;, � - .... � ''' 1�.if
<br /> � ,?,'�,...rt.s�•_.:,::.7
<br /> ' ...� �.'. •:•.r'��ti� � � . . •�����'-;�•a..,.,�e__..
<br /> ,t. . . . .. . .....AI�{'AI�S�iAbMIR1ChNh�lct�e:� , ... . . . . ..._... _.,- .v.� _��
<br /> '_ ..._. �('_�:.[:��a=.�.r�....
<br /> _, '��. .�s,�. ;;;..=..:;_i e:: —-- —
<br />- 'Procoeda"j tn c�amaction with c�ndemnailon or otRer takin�of the Praperly or part thc�enf,or�r r.o v6oyanco�Ic��n��ur.xt!on.
<br /> 1� Lerdor chzt!fta c�nS,Iad at Ita�tlan tA commancci,F, �
<br />^y i1�cnti:,Cd to m•w�t013i{Y CORYIPUiitItlO UP GGIL'omont In connectbn wlth such takio�ar d.nrn� A�In the eve�nt anr��V^������rnti r.f�^f�c�!�o
<br /> D J Y Pa►�tfln of ttw F�nv,iecty 19
<br />°� sfl taken or rlamaged,Lender shall have lt�e option In Its sclo enrl nl��Nute c!!�!:re4a:�, t��.;;!y�;!eL:„h p;.�;,;;,;;,i, ��i�er deductk►y
<br /> _ _ iherafrom eil costs ar�d sx?�n�ee Inc��n�±by!t E.^..�,�r,cc�.:.�w�tif nUCi�R�DCeQd3,upon any Indebte�fnass secured P►ereby arx9 in such
<br />_�-� ocu6►Aa LlfldA�fY{Ry(lAtArtIlIP1E,Qt(O 8j1�1y All 6UCTh PfnCE6t9l1,BftB�&llCh d9dlyCt{p�►9,to tho re�ato►ati�n��the Property upun Bucb con-
<br />=-= dNlons as Leiidsr may dete�m�na.A�yy applicatlun of Proceeda to Indebtedneee shai!not extend or post�w the due clete of any�ey
<br /> menta under ths Note,or curr any deteult tRereur������mundrir.Any ursapplled funds ehali be pald ta'trustor.
<br />=':; 8. P�fo�r�nc�bY l.Qndrr.Upon t►�e or,r,��Rr,rtc�of cn �vcni af Dafau�i itioraun�ier,Qr if any Act is teken ar lac,�al prpceeWrg
<br />-' cammenc«t wnicr►meter�aiy anec�a�er,dsrs in;sreat In the PrapeAyr,Lander mt�y In!te own dis�;retion,but wiihout
<br />— and wMhnut notk:e to or demand upon TNStor and wittwut releasing 7ntstor trom eny ohl{patio�,do eny act w�lch T��hes reed
<br /> but feiled to do and rr�ay atso do any olher act it deema necessary t��pmiect tfie securlry hereof.Trustor W�sll, Immediatsiy u�on
<br />-_ demand therstor by Lender,pay to Lender all oosts and expenseo Inr,urcad t�nd suma exparxfed by Lender In connectior9 wi4h the exer•
<br />'— cise by Lerxfer of the toregoing dghts, topether with interost ih�reon at the detault rate�Srovidod in the Noie,which�shaN be added N
<br /> the IndeDtednosa secured hereby. Lender chall not incur eny Ilabtlity because of anythinp it may do or om(t to do hereunder.
<br /> _ 9. Hax�rc���1a��la TN�tor sha{I kee��tiw Property I�com��liar�e�vEth�I �pp�{�b laws, ordinancea and tepul�tione
<br /> releting to IndusMal hypiene or envlronmental ptqisxbon(co1lectively referred to hdre(n as`Environmm�ttil I,ewe�. Trustor ef�aW keop
<br /> the Property treo from�11 subsianees deemsf�4 ta bn hazarrkws ar tox{e unck��eny Environn�►ental Laws(r:alM►ctively�e(em�i to heroln
<br /> ae"Hazardaus Materials'.Tsuator h�ere6y wnrrqntu ontf i»frresoats to lender that there are no Hozarrt�c�a M�t�tr(�sls on a unde►tta
<br /> PropArty.TnasWr hereby agrEtea fo IndemnHy and ixskl hutntEu��.ander,ite direatore,pfqrero,empfo�ees and ayen[u,.snd uny auocea
<br /> earo to LerMer'e intereat,/ran and eyalnat any and ail aitilms,�lsmapes,lossoe and IInitNIllnA arlsing In connscrion with the proNnq,
<br /> use,dlsposal or tran�sport qf qny yexa�ous Nfaterials an,urtdor,%�nm or abaR tho Frnpertj�.THE FOR�C3(31N(3 WAHRANTIE9 AND
<br /> 16•A�s�nme�tts e1 R�nta.Tn�stor hereby assiyns tn��,a��,r�����Lender a security fnterest in,all pre�ent,tuture et►d
<br /> a(ter arlsir►g r�ants,issues and protity ot the P�op�riy;prayktarA t;;a;Trus�or shal,untfl tnct accurrence ot�n Ever�i ot Defautt,hereundor,
<br /> have the right to collect and retain guch rents,Issues and pr�fi�s as lhey twcom�d��uIIysble.Upon the occumence ot en Event ol
<br /> DefauR,Lender may,either N�percton pr by agont,vrith or w�Y�aut 6dngUtU anp action or proceeding,w by e recelver eppolnted by e
<br /> court and w3thout roga:r�d to ltie adequacy o}Fia r.xurity,onter upon and t�c2:�ossqrsion of the p�npertv,or eny part therooi,In(te ovm
<br /> name or in the name o}the Trustiae,and dc�ana,Acte which it deoma�r�r�.;�s�a�/or desirable to pm�ncMO the vaNr.e.madcat�bNity ar
<br /> rentablWty of the P�sperty,or�ny sart thureof or a��rast thorRin,or to irtct�o��a irx�me�ierefrom or p�tect the
<br /> wfth w vdthout taking possossion ci thd Pr security h�reol erxl,
<br /> due ar�d u �nY•�e!ar ar oilinrvvise colk�cY�;� rent�,t�sNx�s and pr�ts thereof,N�c�d�g thaee pa�el
<br /> M��bf�'�Ni�tsrtsr�ta ta make paymerrts to Lsrtdor.Lendc�r ma�y r,�gpiY r�s1s.��suea end profite.!t►ss oosts and�xpens-
<br /> es of�eredon nnd�co'#ratlon in;.iuding attorney's fea9,to any indebtedn�s�ecured aandGy,all tn such order as Lender msy deter•
<br /> _ mine.The enterin�ugon and taking pos�bn of the Properry.�IlE►COf�j!'+,11DR Cf 6I1CF1 f5Pit8,(ssuns and orntirA,Ar,�rti.�.�
<br /> r�"�"-'t=-°�°:^�°`���!:M�u�n a�r waiva eny defautt or notke of detauft Iharsunder or Invaiidate any rict done fn roaponas Op such
<br /> detauft or pu�suent to suc�h notke of defauft end, nutwtthatanding ihe a;nllnuance in Paosession ot Ihe propeRyr or the od{ectbn,,
<br /> receiW end appNcation of rents,issues or profItts,Trustea And Lender shall be�entltled to o:�o�cise overy rlght providad for In any d the
<br /> Lo�►Instnxnenta w bY taw uPon o�cu►r�e+�ca of uny Event of C�fault,Includfng w(tryAUt 11m�n7inn the right to exendse the power ot t+wM.
<br /> Furtlxir.Lender's rights end remedi�s under tttis Para9ra�h shail 0a cutr.vlafive with,and ira no way�limftation on,Lendet's righte snd
<br /> reme�Hea under arty essipnmant W leases end rnnb recorded against tfte Pr�periy.Lender,Trustee an�l 3he recelver ehsll be lisbb to
<br />_ acoount anly tor those renb ecivally received.
<br /> 11.Ewnto of bNauR.7 he fpllowin�ehelt qon$tl�te an Event oi DefauJt under th�a�eed o!Tn,�sh
<br /> (a)FaNure to pay any Instaiknent ot prtrw�lpal or interest oP�y otl�er sum secur�od mareby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach W a dafaulC undsr enY D�bn oontek►ed tn the Note,ffiis Deed m?Trust,eny of the Loan insfixr�ents,or erty
<br /> othsr Usn ar encumbrarx.e upon the proPerty;
<br /> (a)A writ ot exeqdlon of attachmoM QT any a�mitar process sfx�11 IbE mntered a�afnst Truator which shall bocor�e e lien pn
<br /> �P�KY a 9nY f��on dtereof or tn4e�est thereln;
<br /> ��Thoro eha��be filed by or egeinst Trustor or 8orrawer an action undor an}+g�ra�ent o�future federei�state a other stahite�
<br /> �w°f�°�^�a�n8 to ba�kruptcY�Insotf►er�y mr a;iaor rellei tor debtore;or thet�s shatl be n�polntod eny trtwtee.rec�s�er ar
<br /> NQ+�idalor of TnMMr or @urro:v�r ar oi a(1 a any pait of Rt�o�'roparty,or 4he rente,Issuas or profits thereot,or Truator cx&xmwer --
<br /> . �'"�p�Y��essl�nmerti for Hia ber�stit p4 oredltors;
<br /> P (e)The sale�trana�e►�lease� assignmarn� conveyeu�ce or furtNer�a�mbrence M ep w a�ryr��t ot or erty btiw�eet M ths
<br /> roPe�ty.eiH�er v�otuMarilyr or krioluntadly,vWthout the express written consent o!Lender,provided that Tnrstor d�al!be pennk.
<br /> !ed M execute a teaae of the Property N�at doee�pt conl�in an opUon to pu�se and the term of wf�lch does not exceed one
<br /> . Y�:
<br /> (A�danrr�ent of the Property;or
<br /> (0)If Tniator ta not an Individunl�Hso Issuance�sate�trenster�essignment�ca�voyance or en�.�umbrenco of mor�then(N e
<br /> ,, ���ae total ot porc�ont ot ite Issuec!and outstandfng stock,or.tit a pattnershlp)e todd M per_
<br /> wshtp Mtereaq,or(tt a Amfted Ilabflity comPeny)a tutal of p�r�cent ot the Mnited BabNity oon�pa.
<br /> ►►Y MZeresta or votlng dghts dw�ing the pedod th�a Deed c+i 7wst rematna a Iien an the�r�pc+rty,
<br /> 12'��o�ratlan�lPon INfautt.In the event of any Event ot Dbtault L�roeTor may,withan rwtice except as nequis�D
<br /> by law�dec�are aH indebte�lness secured hareby ro t�e due end Paveble ar�d the same shall thereupon oecome due arxl payable wkh-
<br /> art any W'aeentmerd4.demand�protes!or notloa of eny klnd.'i'F�ereaiter Lexxi�r ar�ey:
<br /> . (a)Dpi»irnd that Tn�stee exer�cise tho P09N�Ep OF SAL�p�gnted�r�roin,and Trustoe shap 4�ereafter cuuae Tr�ntor's Intar-
<br /> est in tho t�n�oe►ty to bo sold and tfie proceecls ro be distdbutod,ail In the manner prmvldod tn tho Nebraska Tiu�t Dee�a Ach,
<br /> (b)Exei�ise any end atl�ights provided tor In eny�at 4ho Loun Instruments or by!aw upon occunBrwo of any Eyent af
<br /> DetauB:and
<br /> (o)Commence art•ection to forectoce thta t7�ead ot Yrust as a mortSa9e�eP�ri�t�,escoivar,ar spec�ticuily enfo�e sny of tho
<br /> covenaMe hereot.
<br /> No romedy herein conterrod upon or oaserved t�'frusfee or Lender Is intendod�0 6o exdusive of any eMer remody her�etn,in tho Loon
<br /> «thInatrumente or by(aw pro��Fded or pem�itted,but each shall bo cumutaUve.stwll be in e�ldition to�very othor r�emndy giren horeundor.
<br /> e L.a�Y�munts or now or heroaRsr existYYng et law or In equiry or by stariite.and may be exer�ised cor�curn3ntly.lndc�pw�dentty
<br /> �o. �rusiw.ine rruatee maY�esf9�ot anY tlme without cause,end Lc3rKfor may at any Ume end without cause ep�olM a eu� —�
<br /> cessor or subatitWe Ttistea.Trustoe shaD rwt be liabte to any party,Inctud�nD without limitation Lendor.Bwrower. �ustor or
<br /> cf�aser oi ttw Pro�►ty,tor ae►y Iosa or damago untess dua to recklos�pr rMiltul mfscoriduot,aod shall not bo requlred b tslce e�ct�ipn -
<br /> M oonnecBan witl�fhe enforcement W thfs Oeed o}Trust unless IndemniBed,In writing,for aIl costs,corrtpensaUon pr expen�w�Ch
<br /> maY be aseociateld thenewi+ti.ln edditimn,Trustee may became e Rur�haser at�ny sate of the ProperN Uudictai or under the powsr M
<br /> sete pntnted hereln):Iwstpp��e the sale�f ell or anY'Portion of 4he PropertY�es provided� k►w;or sel!the P -
<br /> sePen�te pe�eis ar bta at Trustoe'e diacretlon. y �aPenY us a wfwte,a In
<br /> 14.i�e�rnai Eup�nae�.In the event Trustae seAs the PropeRy by exet�dse oi power of s&1e,Trustea shall be etHitled to a�ply
<br /> �Y sele proceeds Hrs4 M payment of all costs and expenses ot exe�lsing power of sate,(nduding all Tn►stoa's tees,and le�d�re and
<br /> Trustoe's ettomey's fees, a�,�tuaity Incurtod to e�ctdnt pertnitted byr epp����yr,.���q eyent Burrower or Truator exe�+cJee�eny�M
<br /> Provkisd OY luw tu cure en Event of b�tauFt.Lend6r eha;�hn onM.l�!�%�•ar t:.,m T.-us�w:v0 c�e+w a��d e�enaes wxu�lty u�cumad a --
<br /> a reautt of�i nrstore Oefautl,induding without HmfteUon a!I Tivatee's ancl attomey's tees,to the extent permitted by ip�N�law.
<br /> 16.Futurs Advrtcw.UPon nequeat ot Borrnyver,Lerxler may.at ita option,make ddditbnal a��d tuturo id end rsed-
<br /> venoes to Bortower.Six:h advancea and readvanoes.wHh interest thereon,shall be socured by tMs bnexf W Truat.At no INne ehiM ths
<br /> — -_. -- ..._:,, 1lerT�
<br />. •l:a,--- . ._ —. -.. T�°�.'il'- �. ._,!�.�..� ---' -- . ^oravma'FTat•�-:�s wv.cti�.mrim,^s.�'t^TPRR''�CW?x!':'.'��_--- —-°
<br />