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<br />$1-- i~U4931
<br />ORDi{¢ANC£ N0. 5760
<br />An ordinance to vacate certain existing easements in Black i, L'nit Two, Continental
<br />Gardens; aril Rlack J, Unit Three, Continental Gardens, all in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska; and to provide the effective date o£ this ordinance.
<br />SBCTY®N 1. That trzo ezS,sting easements located in Riack 7, Unit Tna, Continental
<br />Gardena; and BYock 7, Unit Three, Continental Gardens, all in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Halt Coruety, Nebraska, mare particularly described as follow
<br />Tract Nn. is
<br />An night t8t fcxsr wide tract of Sand, t:he cast.eriy line (hereof being
<br />described as twginntng ~tC the +outhreast rnrner ;af said Rlock 7, Unit Two,
<br />GonTinental Gardens; thcnee rhsrzhc:rly along the easterly 1,lne of said
<br />Block 7, Unlt T+ro, a dl stance of one hundred nine[.y 1190? feet; and
<br />TTtCC NO. ~
<br />A sixteen rib} zt;ot vzide tract of land, the centerline thereof being
<br />c7aacrtbat3 as ?seginnln,, en the eesieriv 'sine rxf said meek i, Unit Twc~,
<br />Contirx*ntal Gardens, hc•SnY; une hundred ninety-eight (19(3} feet North o£
<br />the Sautheeat corner eE raid Black 7, i`nit Twu; thence kegterly parallei
<br />to th+a sout:herlx Line rsE paid Biuck ~, Unit Three, Contftrental Gardens, a
<br />distance aE one hrxxKired five i105 feet; rhtrncr 4iuthvestcrly to a point
<br />on the southerly liar .~i xaid rilcrck 7, t?rtit 7"krrce, '+eing seventy-tiro and
<br />ninety-alas hundredths r?2.941 Feet S.rsz Uf the Southeast cernr<r of the
<br />said 81ork ,, i:nit I`hren; thence ncsrth~eesteriq ~.,rre hundred tuenc.y-
<br />three 1121} feet, gore :.r less, to a ,[suet Lw:er:ty-eight and twenty-five
<br />hurairedths i2l3.25} Stet "~riuuth k~£ a corner of xatd Hivck r, (':nit Three;
<br />both said tzacta eanzalning x ier,~isirrrd *cxzaS cf O.lfs aerres, more or less,
<br />end the Sntene uE t!se: sa+~•,•e .ie±.cri.ptlia:ts betnl, to rr•r#.~scrtihe Chr under-
<br />~round xlertriral canw`mcnts recardttd srn :~~rumcnt i9_Oti#t,Zd in the Halt
<br />LC4usty Rri$ister ;si i>eeds uiil~c, end .rs +hct:n esn Chr i~~l::t °watcd 9Il0iBY,
<br />xrarkad Exhlblt "A", attached herr.ta arxi incorporated herein by rrE¢renec;
<br />bs, and hereby are vacated.
<br />SYsCTi03i ?, 'his ordinance Ss hereby cSlrer~teci tv he filed in the officrt of the
<br />~@gl sLer tsf S7e~ds, i+~li spun+-y, 'tenr.sska.
<br />~ECTd~ ?~ T•;ls ::r:#lna;r~e °: _.; ~• in =;~r~'Y ~sru# take effect iro>it and niter its
<br />¢ssaa~+! atu# publ lcaCitsn within f1Sts•en days in one issue of the Brand fislafld Daily
<br />Indepsndrtsta aA pT4Yided by lav.
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