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"r~~~'°T ~. lam"` afL) <br />;, art o! the Southeeast t?uat>s•ter of the Southeast +~a~arter (SE45E~a} of <br />:section tine t3I, Towns2tig f:ievon 121} 2~orth, itan0e 1~'inr (4; nest cat: ~.?~o Gth <br />~.•t., Nall Cocsnty, xebra~aka, mssre fsarticulerly dascrit~ecf as fol,9wss <br />SeetinnitteJ at a gwint on the ~tth lido of geld ke,~athoast pu~artcr o~ rho <br />So€agheast ~uattet tSf:$SEki t said {+aint poinq five Itacndred '*hirty Eiykat ,~-ad <br />t`9ve Ttsnths l538.S3 Foot test of ttte Routhatnst earner a! sasid 5otatheast <br />~Statter of the aSoutheast (iuaartest tSEk+Ek1 i thence running ti~QSter:.y along <br />t5~+ South line of said :4o~sthoast a?uartvr o! the Southeast +?carter (SE~aSE43 a <br />distance of Seven SSelndsod Twenty Four 1726.0) Peet to the Southeast Corner <br />of a tsact previously surveyed tor, artd doed+~d to, rho C.eer Company; thence <br />dtttloctirs® si7ht 101.33' 30• and sunt-inq N®r~theastoriy niong the Easterly line <br />of ae tsact ps~rviously aparveyed tos and deeded to the rear Co~tngany, a d:.,stanc® <br />of eceven Nuafdr®d Nineteen and Nino Tenths 4719.9) Feot co a point on the <br />fiatthesly Right-Al-tiay lino of ti.S. 3iiyt4way No. 3n~ thenco daElectinq right <br />gl°35' and sunnin+~ faortheastesly along said right-osi-way line a distance of <br />pivaf thuidred f~inety Seven and Pitteen ftuetdrodths (547.1,) Feet; thence de- <br />flecCinq tight 13+5.60• and running Southwesterly a distance of Two 11s-ndred <br />fifty one atnd Eight Hundredths (251.089 !'sett thenco deflecting left 132.52' <br />anct tannieeq Northeasterly a distance Ol Ono foHndred 'Twenty 'Throe and I'itteon <br />Stuetdsodths t123.1SI f-eett thenco deflecting rie7ht 114'10' end running 5outh- <br />ealy and parallel to the EaAt liana of said SEk5Ek a distance of Seven Hundred <br />Nighty Eight and T~wanty Two Stnndradtha 1788.7.:) feat to the point of beginning <br />A tcsaa:~ of latfil looaCed oil part o! fire tis~tit ffal! of the Southeast Quarter <br />tdkS~S at one tl) .in TowttihJ~p !l®van t11D xorth, Itanq[s `alne 193 best <br />Af Cho itb F.H., tttt~te pasCSoalitly a9eaosibad sa toliowac <br />S4plnt~ieMQ set a point o0t rite ioattt 9oandarY line of Cho Southeast Quarter <br />t~411 e€ laid ~gtti~- [inn til , ~igl± is ~ intpaa~czign of raid 5~~ ~a~3y <br />lseee tratt?- C)1e )fait liana of Q.lti ?raCrt oa1W®yad to the cccr Corapa-ny, a corpora- <br />CiaBn~ by liasrapty Qeoi revox~dad in DoolC fS at fa3e 697, in the Office o! the <br />-isles of Deeds of ffall Coanty, lOei~asleas tlu2nco North a1onR s~:id rasst Lino <br />at sa18 ?ratafC io, oo~tveyod, to L}» ZALOtaict3on of said East line with the <br />6ottth~ RlS-hC of t8ax lfne Ot Unitaed itiCfll ifighway fro. 30~ running thence xorth• <br />saattearly aeon ia9as f~ighC o! Meg 1l~te a distance of 211.6 Feett running thearece <br />sa-t)swoa-tes2~ at asn angle of 12837 ~ t41 Llfa Right, to a point OA the South <br />lino of said rds~oCion Ono tf), wRiel9 oo1nC is 62.1 Feet East of the place o! <br />ianrtiigt ~ t:Aenee tfesC sloetq and apon rho South line of said Sectiosfl <br />~e tl) aaf+0 dliCance of 62.1 lead to the point of »eginninyf being a tract of <br />land 211.d feet ~~ along ~ >:ouClt s1thC oC w.y line o[ united States tiiph- <br />eay tb. 30 t5fd i2.1 tool wide •loeq t)!e 8oath lino of saki Section one t 1) <br />laiaCely aas}oini~t ~ ~ wit the tfcaot comaoyod to the Igor Company by <br />i~ M~afa~itr tisr ~rarorinto~ a~l~ ~• <br />~Yn ~i~4 <br />i-artc e~ tt~ >~euE~rsaR fluarivr ~ ~ doltpleast Qu_artor (51~45sfk1 0>: Section <br />9Me tA~ e _ - dlevar~ tll~} Nol~1: a Nike t!) Bert of th9 6&h ~.rt. , <br />s~-te paa'Clia~rgasly desoaribad ni tollotiao <br />Certneneltp aC Che Point of I1~Ce~sseOt3Eln o! the Soatherly Right at way 1ir-e <br />?! fl.8. !#,Srt}hMhy IfOe, 9tl, ai OfII9I CA01-elslllDted ants loCatasd, with the South boun- <br />iasy lalue of tf-e dta~uChwest QwsCos oat Cite aioutheaat Quarcor tSwhcSE~) of uid <br />;eetSott One ti) f smtontoq t:itenoe Ea-sC aloanq and upon the south bounc5aty line <br />ad said BoaCiweiC tlWtsies of Cho ~Cheaaa Queerer of said section Onu tli. <br />tot • disCaitoe of ).306.9 leotJ CmisRatnq thoaftce North at nn 1-nglo at 90• and <br />R~tn,Ag ~ toe a distance of 564.6 loot to the southerly right-o>°-way line <br />:.t ~w1d ii.f. ~~~y wo. 30. era ~aCa-•ti,:tud agid lc+.:at~t anc5 runni:og ttte~sce <br />in i ~DatlttatiCesly dixeot,ion almtq and aeon the Southerly right of way line <br />~R t!a'3. !i#,tia~y f!Mt. 30 tae tit tL~fOt~od attic! l.~ocat®d. for a ditstaa~u of <br />i3i~.Si tM~t, ~ Cho rle of 8t~~. <br />