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<br /> � rinc: a!anwunl af tho Indabtodnnso aecur�rl by li�is��cd o9 Truat,n�I�n��Jn�j�ms edvanced tq pratect Ihe ssc�adty a1 Ihls Dead oi �
<br /> Y'�u31 ox�cccci Ui�arly!n�l�dnC���l ar�zounY ct�tctt fi:•rc:n,oe 5 ' ._.._,���!chovor I.�pr�ato�. �--
<br /> 9B,btt�ctil�neouo provl�tan*.
<br /> (a��orr�yw�kat p�Na�tb Extenalon af Ihe time for puymant ar moditicntlon o4 an�ortl:at�on oi the eume ac�cured by thls
<br /> f?�d�t ui Tiuui yiai�t�u by Lu-i�u:.t tc�ny;.uw..�„�vr in Int�re!t ol�orr�rer ahAU not operete to reteaae,In sny tnenner,the 1lablll•
<br /> Ey o9 Fii��i���r�.;l earra:�or arts!E�na�:ade e��:reeQert� In Intaresl, i_ender shall not be requlred to commenco proceedln�s `_
<br /> , �Im1�uth suoce�aor or rstus�s tp sxtend time tor paymant or othervrise mod►ty amoRitation o!the s�tme se�ured by tinla
<br /> E)eed ol Truet by reee+nn o}any demAnda mnde by the ong�nal Borrowar and BorrowePe euccessors In InterAet.
<br /> (�)q,t;„�:l'o t�:.�cra.Without e.ftcctlnp th�I!°hlliry�1 eny other person IlAble lor the pbymeM ot uny obliyatbn hereln men• r_
<br /> tloneQ,And withoul afte�tlnp the Iien or Charpe of 4hle Deed o1 Truat upon any paRion of!he Property not then or theretotore
<br /> nleaeed as secu�lty lor the tull amaunt o1 all unpa{d ob1lpAStons,Lender may,fram ttme to time and without notice(I)role�sy
<br /> any poreon so Ilabte,(11)extend tha metudry or alter e�y of the tarma of any euch oblipatione, (Ili)prent other IndulQence�.(ivl
<br /> reieeao as convay, or causs to be released or reconveyed�t any time at LendePs optlon any parcel, portl�or all nf the
<br /> Property,(v)take or retease any ather or adtlltbnal security or reconvayc�l at any time at Lender's optlon any psrcel,portbn or
<br /> ell of the properry,(vq take ar�elease any other or e�ddltlonal security for any obilpatlon hereln mentioned,or(vli� make compa _
<br /> eltluns of other arrengement�wtth dsbtore In relaN,on thereto.
<br /> ���p�nnc�py L�ncNr NcR�W�Iwr,Any torbearance by Lender in exercisiny any right or ron�aiy hereunder,or ath•
<br /> erwlse et(oMod by appllcable law,shall not be a wa►ver ol ar prectude the exerclse ot any euch dpht or r�medy.�l�e procure-
<br /> mant of Insurance or thepayrr�nt o!taxee o�r�ther Iians or char�es by Lender ehall not be e waiver or Lendere rig�ht to acceler-
<br /> ate the maturity ot the Indebtedness ae�ure�d by thtn Dead of Tnist
<br /> (d)gucc�sson�nd A�tlpnf Bnw�d�Jolnt��d S�v�l Llabili3y;C�ptions.The covennnts and agreerrHSnte hareln con-
<br /> talned shall Wnd, and the rights hereunder shail in�re to,th9 respective 6uCCessors and asslgns Af l.ender arvl Tfustor.Ail
<br /> covenant�and e�reement�rN T�ustor shail be Jdnt and several.The caption�arrJ headings of iha parearapha of thla Deed ot
<br /> Yrust e�e tet��nvenlance onty nnd arm n�d to be used to Interprat or defirsa the Rnnvtsions hareoL `
<br /> (e)R�q+ht+e!fo�Noticw�.Ti's partes hareby requosf that a copy o!e►ny notice of defauft hareunder arxi a cop�l oi eny r�;�.3
<br /> of aele hertwnde�bo malled to each ry�rty to this Deed of Trust at�Tvs�ddress set torth above�In the manner prescribed by
<br /> epplicat�e Iaw.Except for any other notice roqulred untfer appllcable I�re to be piven in another manner,eny notfce provWed lar
<br /> In this Deed of Truat shall be given by malUng such not�e by certi(led mafl addressad to the other{sarties,at the address set
<br /> forth above.Any notl�e provided for in thls Oeed o}Truat sluail be ettective upw�malling In the manner deslpr►ated herein.If
<br /> Truator 19 more than ono person,nol�Ce sent to tho eddruss set torth above shall be not�e to all such percons.
<br /> (h Inap�ctlon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonatrJe in t reaso�ne,bte ca�use�there o rret ted to Lernders in�
<br /> that Lender shall give TNStor notice pr(QC ta,�ny such I�spection specify g
<br /> est In the Property.
<br /> (0)p�conwy�np,Upon payment of p1l sums secured by thls Deed ot T�ust,Lender sha{I request Trusteo to reconvey th�
<br /> Property and ahall surrencisr this Daec!of Trust and�li notes tvidenairp indebtedness securod by thia Deed of Tru�t to
<br /> Truatee.Trustee shell reconvAy tho Property,without warranry and w-lthout charpa ta the peraon Iegaliy enUtled tfiareto.Ttistor
<br /> shall pay tsN c�sts or recordation,tt any� �J, � o e.. �, e � ��
<br /> (h) P�at�e�111 Propotty►i 3ecuri"ry ftyt�remani. An aw�i3��o� a��'�'.�r th3 p..stt;..r2 ot t!!_!�!^�.T.R!nr Iwrnhv t3rtentA
<br /> (.enda+r undar 1he Nebredke lJnitorcn Cammorolal Code a security int�r��i ln afl Hxturea,equlpment,and other peraortiai propndy
<br /> used in oonn�ction wkh the reai ostate or Improvemento iocated theroon,and nol ott�ervvise declarod or dAertbd to be a part o?
<br /> fha real esteto secured horaby.Thia lnstrument shall be canstrued as a Securiry Ayreement under safd Caie,��xt tl�e Lendnr
<br /> aisall have all the rights and remedies of a secured pariy under sald Code In ad�dition to the►ighta and rernaz�}e� imder tl�is
<br /> paragraph shail be cumutative with,and In no way a Ilmltatlon on,Lender's dghte and remetlles urvJer any ott�er security agree-
<br /> ment slpned by sorrow►er or Trustor.
<br /> p)l.E�ns a�nd EncumbnnoN.Trusior hetatry warrents and repm�onts thut there is no det�a�lt unci�er the provlslons of any
<br /> murige�s,deed of trust,leeiae or purchasa contraCt descdbing eH or atiy part d the PropeRy,or olher 000V�ct.k�stnxnent or
<br /> eqreemsnt aoostRWng a Ilen or encumbrance agalnst all or any part af the Prope�lY(ccoll�ecttvetY�"Llens"1�e�asWg a�d the
<br /> date of tMs Dead of 7ruat,and that nny end aN exlsHng Lleno rema{n u�modif?ed except as dlscloa�d to Le+ide►1�Trustor's wrft
<br /> ten dixlasuro ot Ilens nnd encumbrances provld�d for hereln. Yru»tor ehall timely pertorm all 01 Truator's obllpatbn�.
<br /> co�renanM,represerRat�^�ne�arod werraMlGS ew�der sny and ell exlatire�.j and future Uens,attiell protrq�th/torvraM to lender oopk�s
<br /> ca►aeet i�n eny mannar modt(yr the p fons ot or allow any tutureetivances under en(yex�tlnq or tut�ure liens. re pdot wtNlen
<br /> (f1 Applfc�tlone ot P�yn�Mt.Unless otherwlse requtrod by law,suma pafd to LN�der hera�.Indt�wittwut in�fta-
<br /> tlon paymenm o0 pnncipel erxl Interost.Inaurenco Proceeds�condemr�n4ion proceacie end rent8 end protits.shslt be a�ppUed bY
<br /> LGnder to the ertaunts due and ovul:ig trom 7nistor and borrower In such order as Lender In Ita eok�discretlon deemu deelr-
<br /> abls.
<br /> (k)Sw+erabHity.It any provlslon o4 4hls Deed of Trust oonfllcts with appNcabte law ar(a ded��recl Imraltd or otMrwlee w�en-
<br /> toroeeble,aunh confll�t or invalldity shail�ot aHect the other provlatons of thia DAed of Trust ov Ifio Nate whld�can bs yiven
<br /> e}���t��onfNoting provlslon.ancl da this end the provlsbns of thls Deed of Trust end the tJote ere de�arod 10 be aev-
<br />- ereb�e.
<br /> the'�saurie pemrna�(e)�tt�ose t rtns s us�ti�In Uwils Qeed ofnTnist shall be�nterchang�e�ble and when the Trusta ntxl 9orto+�rer ere
<br /> (m)C�+nln�1.uw.Thls 1leed o!Tn�st ehall be povemed by the laws of the Siate oi Nelrr�slca.
<br /> Trustor has e th of Trust of the date w�itton ebove.
<br /> , �
<br /> ��./..t� f`nw�lr
<br /> By James . in Prea. T� T'°S°°r
<br /> ..,./l -
<br /> Trustor Tnrstor
<br />