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Mt:3YtTGAGE _ `.^-- _ _ ~ J. "'°"° ~~ 4.f `-i (i a7 _~ <br />`• ~^ iti4RTf.AGE L,QAtV Wf3..,_~s 23 r g ~-..~-- <br />€ tt~wAt~ME`attiY'fMF$it~cE~EN75:~t Carle G. Axtell and May C. Axtt=_ll, each in his and ter <br />ot+n rigkst and as spouse of each other, twi«t~n.. •rttettter oae or mme, ~ we>ieaamo ~ ehe snsa of <br />~~~gi4>o 't'ttptt >~ 3tdo ~rvirrxi and_T1D lOv.-_-__---- - LLARS <br />laartad io a7ct asart~tr by'flte Equitable Btd#ding and E..oaa As~tian of Gnnd f+iattd, Nebraata, Mortq~ee, upon 352 sltuts+>f :rode of <br />sett ASSt[lClAt70N, Cen;frcate No. L 23, 495 , tks hereby grant, convey amt arort~ tsz~ tbP raid A.CSnCtA7lON the fo6oaHeg <br />dea~ibed cat esigte, tirreal~at in Frail C.ounry. Nebrasta: <br />Lot Six (6) Block 'hart (2) of Harrison': Subdivision <br />of the Southc.~est Quarter of the Southeast Qtlarr~r <br />tSW}SE$) of Section Eigi-t (8) in 'Ibumship Elevp^. {11) <br />North of Range Nine (9) 'vJest of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />t..ounty, Nebraska. <br />ttt~lrtttp with aU the tenements, heediitatrtertes amt appeuteaansxa theeeuato beirraftutg, tnctudirge attaa~ float e7overe~a, all srWdow seams, <br />wiadaw sFtsdes, Minds, atwm vvimbwa, awnttt~, hwtmg, ate curtdrtrmisgt. amt pittrabirgt and waur equipment std aeoerariea thereto, puatps,:tow, <br />refriperatora, std other fiatutes sad equipment rusty or ttcreafter attached to sx used m axtnsctirxi with said teal q[ate. <br />Ard witeteas t}te slid trottgsdsx has a~retd aml don ttemby agrtx that the ntwtgy5or :!tail and will pay all cartes sad a~eots reeled or <br />assessed trprrrt sad premaes sad aptm thn rreortgake sad [tee txiad secttreti tlrerrby tsefore the :sate shall become deliaqueat: to furaiah approved <br />ittsarsrtts trprxt the bttildiettis as sad Premises siiwted 5n rite sttm of i35, 200.00 payable to sad ASSO('(ATFON artd to dtlrer to aid <br />ASStx1A7'tt%i rite pulinin ttx said iissteranee: arts tux ru wmmtt .x perrnd any wffie on ur about salt! pretaeea: <br />in case uF tlefiatdtrn tree perfixmuw¢ of any lit the terms aml crxditrrars sst thn rrtwt~ tx fire lwrd secured hereby, dm mortHrdet shall, <br />oa tkerrttd, 6e entitled to uoeaed'eau puseraei^n of the nxxtp~Cai prernctes artd the nturtt{rgtx hereby asst~as. trs~'en amt acts Dues Ea tht <br />mortyytc tai the rents, reveauea seed iruxsme to be eternal from tree mwtgapad {xrmtsas dmugt such time as the atrtrt~e utdebeadaea sltaU ceta,ia <br />carped: and the mori~ee ~l !tare ttx pewter to appuett arty agent ar agents n may dtnute tot tix ptapoac uC repairipa aid prea~ta sad rsaFier <br />the saiaae and txdisisutF the cents, rsverrsses and itreotne, and it gray pay out isi sad irtttr[ae all expenses of repuisq said promifea sad ~aeY <br />cmm and a ux~urrtrt m rentrott and trraetattrtg the saute awl nt c:ulkctitgt rentals therefrom; the ltaisarx aarriaiies, if say, to bt <br />!succeed the d~t..i~itfgs c;t sa+d ntwt mdebtad+xss: ttsa+e rg~tts of tt~ rmst~agec msy be c><ettasd at any tieas ttttr~ the ezi cd ~ <br />~, irrespective of twy testptrtary rescuer af~ the same. <br />'Fise t'resattis, heewrrrc.. ar> upon rite C'c>rdtt,<,w, ~t ti tiw ~: tttawt.r :treat sepry said Wan rtes ~ txirxe itti matarisy of aid shwas by <br />€~r-. FAY -+' •" ~~`?Cy4`I A2'tLlst +~t t±~ r± sp~~ a tf~ l~_! a~~r~ t±erei+y as ~tst=st ar.ei ~~si ~ +aid . 00 of bsfors <br />the 7wmtteth day of enie amt every ttxanth, unlit sax! loan n i xs~y prd; pry ail rases and ssaetstrtwtts kried aaaiaru said premises sad tm this <br />sad the Hoes! sarsrrrtl ti~reby, txfuee deltaeiuetecy. ttuarah rpg-=„,~ rrgwmr uptxt the bttiklat~s thwnta m the :teat of S 35, 20U. QQ payabb <br />tar sari AIATtfiN; repay rs~ seed A~S€XFA ilCY~t rryrnn ~..! ail rrxrjxy by rt ~ fw ratth tsars, asaaasrcata sad iauu-°.-- with to€e:+e~ at <br />eha ..,..' ,_„-- t~ r~i= tt,Era,r, ate ~t ~,._i~r sit lit w ~tx tteree,.r serene to say; pertctit txs wafts un pttt;Eeng artdritts~t[v <br />~~t; ya r_ta ~.~. ,sit ._s_.nwtst~ lit t~ ttsrdt tr~r s ~5, 200, 00 thn day ilium ey the sat MrYU~a n to ttfd A=SSC~:IAnoN, sad .stm~ly <br />with all the ragwremeots sst the i'uadriatton sad iiyt.av.s of a~ AS~X~tATFtJri: ttrrm tttere pesters shad h+t~smn nttd rid wd, nthsrwir they <br />shall u~ in foci tittce slid trey be faxd;isrtrwl at tfte .,prsue of ziae •ar~s Ir.S~>T~Ri~~.tW afar faww~ f.xi~ muattta to raahr say arf seta <br />peyagtats au be Uuae naontlr in attests lie tttaAiras vd rtxrattdy pryttrmtx, ex to Ysep and ratnrply wrtb t!p adreesatau aMt condA.ioas trf saidlWatt: <br />sad Mltsrt;sHur fiats to have # serttsa apptrnied Ftrrlhwnh m aW:it I[>recktswt prueY,Wi~, ~,~..y, <br />if these M say t~e r Ow'aetahip tN !ht it~t esWe ipna~d ltesa+a, by Ste tx Utheipre, thW the rMYt rte tad~trdaw heairy <br />sswnsd rAatls ai ti8e ttpttua Of lire F;gYdaWC ittuWtad sad i,nan Aao~swta of (:react taWd,NehotiLa,heaume ~ thta sad psyabie tettitattt <br />ttrrthst notice, sad toe awsrraat rr due tualer sad bold, seed trey rtthe, 6onri for say addapnad adr+~awea muale thnaesteda, s1ts4, frog the <br />date d eararaae serf raid nprto, bas tnusssl at the ®aairuuttm crept rate. sad ilu tawtwe !try than 6e frxiadase~d lit atidy ills sawstat des an aid <br />ht+ad. and mY tMfstat hmd fat ard~iCmt adraarra, typathat with a6 ems pad by sod 7 hyrutahie 8~ sad l.wa tUoaatioe trf (:recd IsYad, <br />trltt~ka far atarrtaoa, rotas sad uaeatmwtts, sad ttbsitetetrtd eattensttat a3wt;n, auh iatuest tttamw, from deli of paymsnt at tlr asa~waa <br />~ ~- <br />As ps~ovtde+_t xt fire fiuod accrued hershy, rhde titw maxt~ rrosaia: rn eflex:t the atcxt3sgce may hcraatter advaasx aridittonsl tms kr the <br />makers of sad dswd, tiseu aas~tu ua stK~rsfwus cn mtarest, wftwh stsuu rl+ait tx wuhm the arcuruy stf the nuxrtpp !tee ssttta as ttte f'ttads ori~nalty <br />saavtrost thrurtby, Uat Iuttd attrumtt .rt tauu.itw{ debt wit to caaxrd al any torte rive sursraal arrrxurt of ttus awrgye. <br />Tt)sted this 25th day ,tt Steer, A. it-, iv81. <br />+ - t.C3..-~` . <br />f~! <br />-- ~ Pxt~ll -- -_- <br />d'1 AT@ tld< N~BfiASiCA, ~ C>*t the 25th ! of `u'[?FrtC'ilibr~r, tv t31 . ha(on tae, <br />c~xFxm ~ tint. <br />t ~ the usdessy®tre+d. s Notary i'u4iic in and fur said C:rnmty. petattaally Caatt <br />~i.+ ale G. ~Il atlt3 Mt~ty C. retell, tit irl his old k'tar C~rrt right a~ as s~~~~~~t~n to <br />OAS ~xre <br />r <br />oat ~ ba tree ttt+errttcd penatrH whwte rasxite6 ALG 3ftraed to the ab~e ir~xugtm4ymnrtpdut S sad they revrrally <br />adttaErw9iadpotl the sA6d ututrta+aptt txs he t2teS.r w.xltnttary act sad !toed. -, <br />tY4"Spt;t~5 a!Y bans! amt htutataai Seel the darn esfotsaiai. <br />;..,- <br />tdy Crate eaptoes .~',, r _ .' , <br />js rr1 '" l may.. <br />gib a ~ .`'~Y p'uhiit <br />ti~_+lRtts a~`IS axis +~wt~ ~ <br />..,. <br />