<br />1
<br />i
<br />52•A--7t~AL ~$TATE 6AZf9tT~AGEt-!tYith Tax ~Ciause} tiw+¢. 78 H;:ifma~ arrn .e9tnn 8 Yrt+df, MPaRton Na:- ~6FSfi61 {
<br />a -...._.~...._.. -~F-„;h.......~.
<br />tcpra[~t ALL PKE1v By THE.~E pRBSEt~iTS: Thaz Joan F, Keilogg, a singie person,
<br />j ~ Hal1 t,'ounty, state at Nebraska , in mnsideratiort of t}te sum of !
<br />~tfti~'EEAi Tt€t~1SAND AND td£~iC1E?--°-°-°-'-----s°-------------°-------moL~.'>~S j
<br />in harrxl paid, do hereby SELL and t~NV1:Y unto Laura E, Berg
<br />~ Fi811 t,<atnty, State ch` Nebraska , the fal-owing described premises situated ''.
<br />is Hall Court artd State of Nebraska . ta~wit:
<br />The Easterly Sixty and six Tenths (60.6) Feet of I.ot Seven
<br />(?) in Block Three (3) in 6desterhoff's First Subdivision in
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska.
<br />Tlm intcntiam tx!enft to mnvey herehv an abrwdute t+tle rn few rsimpie, inetudinR alt the ri{thts at htmtestead attd dower.
<br />1Yl HAYS A!vU Tfl HUL.l3 tfu- i,ram>wrw atx.vE• der+errtaret. with alt thr appurtetuncra thereunto belonging, unto ttte raid
<br />mnrtggee(r) and W itiR. her ur their herrw atxt asKit:ns iurrvr r, prervxtecl alwayri and these prerentr am upon the ettpre0
<br />crrnditicut that if the srtrt martgrg4r{+r. his, her cr ebrir heirs. eztY.93tarl, administrators ar arrlgttt shalt pay or caUre to 6e
<br />.. ~~ ttme ,arid „mrro _+oi_ al- hurl her eer their belts, i<xecutnrs, adminirtrators ar atragns, tkte principal .utn of $ 14, ~~ ^ ~©
<br />payttbie w toltaevr, to wte:
<br />The amount of ¢154.87 monthly (inciuding principal and interest) for a
<br />period of three years, with the balance of principal and interest due and
<br />payable at the end of the third year.
<br />(In the evenC that the mortgagor enters into an agreement to sell or assiga~
<br />such property or transfer or convey such property to others, the entire
<br />balance owing hereunder, at the option of the mortgagee or assigns hereof,
<br />shall. becottte itt~ftediately due and payable. E
<br />with intrrr:rt axvtding to the trrxtr an+l r•fTe.y r,f the rswragagan written pnmtiretrry torte herring evrn date with there preeeob j
<br />and 'ihatl pay all tffitttw mrrd axw•owtrronta iwva~! utxrn eral oral e. talc, and aii other icier. levier rrtd aertertrn~ntr levi..d tijRm th6t ~
<br />erwrt;age Ar thr ate vfhtx•ie ehtss nwrt>:xisp rs g+vrn t<r .,purr, before the .trot ttirxrwts delinyuent. and keop the buildiags on 1
<br />said ttretntre,r tnwrrr.S trrr thr .urn ~rf 8 4~,(9C?17.C~{3 t. a+x., rf aa7. lwyabte to the said raartgag4e. then there pr~eata -
<br />ta I+e raid, oiherwtso ice ter sled rsmaan :n fait t.rr-~
<br />t'T tS ~Y'Ft`i"tI E:R ~t;tt~:t~:l) ti; 't`4-~tt cf t1x- -.-, ertt,rt~grx slttili fail to twv Witch taxer or praeura trttc,~u~~
<br />sa#t trtiutgaag€4'. nay tom) ~~?x txts~ ~txl t-nes.•4_rr •u. ra..;rr~-e. --- .,,., ,. e.. ~ o;n~, tR§ :~te.~t at }.rt~~ a
<br />Matt t~ reuaiti i.- e`~t?? rsxerians+es- arw * ~ ttt.--€r R.>~1 3ia~ ~ _rit f^r t#x tit 'T`hat a fe~4t-~ t=; €r~Y ~tl'
<br />iit said itYn'~?y. Y-i\h1'i pr3ec'+t ~i .•r a nt=r~, -+-;€+~ ilig 3ru. ;-~.~=.°.xs et•.Y•, ;:r C Sxtlt2rB te? t~'~lY wilt @gv nt toe ior~o~
<br />- - - 'c oY i i'rniimat~rw 4 ~ E1~ ~ .~ a~ rfu! +
<br />~~ n.see aasTr a:.., ....,..~ _.r,._ - ___> of -. -» _ iri L~.'~'+RR€ ug a ~+ae..s~ -
<br />Signrtl that ~~~ day r.i ~ t9 8l ..
<br />to presrncc of ~ '--ti.-, ._' / _ `~. k .i' ,''' -~' ~`} ~ - - I
<br />""' dcigri F, tCellbgg ~:.
<br />3TA'Y'E t)F ...... , .@if;F$RAlSKA. .. , f.'x~unty of HA1,L .. .
<br />was arknuwletltgrd ttefvre ttte .. . S~. 29 .. , . 198.1 ~.
<br />
<br />single person.
<br />T ,-~~-uttc~CtPi a _ ,• ~ f
<br />~ ~ 8x~tu~ .~ 1~*satn `-_'aktn~ ~i ,w1Hd~tt~ttt E
<br />,~ NC7£]~t' 1C '
<br />~ '!'ills
<br />- _ _ ,
<br />i s~'IA'i`l~ (DY... ... i finierad an ntttturicat index and Rkd tar tx+tnrrt
<br />! C-~atAly rtr. is the R~arier at t)aedr t7Mt~e rd ertid Ctwnty thr }
<br />~" of-. t9.. .. , at... .. a`elttete alai......, ertiatttes At.,
<br />aerti a to rd... at t+aie .. _ ..... _ . _ `
<br />~.~q'
<br />~Y _ 17et:ttis '.
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