<br />.~° i#1,~48~
<br />p ? ;,ice ' rrt~ _- ir?r~? ;_.. V -nrt~
<br />j ?ir,r a°ier nu,?~~~n ~; rs.~~~.t,ar~w l
<br />11 urs~r rcne ~,;,t` +Ca iru~ur-frr~ri[Ey
<br />Rrosisitsr:s of tare l~'~ritiui;~ihl
<br />IfcLSit^It* Ac*.~..~ .
<br />1 sits ~4'€3tFTGRGc. made and cxtcuted this 22nd day o€ 3e{~¢ E"'° .~.g.
<br />39 gl .by andtrttwetn ,Ig~s S. wed and Precious ~. t2eEdr Xusband and Wife
<br />of the Cetunty o€ E{al l .and Stale o€ ldebraska, ~rtY ct€ the first part- htreinafter called
<br />Y€it ~fxirtgRgcir. aYtd Su~eri6t^ t~i.Ftq&t~°, ItaC.. '
<br />a eorparation rirganirtd and txisting undtr the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part, hr rtinafter called the A3urigatete.
<br />53: T#';`iESSF.TH~ Thai the said ~fartg:tgor. Eris and in cunsideraticn of the sum of Tvrersty tt~ thOUt3.tttd foils hundred
<br />fifty and No/lOf)ths--•^------~~'~~~'-~~"°-"° Iksliars t3 22 850.00 1, paid by [he Mort-
<br />, rite reetipt of w{tich is htrthy acknawtedgtd, has Granted and Sotd and !y then-, presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />gain, Sall. Cctittrty and C<snftrmn uatn the Mortgage!. its successors and assigns, forevtr, the tollowirth-described
<br />rtai !state. situated in ihE County of Flail ,and State
<br />o€ hthraska, tt} wit:
<br />The 6~est Sixty Feet lVFb0r) of Lot Six t6) and the West Sixty Feet 4y760' )
<br />of the North Six Ftaet (Nb'} of Lot Seven (7}, in Block Ten t10}, of Packer
<br />and Bert's Addititan to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principal Mendian, containing in ail
<br />iY~nt surrty:
<br />acres according to Govern-
<br />T(3'r{A':'k.:~l>q Tf) F{t)l. I) the prtrniseti atxtva dexcihed. with all Yht appurttnances thareunW lxlonging and including
<br />all hrstia~, ptumttittg arff iigltting texturt<s .istii ri}uiprtrtni rntw or hcrc+4te.:#YtaehG:l to .tr u=ed in con:z~ctinn with said re:.i ast ie
<br />{:;r r~ to 3 .,... ~p...t~ni4 tom. ate r,~venant< with the A€artas-
<br />:2Ertr~ti~ is~a~r ~~. as :::•_ i -€ri4r~c ~ u ~. - ~ -"r. _ -.-,..4 .__ -
<br />lttt, that the [4#ortcaprx Ass gcrx{ right t.t ,elf ani ettnvey .aicl ptrmncs, that 4hty art tree €rom rncumbranct: atpl that the
<br />M•aa+-~t will wa_rt~?t end .ttfeixl the some attains! tlrs tsw{ul claim. of :iII ptruns whrnrrscxver: artd tht said ht3rttrr hera-
<br />LtY r::liii~Ttes. Ali fi~`rtx .~€ r~tr.>f+', alit] all P` tt := -. titl~i an !~'s• ui ir! c~"i[y. azt~s? a#i rrilttr ~1-4r_in~at inzrrr~r~ izi iit~
<br />sa-sst~_~ ___ , :4~ ..~ r _ :;=ay c - T - lh•- - _,- ., s~ 1?g_=__ri? ztl i'iln~'[4 l~rttty sit ~ti3itiarie tiitc: zt-s f ce' iis~xpic. mltEu-
<br />litit fill tIQ912( 0I hnm25ieiidatrrii iittFtf ri~tti: arrii inttrt;is :., gt.treRaid.
<br />rnassivcV.ii:xt=a:`.a.',v.:~-y„t-...=.~~--..=5.t=`'"#--tii_~~#. ~;~_f e?t.x_::x ~xt:~le3~.ai~-til !zit,
<br />1'At i4lortgagor agrte, trt pay ut the 4ic.+ttc. or ordcr. the , rim:ipal stim of 1~enty tats ttx~ttstxttd four hundred
<br />fifty asui Nt31100ths .._.,...._ [kiltars(5 22,450.00 ).
<br />with tttttrtst €rciin data a[ eht rate tit S+atrientssius and One-half lxr crntum 1 17.50 `~) per annum un
<br />ihr nnpaid ttalaraza until paid. "Iht stud prist.i#i;il ails! ssttrest shall he pmyats{c at the office of Superior l4csxt~~, Inc.
<br />in GTS3td Is1.aTidr aaJtd of at such othtr piae't as iht h:ildtr u€
<br />ti~..,..i...,.~., .t>y...,{..:~ ;sri±i. ~+, iir gt••ut~aiy inssaltments of mttraQ ht~ l~r~ tt+anty nine a71d 191100th6---
<br />~,.,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,~, ,,px~ thtilars i$ 3~s,ly i. c~>'nnxncutgun tht ttrzt day u
<br />Isial .in on t tits! day of cacti month lhcrtatter until ttx primipal and in-
<br />trrtst are fuilg paici,Mezi~ 't~~+ tht : _; E.aytrttat iii i.r~#:#p~: a: :l tr:t~re t. i! nett xi~atitr pawl. ±l~l ht ilue ;and
<br />pay:~lc oai t lust doe e5f r o 1 ail acc._trdirtg to the term _ ui a .•crtain praaiix-
<br />siuy sisate o€ tvtn datt~htrew nit exeeuttv~r i~r •a~r;~.'~
<br />'The Mcutga{tur in urdtr m+rrc €ully to tuxaNact the stiiMtry .d ttti~ Idctrt~ir~+e. agrte+:
<br />~„ -.lr ri r~ ihde-F:-.twi*g+~ ac tt~xs#t3hclizr€ itifrt !alto- 3'rit; r3r~c is rC]e7tieu ti> ply tip d~`vt iiz r5~nvl ~, t:t t^+ a.3
<br />aEnritint tyt+;d tar one ctr matt mttatthly paytrtents un tttt pririkipai that are tics! duo an tht Waite, rwr tht first day of any inctssth
<br />~ Ect tia<atutity: Prara_i, httaFa~as, i hat wtittru itt atf an intetitdiri to exetciac srs+-h privik~ i+ given at Itast tltuty t dt
<br />days pry to {ttepayt,
<br />~. t tct~flrtr t-ita, air in ~ iti> tl~ rttsirtih)y psneats of , risuipa2 i in~rtsf payal~ undtr tl~ ttrtt~ of tt~
<br />mitt sacttrtxr €sti'elty, tl~ tst?tsr wiR pay ur the h4~c, an tat tits! day arf tach iuoutli until tip said rtait>i it €ully paid, the
<br />fuflrFwittfy, tutus;
<br />(a} 11nt~nt_atki"}is~vnt to Ptuvida tha hutslar laerteat iSitlt tuiala u3 pay tht itkilt riturt tnsuraitcc {ur•nuurri a€ this
<br />iiastrutt4 a+_td t_he Watt ~c~ittd hiateby are instittd, t)E a itwnttrly c#targt (tn tires rte a rrrt,rtamgr innrrirrtce fn<~.
<br />rrrallrprij if" ihty are held by tha :iecretary rti Fli~iaiitg aYid t:rltatx Ilta~le~#tteiit, es falktua.
<br />{i) if sits! sex lstttg as axtd n#at u( turn daft anr9 YFits uts`uuittent air itisutetf ax are reitisurE`xi ututer isle {=:a?
<br />9i:,ft~iS ~. ih^. ~ t€r?ir~ ~~ z~ ,.:., o€ts:~ a- i~~c i " ~~°. -- -.
<br />l=t, err $t'{fi~~FTRF s#it E's"ic'»t ' a"w.'S.°~r:S'.i.cs - "`•'.
<br />~i Pifi t~t' ~1 G1)~nNtl3'~
<br />E'MS i.SK:~m F rr A"~ id;'#A6 rhei~Ee +r*Ay Ewt zrxeosi until wrzi*tr =e sxhausitrd trUt3"9'i 14JM f4-YSi
<br />