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~~~ ~~~~~ <br />AGREEMENT FOR RESTRICTI~tE COV`ENANTSy <br />RESTRICTIONS, AND CONDITIONS FOR "EAGLE LAKE ESTATES SUBDIV"'IS7~")N" <br />THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on <br />1981, by 3 & R Enterprises, a Nebraska <br />Anderson and Ruth A. Anderson, husband <br />and Margaret Magwire, husband and wife; <br />successors, grantees and assigns, AND <br />~ ~ <br />this / ~ day of ~._ <br />partnership; Sheridan T. <br />and wife; and Ray Magwire <br />for Lhemselves, their <br />YcLdt?Ai ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS <br />I. <br />DECLARATION OF PURPOSE <br />The purpose of this Agreement is to declare the desire of <br />the parties of this Agreement to improve "Eagle Lake Estates <br />Subdivision" by encouraging the sale of lots and the construction <br />of modern and desirable dwelling houses. <br />YI. <br />DESCRIPTION OF LAND <br />The lands owned by the parties to this Agreement which are <br />hereby submitted to this Agreement are a fee simple interest in <br />"Eagle Lake Estates Subdivision" a part of the Northwest Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter (NW~SE'~) of Section Thirteen (13), <br />Township Eleven (11) tdorth, Range Nine (9) West of the fith P.M.; <br />and a replat of Lot Ten (10), Eagle Subdivision; and Lots Thirty <br />{34} and Thirty-Four (34), Hidden Lakes Subdivision No. 2, all as <br />surveyed and platted and as is more particularly described as <br />recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in ball County, <br />Nebraska. <br />III. <br />COVENANTSL RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS <br />In 4onsideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the <br />owners of "Eagle Lake Estates Subdivision" and any purchaser or <br />purcnaser~, thee, nears, d~~FF_~~~~r ;~~r~c~i~l re,`~rcacntatA'iics ai d <br />_ ~-.,~ r~,a:.~rv ~rinylT=..3 and aar~?~ ~i~at anv a_~c% a21sc3cs Giza <br />a ~i~"_a, <br />"Resales Lake Estates Subdivision", c3xcept for Lots One (1 ), Two <br />(~}, TMrenty-Five (2>), and Twenty-six (~S}, that are sold, trans- <br />ferred and conveyed, shall be and are sub3ect to the following <br />protective covenants, restrictions and conditions. All covenants, <br />restrictions and conditions shall run with the land and are as <br />follows: <br />1. Lots Affected; Use of Lots. Except for Lots One (1 ), <br />Two (2}, Twenty-Five {25) and Twenty-six (26}, all lots in the <br />subdivision shall be known and described as residential late. No <br />apwrt:m?:nt house, duplex rt,r triplex shall be built on any residen- <br />tial lot, nor shall any basement house be built on ally residential <br />lot. NB structure shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted <br />to main on any residential lot other than one (1) dwelling and <br />a private garage for not more than three {3} cars and one (1) <br />outbuilding. Na dwelling shall be erected for occupancy of mare <br />thain nnr? (il f_~aily, nor shall any dwelling be used for occupancy <br />of ru than ono {1) family= No com~+er'cial or business enterprise: <br />shall be eanducted oz operated in the subdivision. i~o residential <br />ls~t ear lots shall be divided-or split to create smaller building <br />ar~ae, but residential lots may be. combined. or combined and <br />di.videdr to establish larger building areas. <br />2. Garaataa and Outbuildinas~ T~orar~ Structures. All dwelling: <br />on residential-'late (excepting Lot 24) must include a garage which must <br />aoacsc~date at least twee {2) oars and :oust be attached directly to <br />the dwelling or connected thereto by breezeway or si~rilar structure:. <br />-lfi <br />