<br />3~FiS 3`tiAt#iw s •tade tins. ?5tta • •~` ~. ss:F~ais~ss~id ~aiiti `Wife
<br />~~.~ ,, th~a ...??~ .T ; ,vt?iz.~~ ,~'.'sii~a,*i.'c,, v T;rt~x ........................ .
<br />.:.. . {herein "»orro+rer" ), arut the ~... ..... .
<br />~>r~tp, Pirc~acis2, Corposition ............................. a , .... , .. , slut
<br />under t;hs lstw~s ~. iiasttitsgton .............. . whc~e a6dress~ .Z~i.O..i..3tlto~h iSt :.28~;1eadssin&
<br />Suite, 500,,, 61~shingtoq, _D _ C.. 20007 ............ . ................... {iteteitt "I.sae4et").
<br />W 79orrrteaer i!t itKtehted to Lender in the principal cam ~. FORT'1 THOUSAttD .FOUR, HttNDRLt). .
<br />. 1t14b ?(1. - - - - - - - , -, -, - - .- . - . -..Dollars, which indebtedness i$ evidsrtc~ed by Hdrrovver's ttsXe
<br />..Septes~er 25 r . I981. _ , , , . {ht:rcin "?dote"), providing for monthly installments of peir~ and interest,
<br />with the balance ~ the ~, if not sooner paid, due and payable on..October .l t . 2OI~ .... .
<br />To St=.cvat? to Leader {a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest theram, tiw
<br />payment of i1t outer tames, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance hsrewith to protect the security ~ this
<br />A~etgage, ~d the parformanoe of the coveaants and agreements of 9orrower herein contained, and (b) the sepayoeat
<br />at nay Bite adaarrxs, mitb interest thereon, made to Borrower by Leader purwant to p®ragraph 21 hertmf (hereht
<br />"F~ Advances"p, Borro+rer does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the toIIowing deserted property
<br />! is the CktmitY ~.... Hsil .................................. Sts ~ 2Yebtaska:
<br />Lot 6 of the Lawton Subdivision in Ha 11 County, Nebraska.
<br />~ the adaire+~ ut. ,~~~~. ~to>4th ,Webb. ~a .................. ......... Grand ,is 2ispa..... ,
<br />tstnu tcigr7
<br />i~ebr•~tka.: ~a1 .. _ ... (hsr~in "Prepcrty Address");
<br />uii ~R I
<br />'Ti>!~S'~tk~t tai the l~i~nts nuw ar hereAiter erected on rho property, atxl alt aasantettta, rights.
<br />sy~at~n, tvmts, .tpyttltims, titi+tr,~. oil and gets rights and pmts, watre, water rights, and water stock, and alt
<br />Rtttnres [ce-w or heretrftcr attached to the property, all <rf whii#t, incttsd'tng replat~ments and addkior~. th~sto, shat! rte
<br />dad ho a~ t~ a part oL the prtperty cn~Yred by this Mortgsde: sad s~ at the fctrcgoing, togeZl~x with said
<br />,peaty {art tlwa ~ estate if thin Itlortpga.is nn a leasehdd) are herein. tofutred to as tht '"i'rsiperty".
<br />Eet~el t`d1~t6tttl~i that roircr is letr(nAy noised o[ this relate ltct+d-y ctxtvcyed amt has tha right to ,
<br />grant an~1 ~ aka ,~ tltttt the Property is ut~ettcttatbeted. sad that iSortrttwcr Witt- warrant and ddbm!
<br />~snarally rho dt~ tp- Property t~ittst a!l eta ate tlatn+~, sub}ect to any do uuations, cat~mw,;nzti pr restrictions
<br />listed bn a ~ W ettce~tisuta to eoveita in tatty title insursatx pcKicv insaring Leader's interest in the Property.
<br />_-t to i FMath--~J ~-._tUM1f t~pE; ilMtttigll 1l{6t#INAtNr
<br />