<br />
<br />tt). That #ts M~ aeitl ~ tF~ ~ "- Irre-mists in wed rr~air. 3~f r~ither cu~emit r~ ~ea^nRit waste
<br />r said : riot saA'er the Said premises a be ustd for arty t~awfui purpose,
<br />11. Ttt~ R the premnses, or-any pare thereof, be corrderaned utedu the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />use, tl+s dt~ases awardsd, for proceeds _ror the taking of, as-the consideration for sixh acgrrisition, to the extent of the full
<br />amrwru of iasees trp~ E3rss titortgge and the rate which it is given a recurs remaittirig uapaid. ors hereby assigned by the
<br />W , a~ tdtaA tit ~ forthwi~ to saad Mortgagee to be appl~t by the latter on account of ti,.: oexi
<br />. tit sari iCdness.
<br />Z~ tnrNfar ttgrcea that sMttitd thle mottgt~e and the trots secured hereby rat be eligbk for in-
<br />t ts~det: the PdariAaa! ifousiag Acs witlda Sixty dey8 from the date herett twrinen statement of any officer
<br />~ elite f of t~ousiag a~ Urban Development e< authorized agent d the Seereary of Housing and Urbmt
<br />dite+d scent to the Y days time from the date of this mortgage, declining to insure saM
<br />try and t~s 6eir~ domed conclusive "proof of such irtetigdtifity!, the Mortgagee or holder of the note
<br />tttay, ~ ~ op~sti, dgclasea# stems recurred hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />t3, TAat it the I~/ctrtYagrir twits to amice any payrrratts of money whin the same become due, or fails to conform to and
<br />txiasply with mty at the eoaditioas or agreements conesieied in this mortgage, or the note which it sectaxs, then the emirs prirxi-
<br />pal a~ said in#reat sluU! at Deice become due and payaltlt, at the election of the Mortgagee: weed this mortgage may
<br />tierrexgonbt foreclosed immediately for the whole of said manly, interest, monthly payments. costs, ground rears, taxes and
<br />czist of extenrlitrgthe aisMract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreciosare writ, sixd a rea-
<br />sonable attorii¢y's tee: all of which-shat! be iriclutled in the decree of foreclosure: and the convect embodied in this mortgage
<br />wad tAc note seiatred hereby, strait in al! respects br goveirad, constttr~ and ad}udged by tlx laws of t:xlaaska: wiceee t1ta;
<br />samria aside:
<br />Tlx covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall insane to, the respective heirs, executors,
<br />admiaistrators, succssaors and assigns of the pariisa hereto. 1~hsieever used. the siigmtsr number shall include the plural. the
<br />phiea! the sir~ilsr, and the use of way gender shall be applicable to all genders.
<br />The foreja~aig conditions, a[! and sin~rlar, 6sing peNormed according to their natural and legal impott, this conveyance
<br />sttatl be vend said said premises rekmased at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise to be and remain in toil force and eBed.
<br />tN 1YI7'NES5 WHEREQF. the Mortgagor(s) have hereunto sit their hand(s) the day and year first
<br />Move written.
<br />to presence ot: ~~~ ('
<br />,"""f~ -f-- - ..3.~1~'~'.'x~ 1 SEAL I
<br />f JAMS S. RBF,t!
<br />;~`' (SEAL 1
<br />/~ .tt c+.... Cd. ,Y~.esY j SEAL ]
<br />PR8CIt3tJS A. REED
<br />(SEAL]
<br />( SEAT, J
<br />cru n+t.t~a
<br />ss:
<br />C~NTY ©F IIAi.L
<br />t~ this ~ day i~t ~ , A.I). l;+ ®2 hetore me,
<br />a ~ pyi~ in wad fw said County, personatiy came
<br />~ $: wild tt~.~tra A. 73~d, Ht~ arxs;i Bite
<br />_ , prrsoadlY to me ktawn
<br />to be tiia ide>jficat t+ersun ~ wtri~e itrmte s t~ o a~Ixsd to flat above and fore-
<br />y-nt~ ~rtt~ k~, a tllSy Five aakeanvr~d
<br />~d the said in~aament grid cae
<br />exseaawt dMts4t twix ter votuattu'y act and dtred, for the purposes therein expressed.
<br />In testimcKtY whereof, I have haetrato set my hand wad awed by tagr seal at Grand Is land i Nebraska
<br />ir9 (bit days wad ttat6.tt~ aiH-ve LMr#nCA, ~~^ - _ ~y, j ;
<br />gtatt~-a~IMrr-s•isi.rt+r.+a -;~_ ~~'~:';1 f'~ ",~.~ It/;-:~ `~/ J~"'
<br />pMIRt ~~„y
<br />~'~a3 for roci~l day of
<br />M o'claclt
<br />±iRtt
<br />A, ta, l4
<br />M.> and entered in Nutnerica! tirdcx, and
<br />of Mortpges, oft
<br />itt€r *d ~t•
<br />ttUU-~2ita3l~t t9-7?I
<br />:~~e a+~=~+s
<br />