<br />~_ ~ woar[;A[;I.l.[iA.~+xrl. L 23.99G .~~
<br />~~, Amt ~~ BY TilFSI: plt~sENTS: Th,t Lavern R. Nielsen and Ardyce L. Nielsen, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgrgor, whether one of more, in wsttddetatioo of the sum of
<br />?`ftirt~r-Seven_Thousand _s'~d__~L1.9Q---------------------"'°-----------------°----- ntILLAits
<br />ioensd to said mortgagor by T't+e Egtritabk Bur7deng acrd t.tran Assesciation of C,rand Isiarrd, Nebraska, Mtutgagce, upon 370 shares of stack of
<br />aid ASS(ICIATiON, Ccstifinte No. i. 23,1396 , do hereby grant, comsey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION [he following
<br />rfeacrdted real estate, sittuted in Hail County, Nehraska
<br />Part of the North Half (N~) of the Northeast Quarter (NE's) of the Northwest Quarter (NWT)
<br />of Section Eleven tll), in Township Eleven (11), North, Range Ten (10), West cf the 6th
<br />P.M. more particularly described as follows: Camtvncing at a point 138.7 Feet West of
<br />the Northeast Corner of the North Haif of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
<br />(N~t) of said Section Eleven (11), in Township Eleven ill}, North, Range Ten (10),
<br />Running Thence South Parallel with the East Line of said North Half of trte Northeast
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (N'~NE'~NW'~} of said Section for a Distance of 662.4 Feet
<br />more or less, Running Thence West, for a Distance of 68.5 Feet Running 'T'hence North, for
<br />a Distance of 662.4 Feet, :rare or less, to the North Boundary Line of said Section,
<br />Running Thence East along and upon the North Boundary Line of said Section for a Distance
<br />of 68.5 Feet to the Place of Beginning, Subject to County Road on the North, and the P7~ of a
<br />Part of the N~NE',r,NW'~ of Section 11, 'i'owrtshi.p 11 North, itange 10 6+~st of the 6th P.M. Described
<br />as Catmeslcing at the Northeast Canner of the NE~idW~ of said Suction 11, Running Thence Trlest for
<br />a Distance of 138.7 Feet, Thence South for a Distance or 662.9 Feet, Thence East a Distance of
<br />140.8 Feet, and ~ Tllerrc.~e ibrth for a Distance of 662.4 Feet to the Place of Beginning,
<br />Subjt~'t to ~ of the County Road on the North of said Tract said Qira~t~iaroiQ~wt1 as Lots Three,
<br />2- ~i ~a~~tp, pof ~ - ft F ~` Std' r~~.n ir..n.ctioz: ~, T~ =..~p R~>~ 0 I~t
<br />~1~~~'~ TNl~Adie~hC~~~rft~~p~~a thetcuntu hehrngrrtg. rnrludtoq a[ncfrcd flaw inverm~.t, all window acteata.
<br />window dudes, blinds, storm wituktws, awnirt6s, heatu~, au cvtditrrtnrttg, and plumbitgt and water egtttptrreet std anaao[ies theaeto, pttmpa,riates,
<br />rdrigeratrers, arced othst fixtrucs and equiprtxnt txrw w herraftn attached to w wed rn nmrrMran with sad real estate.
<br />Atd wheteu the said rnwt~sgor has agreed std does trcretsy tgtroc oral the «xtrtgagtx shdi snd wdi Pty aU taaet std aa>aaa®enu h:Yied w
<br />aattesed upon stud paemeea and upon tltm ttsoctgag std the bwxl rowed hetore the same shall bsurme detingnent: to fu[eiah apptoaed
<br />~trsnce upon tlu bwhlsgts oa saiA przames arttutcd in the sum of S 37, 000 payahk to sad ASSO('UTItNi and to tietiaer to acid
<br />ASSOCIATION the polit~ea for said inawaner: and rxrt to wtttmtt tH pertmt anY waste un or about sad Prcrosss;
<br />lu cam ut ~f'ault in the pw(wtstartct of any u! the terrtss anst t:rrn4trons u( ehta rneret(~ or the txtnd secured hereby, the mrtrtga®o¢ shall,
<br />orr dernanri, be enlillnl to rtnttrcdiats puuessxtn of the nrrmtgr~tt prevtnea and the uxxtgapw hereby asarptn, lttmdns and seta ova to tht
<br />trarrtga(BEe sit tEr trnu, revettrma atsd rssaerrtt tc: tx Jarrveil from the ttxut~ri p+ernrms d+uugt wch roue as ttu mrutgye mdebtadet:sa shall tetreaitt
<br />tutpard: std tits rtrxtR,agcr dull here the power to xpprtutt any agent tx alterru d rmy tiesue Iw the pr®puae al tgvrtts and ptesmsa std ecattlta
<br />the sartte sad oulieclurg the rents. revenues std itwunte, axed rt rtuy pay out ut sari rtrpMtK ail eaP~uaa of rcparmg acid pretrmea rurd ttecsarty
<br />cattmiswses std experncs uu:wral m retura6 am! ntnweursg the sate ntJ ut r:uifccturg rentals thrreftom, the haianse remaioin~, if any, to be
<br />ap~ Wwad the discharge of sad nrwtgaige urrkbtctlsres, thus t rRhts ui tttc ttxutgagae rruy tar cxncual at any «mt dwang tste earatenu of nlrh
<br />tk atilt, uresptxtive of any tenyxxary warrrn ul the same.
<br />7hae Presentx, however, are upon the t'ombtrtto, 1Trai .: the sad Muetgtrtgn sltdl repay sail boa .rn or batwe the trrturriy at satd sluries by
<br />payment: pay monthly to sard A5'itl,['iA77t3N .,f she corn sf:F,:ri;E:l m ttre Nrrttd secuta9 heteiey as rote:s7t sail prusrzpei ort sad roan, an at Ixfau
<br />the Tweatisth day of cash attd evctY rnnnth. Unto caul txta .t fe:llp pad: pay ail taxes aril aatessntents kvred nFfr~ card premtita and ttn the Mort~e
<br />anti rixe Bonai st+cwea nc~re`ot-_ ixf!xe dciFrrgaers~y, : -- - i ipprsi.~.i srsurartce rtptH. t4t.: bu:LltGg. t~t~t u~ t,e r•,..rr s.: ~?7 , r~i?{~.!}ta fsy~
<br />to said A3*v'€}[.'iAT4[~s, :;~sy tae A.`-L:3l.'l ATIt€~3 dent xEl nastey by tt pasd tar smote razes, ,terra ataf rttstua with uttst~ at
<br />.~
<br />,. ~ `_ - ~
<br />!A£ rtt^iRisttsr!t rate 4S~€=n izutu .late .rt payment au ut wwar haw t~5tggtar rxctzby agpwa tv pnry. ~riii. rr,- ~astc..a a::t prs6'a;w:s;:BEp aSr. r~YtSY.ty
<br />with ail 'sue a~~ncata asse'ak~s%.= _ : ,_~ - , t - ~Stu~ra by :~ ~ tts ,~;. q~y_~ - t~.+t + _
<br />Wit;} ~ ~ ~ c~ t E:.~ ~[ ~y-1_a~ ~' A~'4t-x'Ifil"t t~ea>r ~xxeartis h~esxs=aar ~:ttdl sad texd. alhsrwis¢ tha'Y
<br />sftall remain m fn0 faxaY aril rtuy he iwa:toaed at the Uptxrn of efts sari ASSix'IATt[)N after fadwe for tirme trxmtha is tudts any of sawl
<br />PaymeWS cw he tbtet nruaths m artaats to tnaitwg tad muathly paymuts, to to teep atxl wutpiy wrth the a~gtrxmenu and tvttddsons of acid Baotl,
<br />and 11ott{ptgex agrees to have : raxtvcr appstutted forthwith in arch frtredwwe ptrcealin6a_
<br />If there n say dtuytf m uwaetabrp of the rrsi esuu rwrrtgapesl herein, by sak or uthorwne, titan the entuc reroatnwft rrrdebaadrreat heaoby
<br />aasared shall, at the trptitw trf T1x E:ywiabk Building and t.wn Asraruatam ui' [,rand tarred, Nebcaaiu, bts-amts tmmcditetly due sad pyable withuW
<br />flnther twtino, and the arrwunt reeoauutrg dtrc utwkr sad bttrxl, aril any other bard for any additxtrul advants's made thartuadaa, shall, farm the
<br />date trf eaertse of sad opttatt, bear wteresl at tbs tsuaimtt® legal rate. aril this rtrtrtgagc miry then be foteaawed to aat,ary the aanrtltat dire on aid
<br />bard,and any other hand fat aiWitronal advarttxs, tottether wstb sU swm pad by tad The E:quiubk Btrilditr~ and l.wn Aaartciatittn of /:tend Itdand,
<br />Naktaaka i'w irtswattu, lases out! aaseaamenta, arrd absttaairtrg sstsrtsioct siurlprs, with inuteu thprxm, from dais Uf payment at the ttnstmata
<br />~ tarn.
<br />As avided in the &rrxi seswed hereby, while that rnwtgaige ecrtuins m of"test ittc rnurtgagee uuy irorctdter advance addistottal sums to the
<br />rtytitcta of said BRttd, tlscir assiRtut ut wuststns in merest, which sutra stall be wrthtn ifts su:wtiy erf ilia rtwttgske rho arttus u the ftrads ur+gioally
<br />f[K:uted thereby, the Wtal atnUUal ui ixltx:tpai tkbl rWt tU Csrxed al any latlC the /rlt~tfLi antatml of this riWrlga~.
<br />(7,tisd this 28th day o3 Septatiber, R. n., tU $1
<br />r _... ,
<br />L. Niel
<br />tA7k ~', ~ as. ihr this 28th day ai September, i v li 1 , hcfaae tns.
<br />:.a~rl~r os HAId.
<br />the uodeutgted, a Koury Public in and for sad Ctrunty, pet~aBl' time
<br />IraVeTn R. Niels€m aril ?3rdyce L. Nielsen, ~:ach in his and her own r%rallt and as.t~tkKtfwnta
<br />lw art`
<br />E'.aCh other,
<br />Loa to 6c Lire idattticai psasrrrr 5 w3suae rtarere ~ are afTeard w the xbtrve instrument as rrttuigapur ~ arxi tlLr:Y aetetatry
<br />ackrx*wletipn! thr. raid itWtrusrneut to !tc their vuitmtuy act :mi dxd.
<br />MtiTNl:S5 my hatsd amt Nauru) Scsi the date afutesanl.
<br />My Csxnnrimism aapnes i:~ ~ -57 t _ .. t :Y ~ f .~ . r
<br />