to ut+r [.~aaae, In <br />.,,n ,~,~ ,. ,.. s: Ff)A7~i 7CH4_U~liitU TiL HitND~A NO/100 -. - - - .. - - .. - - - Wit. c <br />~.. .;. _ i.ni4~ <br />payable in In Callmants with interest. accar3ing :a the terms of <br />.,a18 rota, Chi last instailmant being-due and pay- <br />able on the Slrst day of OCkabeP ~~ This conveyance shall De void upon the p:wetant of said <br />praiuksacry n9ta. <br />rile Mortgagors agree to pay, if rsquesced Dy Martgagae, en each lnstallmant date, Sn addition to the sums required <br />ixi the at5bve-desarlMid promissory rota, saute equal to °he amount deterarlnad Dy the Mortgages required to accruwlate, <br />gad pay the insurance Prearlwes on policies of Lira and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged premises, and <br />the real estate Gaxas acid assassteants due on she mortgaged premises i5 days prior to the due dates thareot. In <br />the event Ghat the sums accrued for the p131rmeuG of the said pratatums, taxes, ar assessments era lnsuttlcient, the <br />:Spitggaggrs will, upon request, pa} such ad itienal sums prier to Gha due date thereat. All auras received therefor <br />shall Da appiiesl on the principal balance until such time as Ghey era withdrawn by Mortgagee tar the payment of <br />said pri~iu~, tares, or assaswCmnts. <br />'Pis ~;rtgaga is stiD3act Lo the prvvisians of FAkti Citf,J}i ACT and ail arts aaandaGOry thereof ar si,pplawantal <br />theta#.p. 'Pa proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for ins purposes specified 1n the MarLgagacs~ appli- <br />natlan tar Said .Ivan and authorized Dy said Act. <br />'fhn `4V1' ors, and each of Lhata, hareOy warrant that they are fee aw¢ers of Gha martgage4 real C;-raperty; Lhat they. <br />will deteii t13e title against all alairr<atita w}Samaaever, anC that said property is free from all encwatrraacos; that <br />bhp Brill tisap fail Ghs S~ravemauts, fiicturas, and appurtananoea occupied end Sa goacd repair acrd permit no acts of <br />waste- and they w111 relinquish ail rights of hoaastead 1n said premises. andeovenant and agree with the Mortgagee, <br />as Lollows: <br />t: Y <br />~i ;IAat that' will pay,+Qia9 due all Gaaias, dens, lodgments, ar asse3spients which may Da lawfully atsessed asalnsc <br />pti_'Cpi?,^y; nsrain R;c-G~:1~<d. <br />t«t '3u4t they viii insure and kpap insured Dµildicrgs ar atlssr Sa~raasawuts now nh or-which m+a~y 'lsraatLer firs pla.cad <br />v-n said amisas.EtaLhe sgtisfactivn Gf tyre Mort~agats, sµchinsuranre ifgiicy shell ps ahdorsed witYt s mortgage clause <br />with the Toss tiaereumdcr to be payable to the Mortgagee. Aqy stems received mqp De used to pay ..tor reconsGrucGion <br />oS rise desGrpXiad lrorlrUVG'9rQritll&; ar, it nut so applied, melt', at the option of ttie Mortgagee, he applied .tn AWmsnt at <br />iiiddiste~te:,;;, :;raEufad ar unmat;~-•ad, assured by Gina apt tgaga. <br />(;i} 'Shat in the avant the Murt.gagas is ;~ }Tarty to a1LV ilttgation attecGing the security er the Liao of its m~irG- <br />inelutiis~ ar,3r :.viG by the Mrrrtt~~aeaa,ee W farec.,asa tails +eor~Lgage or af{y suit. to +tbiah rile Martfiagee may De names <br />' a partjr ?iafei!~ict ip a9'iich to is aDllgaLed to v~t'otect its rights or lien, tncludittg eandsanatlan and bankruptcy <br />pf'ogeD~liYga, tale MortB.~ee many incur e~~naas slid advance payment ipr abstract flea, attorney teas ;ex..apG to Lire <br />• 9rGLaMt pflpl}1g1G~3 by Szi*?, COSts, expanses, arW other Ciiargas. <br />