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<br />$1' U~490~ ,.
<br />3dd`ttiAr;ai ~dvarres, or "rn -the event thf~ irorla~ ~„ _..-ui~ ..,. , .~i r-rr c...'i~°;~i~'i, .,t :arur3
<br />Gf'tnTfiaC#, by i~3SB Y}'~r-,:hdSE'.:?€7reAm~ntS,.-. ~ti3@rn - ~-J r' rt 7~ - ,.~i" +~ ,:hr`Jl { ;3tt.3w Fw€sES
<br />- uBLC1tnB VES T'ed in (7Ef 5~ttS.O#hof- t:'Fd!t #t#e ~,'T r'."~9t}Or; ?hF:-; ti;;r w#r,~~ ;r. (3e4 t8~,ryr°SS h@r'~b''~
<br />_ _ S$CUYe••ti 5hc"il! thf9T2i1pCn t>r` 3t dny #itr~ tT:arrdffier, :.;` h~ il~# vt thF, A5--aCiat._~.- beCatt7e
<br />imntetEiately due and coiiec#ibEe -withaut'urther n~i'€.,r, a,d ?~r '-ts7rtjayB r;af *hen be fare-
<br />_ utos~iS 'a recover #hP s~m~,-w#h ;ntereat ±hArer~n, 3t ]g err, „, r.~q;a:,dbte rants
<br />and Bxpense5 of suit, ir?cludin:~ 313stfacting er ti1 ie _.earcP: fr_~es. ,acceptance ny tAOrtcagae
<br />a# 67Y8 1f more instal itiiefs# ;ray~2ii'tg Gt5 tine irrd£'btednF'S=. SeCisr~d hBrG'vy s:ICSat~~ent t0 any
<br />:ale or Lha€~oa in- ownt*rship ar passessian of saki reai ~_siate, ar sny part thureaf, as
<br />aY ~ravided, as to ;hhiah r^ar`.~uc~ee has nest _; sntvd its ;~ritten :.~nsent, shat i rta#
<br />eons#ituta ~ wai•rer >~;f =~rt~agee'S optics? to accelera'tr, the wham, indeb*.edness hereby .
<br />secured, which ;ptian m=,, i7G ~wer::i'sed try i~rt;aa=~a at :env ,. ..,. i;o deEay ar :,m~issian of
<br />ter#gagwe t~3 exerc~sv- a.',y ,-i=h# ar optl ;~n ec:c•rui^ upon ,.tiy ,.e:tault st,aE, , n~air :.jny such
<br />riq?t# ;~r op.ian, ~=r shaSl e ,ins*r.,t~d `r, ~~e a wa4AVar ~f any ~;uch €ie*.::;I', or ~:rs •acGuiescence
<br />#berein; atad revery ~FtiE?rr and rerr~dy ;ai.:en i,y ttris ~.,, _ ,_, thF '='r~rt_.ri:~er; rray be exercised
<br />from times to -time as ~r#T~r ._.> rnd`. 4~e ~eF~mcd expcdr~nt ~k:rt:s~t:2.
<br />- ? r<rovi;iF~d €urther that in the even? ~fi ;;t~fault i:, ~he t;erf~rmar.ce of any of the terrns
<br />autd conditians cf thia '~`.ortpac~:;, the iJ~ti: .EC:ired by 1ni~, 6k~rt.:jdc~e, or -~t;y other Hates sac
<br />a4diticrrtal 2dvanCes, ern the Hart ~?`he'>~r'.iayar, the issacir,tiun sht3il be entitled to i'he
<br />#rnmedia#e possession c>t the prtr€ises .nbo~rca :iesrri;,ed, `ogethar wilt; I I the rant revenues
<br />~tnd ir,C4m2, inciudirc; '.ny •.tlnC ,.*sntract ~.rvtts:nt_: ~,:ue 'he Niar#~,ay^or ar any ::3tYrer inCartt85 of
<br />any type xrt:~isoesrar, '1 ce lertved ttEorF:.tr~*r,;, and ,aiC Asaciat's:~n may, ir, its, ;;iscretian,
<br />:J',:iF) tlt6 rents 50 far n5 i't :7?f?t!€5 --e,~~~.i'S53ry tLr the r, l:rnaSC' Ot t^.~iSin~ repairs URC~n the -
<br />premise.:, w:~d tar the p~3yttsr?r,rc .:# .^,;ur:~nr=e pretniwr,>, ta3es and assessments upan said
<br />¢retrtis8s, find fGr su>ressarv ~xpert,as t~.rrrr:t. ,,, rcntin ~~aid pr~miSes and cal lectint~ rents
<br />thr~re#rcxrr, any. to .,pplp ~n ,.aid note end rtes i3nd .a~~raemF?nt; tar tutur~~ :~dvan~:es, until
<br />the indabte~SnasS seLur~+G ., usl~ pest;,: bs.t .~ici ++57a~tdti,rn sh.~i1 In .~ -ase be !tables far.
<br />•
<br />, .~ ~.~, ._c.. rF.tt;, ,,r ~~, •;;rasvcuta a~'..~r,~; recover
<br />th+e fist lure: tcs ~rntc,r- ;,~r..nr,-5, •~ ._ : t - . ~~,
<br />- - - VCi5Se3'~.S.ICkr;. Ct .,orW jrr~.z*:t5~5. - -
<br />txe~rt:t?rd tni°> _ _.~-~-ua'~ =f - if ; 3$#
<br />Charles d. Bosselman
<br />- a et K. _ _~ ------.~~ _.__.
<br />~._._ ~'
<br />``:RTC ~f tas~;ii?1~it.a
<br />- ....air rej ..c lC_'"` i ~« fow~e~. ,- i3l Fyt. C{~ ;.~ `le=t ~t ~~'hltC ir1 and fr_tr •,3it!
<br />~~- fi ~ p~r•sz?n~i l~__- _ ~. a~nra ~~~ca FARCES Q. BtIS~ELMAN A1it~-dA1tET K. BQ~s~l;t~il~, -- -
<br />~~ a~ W'l'~i! _ _ru r.r~ rsr' F i knc:wn ro , ~+ the i nriF~n t t . 7 i ;,erw«„ s wI,-a;,e ,,^ur:>e 5
<br />_`~_~a't'f txi~d tt~ tt1~.~.st~cve s°~+r" j~~„ », :r.,nt,ar 5 rnd ark `;~u~c~;k 1y ;s8~nctwi~+dc~tnd the
<br />>aid ir.~tru;~x~rnt acid thr~ e'x~:CUtio.. .h~?rt..±, .t,n -a._tfit'~~'q~ ~utu:a*iry ,~c°t qtr-~ <.u~k>d.
<br />-,>
<br />-W~~S~ rRy naiad .aria Pr~#tdriai ~aai, ttre %43y ,:tiv y.~a;' i.3St vGOVi' .~:r i tten.
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