_ -~~~_
<br />~ t~~;a i; tom: _.. ~~,-..° ii(14`,~01
<br />:,:,,.., f..~lr:~ ~ht
<br />i~r-tga~o~ :ahet":er o^.e ar more i = cons i der at i an of qpE Ht~,Nd~~3 .Tl~.€~7Y 5E E1t!~ ?Hsu: anl]..~.L~.~,,
<br />HtiNt~i~fl AC#D N(l/10~------------ -------- -dio? tar> ±a~rc~d I.:. .a ~ °~ rigage; ~arr~. ~e:v,r-it}age.
<br />t'o ti> t=EJEFtAf: SAit:}fi5 AftU i.ClArd A~`.3t'y!AT31`}N, it vucr_e ~o.,> ctnd U,stg: , the foi Irsw~ng'
<br />described real estate in HALL Gsunty, .+ebrasi<a: ,
<br />and all easements and appurtenances together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures
<br />ar appurtenances new ar r;ereafter erected thereen, includino all apparatus, equipment,
<br />fixtures ar articles, whether in single units or centrally cantrolied, used to supply
<br />heat, gas, air-conditioning, water, light, power, refrigeration, ventilation or ether
<br />services, and any other thing now or hereafter therein or thereon, the furnishing of
<br />i .which by lessors to :essees fcr ar? unfurnisfted buildinG similar to the one now or here-
<br />after an said premises is customary ar appropriate, including, but not limited to, screens,
<br />window shades, storm doors and windows, carpeting and other floor ccverings, screen doors;
<br />awnings, buiEt-in dishwashers, stoves, refrigerators, and water heaters and all renewals.
<br />or replacements thereof tall of which are intended to be and are hereby declared to be a
<br />part of said real estate whether pi?ysicaily attach©d thereto or not_i The Assac:iattan
<br />is hereby subrogated to the rights of all mortgagees, lienhoiders artd owners paid off by
<br />the proceeds of the loan hereby secured.
<br />TQ NAVE A~fU i© HtQLU the said proper°ty, with said buildings, improvements, fixtur~s,..-
<br />appurtenanees, apparatus and equipment, unto said .Asscciotion, its successors and asaign5,
<br />forever.
<br />Mortgagor hereby covenants r.tt? aa_ Associ tor:, .t st,ccessors and assigns, that.
<br />'Mortgagor is lawfully seised of sate pr-r:mises tnat thc,v arc frog of encumbrances, and-
<br />- that 'iortgagar will forever warrant and defenc: tine title to said premtses against the
<br />lawful claims a*: all persons whomsaevar.
<br />TH!`: ftJF',TGA6E iS DIVE^J Tn SECUr'tE: (I } 'he payment ~.,t n No+'e executed by Mortgagor
<br />to the Associ afi ion, bCar'Iny iv ~r.:n d:.*e 1`t'r "';.i Ttl itl n' ;`r ir%t=ipol ~uri~ 75 SGt fartft abaVE',
<br />:rt?i~--!~ `date, rrir.c-ip;<I ant i~7terest, ._. „,dyabts ~ r~~,~t!r:, in5t41IrrF-,nts :.cCnrdinc; t0 its..
<br />t~r..s, with a final mturi*ti, unia5s c*~er paid, ern -ru 1SL gay of QCt©~@P °
<br />ZQOi The Heider rareut _r;ali ~ravt< t,~ up?icy t~ ~c -eta z e naturit} ~f the note
<br />r +, 5th i oan
<br />tcir whwh i sh *tr i < r~artga~e ~ ;> a i v~tn crs sacu r r ty , a t any t t a+ter n~:
<br />- --ye{tr after first =~itFits~. thc3 und~r5gn~~ C}r th2 tnt_tt ~3wy~r ,jf to t+r~.~.~5~~ 4'SC.tbBd iZ@F~tn= -- ---
<br />. $ wr 1 Bert Hat tC4 t!",ree r :nth -~ I n auv atr4a V t ~ -i"S i c~--~ •t - - Y r r"r a~•.~,~nY E.: - -
<br />' r}rin;:iFa r:4.atl~ by vs rt ~# ~ +hi +~, ,t.vr , r e •-- thn ij pre~~a argnt
<br />r~ ~ r~~i5~ of tl•, Y
<br />- -prernftsrrr. T~# ;tr,Y aJC,t.=ai: - d~anC~s maA€~ by_.th~ asscciaticn _~~ tMertgaaor ar R~rt~a~arfs - ---
<br />suCCSSSOrs in this, for any purpose, at the option of the. Associatian,3at any time before
<br />` the release and cancellation of this Mortgage, but at nc time ,hall this Mcartgaga secure
<br />advances on account of said ar±ginai Hate and such additional advances in a sum in excess
<br />of ONE HUNOFfEO TIdENTY SEVEN THOUSANd FIVE HONOR€D ANd NOJi00--Claliars; provided that nothing
<br />herein Contained shaii ba uonsidarE~,! as limitincg the arrx~unt that shall be secured hereby
<br />wh8n advanced to protect the security ar in accordance with covenant=c contained,ir, this ..
<br />t iNortgagca.
<br />i'rovidatl, nevertitieless, three presents aria upon the fotlowing conditions: that wherebs,
<br />t the said M4r'tgagor is a trr4rnber of said Aa.ociation, has executed a note i, wr it'ing to said
<br />Association 'ho repay suns at rrransy, with interi:5't, in payrrwnts as sot forth in said
<br />- _ Hots; and ~sny and iali additional ~zdvanc.a5, wirh intr:r~,s~t', Sind hits agr"e;sc t~~ c~t~~ida by the
<br />~;ttr'r~titution and by-Laws of said Assaciatian, ar;d rotes and re~)uiafi_.nS seep-tad by it;
<br />de~ar4 of C7ir~actars; and agreed and da hereby agree:
<br />i. To pay the ind8btr:dness hereby seCUrud premptiy and in fu;l campiiartee with the
<br />~;
<br />- t8f'R15 at the afcireSat d- f~ramtssory -N47te and "any uth2r - vt~~ ~,r ~~r ~. ~n t=. ~ -.' Zvi; '~ s
<br />- tg4g4 a^d ± rt,ar agr,=~,v t;ta3 a~ the sate rzpt'rurr
<br />cf~#vhtiCSS ~s priav i deti herein artu°vf this ~., .. -.
<br />cif .Mc?rtga~jee the tame of paymernt of the indebtedness neraDy ..scored, {:r any pot lien t"hara- t„
<br />spf , mz~y b8 extended ar' renewed, anal aFLy part i on of the p rem i sea her a i n i7t^JSCr i bad may .
<br />' with~u't nraticra, be reiczssed from the i isn hereof without releasing ar afte..,ttng the parsanal
<br />i i a~ i t i ty ~f the t~nrtG~grir tl®rsi r? -far the payment of sa'r ., t n:iebtedness the r oaks n i ng
<br />unpaid, attd nti#' Chtange in the ownership of said premises shaii rcylea~,e, rcdu~e c>,° oihtvrwisu
<br />aff~dt any such personal liability or the lien hereby :;reared.
<br />` ,~, L3ttd~r~ t gnf~d reserves the r i c}ttt i'a prepay ttt i z: rata i n wYto i N .,r i n par . t. r ar;y.
<br />instaliman'Y payrs~nt dt~'tc~ pr`icr to _ 5 years from the data hr3re~~f b~r ttv t.a; crt ,?' ~=~i1
<br />- - :3-C._^_r'lllrEi~ IYI tE'~i'@St to 'ri1$ dc''~t43 Jf Sl1.Ct1 pr@j2i3ymE,lPtt '#V je?~f1Ctr wi *'"i e3 y::"~iS~~Rh-:n-~ ~~ti .~~-+a! ~t
<br />t t~ ~' rr#ter;;st ryn tH~? arrur~rrtt sa r,v~csiu: an: i ~ >-repo t jt t~~r u _~ r r th~.rt,
<br />Rr>~v"; tai .,~ ay5 p
<br />~.i. u~- nc~ ,*.r°spaym~zRt tne, The ~rep~ym~:?t fs..~.?:+~> :_h3r~e:cf :tea, i ..4 <x~.:F'e.. -:1c_ ~~t:t,~.;r,
<br />