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~~ ~5 <br />CROSS-EASE-~lEMT ?3GHk.EAiEHT <br />This Agreement made September ~;_, 1981, by and between <br />Gerald L, Henn and Mary K. Henn, husband and wife, Delbert D. <br />Theasmeyer and Lois A. Theasmeyer, husband and wife, Michael L. <br />Neubert and Brenda J. Neubert, husband and wife, an~3 Gary'F, <br />Voecks and Judi A. Voecks, husband and wife; <br />WHEREAS, the partial by this Agreement wish to make eruvision <br />for the unobstructed use of driveway and parking improvements for <br />ingress and egress and for the maintenance of said improvements <br />for their mutual benefit; <br />NERd, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sale and purchase of <br />Lot Three t3), TVid Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Neisraska, by Gerald L. Hear. and Mary K. Henn, husband and wife, <br />from Delbert D. Theasmeyer and Lois A. Theasmeyer, husband and <br />wife, Michael L. heubert and Brenda J. Neubert, husband and wife, <br />and Gary F. Voecks and Judi A. Voecks, husband and wife, and in <br />consideration of the mutual cov€:nants and easements contained in <br />this Agreect+ent and for other good and valuable consideration, the <br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ZT ZS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: <br />1 Farfi r,arty r_c~ 4'his Agreement does hereby convey, grant, <br />and assign-cant or each and evezyfother party to this Agreement, a <br />perpetual easement and right-of-way over, across, through, and <br />upon the following--described real estate: <br />Part of Lots One tl), Two t2) and Three (3i, <br />TVN Subdivision, City of Grand island, bail <br />County, F3ebraska, encompassing the westerly <br />Sixteen (16) feat of said subdivision, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />3eginning at the: Southw~:st corner of TVN Sub- <br />division, City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and }:roeeeding northerly along and <br />czn the was*_erly boundary line of said sub- <br />,~i~,ilion fox a distance of =14.89 feet, thence <br />proceeding ~astarli -°=_onq and upon tria norther- <br />iv boundarv Tina o: -~.~id subdivision for a dis- <br />tanee of !~ ~eet_ chYnoe ~r~ouedi_zg southerly <br />3ltl tog .-2 Fly 'SL2F)~l ei ~1Ll!'_' ~S}QLa11C1 45J {..F9C R _o_~-r13 <br />,:~ .,S~.i4 firs. G.-~istant~u <br />•,~~~ a~;' -- ~km~;~~ css°s~ax~~=3in~ w~~*erly alone <br />and upon the-southerly boundary Iine of said sub- <br />division for a 3istance of 16.0 feat to point of <br />beginning. <br />This easement is for the purpose of maintaining a <br />drivr~way and parking lot fcr the use of vehicular traffic used in <br />connection with properties described in Paragraph A of this <br />AgreeF~ent . <br />2. Thu parties to this Agreement agree not to obstruct, <br />l~pe.~e, 4r lPZtE„,i.`i~rc, i=•n~ the ::th~'r, in thk~` r~at}~I3~ble l:`3i' <br />of such drivay and parking improvements for the purpose of <br />ingresaa ared eyress to and frc~n the respective properties. <br />i. ~a~ia~ p~E%~c~ LV ~., ~s --..a..~sa,. -ems t~.+ c'c nt~?.. rFv_.>ir <br />Agaz~-``-o- ~yirim ~~- ` <br />~~~ •~ i4t~ dri:~ay and parking i~rprovements, at his r,r her o~n <br />oo+~t, in a usable, neat, and uniform manner, so that tht: overall <br />a}?~a~'ax~ce z~€ sal.d improvrnts i.s one of a driv~ray and parking <br />list. <br />4. A12 of th+a covenants, agreements, canpit~ons, and <br />restricti€~ntt set forth in this ?lgree~ent are intended to be and <br />sTaall be ccsnstrued as covenants Winning with the above-describes: <br />real estate, binding upon, inurinrl to the benefit of, and <br />