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1~4~"E`C$~1taE ~ I ~~ ~ ~ 8 ~ <br />'i'H!$ FNDf~I+(TY7RE, merle t}afa_.__.___25'~..-. .. dsy nf_-_$e~PJftl3Elt i9.___~1 by and between <br />of Huff. County, Nebraska, as mortgagor _~~., and Home Federal Savings atnd Loan Association of Grind island, a corporation <br />otgaedzed acid eshtits; ardet the laws o! the Utriird S[aies of Amtrica wish its prinslpat oft5ce ar[d place oC busi[xss at (irra3d isla[td, r7ebraska, as <br />WI7NESSE'i`H: That uid mor[gagor_____~-~, for and inconsideration oC [he sum oC_~.,._____ <br />Ten T#ia~td doffarca arfef 00/100 ----------------~`~ °' 0 ~. <br />----_--.____~~_ __-- lf~.i~i <br />4hettetip0.ofwhicTfiiieeltbYacftnowk~cigedd9--Qb .-.b<[heseprecrntsmortgaga andasslgsu. <br />...~.. <br />forever, aJl t!x foiiawing d~ribed real state, situated in the County nC <br />end Ststr of NebiasEa, to•rrit: <br />Softth 7wen.ty-N.ine and One-Th.i~ed feet (S?4 )/3' 1 0~ Lot Two 12- and ,the Nanth <br />fi~.teen sect Two-Th,vtde feet (Ni3 2/3°1 a~ lox Thxee (3- ,cn 3foek One (1! <br />.ix Hef~de'a Add.~,t%on ~o .the C.i.ty o~ Gnand Island, Half. Cowtity, Nebnaeka. <br />T`tlQakher with ail iaratinK• 6ir crortdstioaLng. Lighting, and plumbing equipment sad fixtures, including srreetss, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used an or in corsrseet~n with said property, whether the same err flow kxatad nn raid property ar horuafcer <br />plmsdf thereon. <br />TU HRYE APfA TU HUf.LS TM£ SAfti£, together with ail earl singular the tenements. hrredit.ementzi and appurtenances thereunW be•~ <br />kmging, w is anyvriec appertaining, forever, earl wartmc the 4itFe to the same. Selo morgagor. haesbv rvvnttantd . with said <br />'~ tagrtgagso Lhst .._.. 4 it _.. - ~..-... _ .. - . at the delivery hereof. the lawful owtatr -. of the pnxmixea above aonvayed and described. <br />__.- atai-..~..:t'b. ~_ ate ~ a gland and igdafaalaii~ estate of fnlferitance therein, free and clear vi all encumbrarltass,-a[Id Chat.... ~e __. wiA <br />- .ate deiaad t6a. rifts ths:etn forever aKSiast the cla ^ax and deownde o! aU persons whdne[tevlu'. <br />~P~ClYfD[3p ALSYAYS. ttad thu irtatrttment is executed ~-::.i delivered ru sacura the paymer[t of the sumo! _. ..- - ..-- <br />~~! i"ie~JlL6atFd U_O.C.f~fb and_.OOJ100_ `- _".-- -------_. t?nuarsis . 10,_000 ,00 _. _ __.__!, <br />~t i tti2er with ~h eltae~ sad advances as msy ba due sad payab#v w said rrr rtg*~a atsrfar khe terms atxf evtsditinos <br />. fE<~;~ S9~QS av~ ~~ hffi~[it?} end entered eueby, execuiaed by sale monsgaagoe ____ 4sr said ~tivrtia+~~+• P'-YaGi;3 :a cap.-c.-~:: <br />- a~ ~ a~;~_ ®"'° cL.. ~.__ _ .ter .tt ce. e~....d m__~_____rc~a enerainad. ff, The rerma o! ash aorta ue Iwebr iacarnoraled <br />t~µa¢t~hy ~a ral~ara. -... <br />16 b iha bstantiaa aid of sir patRwa htaew that Nss shall also serve any future advances made to said mortgagor,.. __. <br />itgr acid awstaa~ea. and any sad ail ~didrtsdaass to addition W the amount above stated which earl mortgagors, ar aqy of them, may awn u, <br />aMd ~. earidemsd, whtttYar by ntue, book acr~u+tnt or othawtae. Thus mortgage ahril remain iri full force and affect batwsen <br />the plNCilAa hKaW and tbae haste. peuseael rapreee4[tatirss, :uxaeaors sad assigns, ua4il all amounts setx[red berdtudet, including futvrr <br />tdrragalea~ eta f+~ is [td! with iatareat, <br />T(os.~ctppr~ Assrsy assija dL.. - to sad mortgages ail Hera and iatorae seising at say sad aU times from said property and <br />. )e ~- aakd >; or i¢s spat, at its apf3oa, upon ds4sdt, to faire cbarga of said property sad cnUatt all rears std income <br />~_- satd,a~4y tea atipss Oo ohs paYmaob of iM,arset. R~Wd, insttrarttx prsaaiuaars> taxes, rapumeau, repairs nr impru+ntmmts <br />~,? ~~ ils ~ oasdstfaa. or tc[atMts elastgra a tt+-Yasaaf+ paouidad.lait hernia ~ is the trots haraby aectaed, This <br />tNIAli ila/1{~Yi~fA:lt~lt~i satttttais is fates ttaiii tan unpaid bltiitaoa at acid Hots a. folly pad. ?'ii: taking of pass .,.lea h:netnd~ a3~a!! in tm manner <br />pavvap6,a[r earned eeW b fir eoiisctioa o! said sums by foeecl[rttrs or athta'riaa. <br />fora at thew €a eeaeataegr ai &a S ~---•--~-- st aaY boat t~i1 nos he sattstrtatd u a w ±vr of its riSht w aaa~c the <br />asage at easy la's fists, and to insist ttp~ sad safwr[a . ~pliaata with ail tta terms and pmviaiona of aaie3 Hate sad at thin awrtgags. <br />it aatd attak tr;aaa w ha paid to said tnartgaaee the satin amautu due it iseratiader, sad ttrdtx the terms and provisuma <br />~ arfll aaoeamettiad, iaCi~ lhtwe ttdvatttea, sad aa#' artasuwns of renewals thereof in sccordras with tM farms and provisions <br />i <br />- ~'a~r ~-.iz- .._..__. ~a,rr~ use ~'7ais~ ~ ice,.=3 a,~' ;k~ :>~.:._ ~. €;~:i f ~ ~ ~ shit ha ~; <br />E ati.errla~ataa ~~r ands. ~ rsit.~i + Ra a$tltted us tits a of al} of phi p.ap~.,y. anr4 may: at it. opt.tan. <br />i tfpslaaa t3ta ~ att~ mAir atad +~ ~ >4rraaumGrd thasaisy to Ira ia[taatiitttiliy due rtaf payable, sad may foteekatw this rnorlgaKc <br />a: talus aYai aii~r_1f~ Oe l ka ice. A waited. <br />7`lrir arft{~ sib hs b #'DOa aa~d shall sitars to fir f> of the heirs, asawttrta, admirtist.tators, aueaeaeora atul seaigtta of the <br />- ~ _ <br />head - _- rise da <br />IH ~I~ i9tlil~RS#F. acrd itorigagor__...-__ ___. hergttttto s~ ._..a4t@~4...._........_. _ y gad y~€ first atx„r <br />' I"'~j <br />A/bL+4~Q ~Ta +~/W~.f~ ~ <br />