$1-- i11.~4~~~.
<br />THIS A6RfE~ttT, entered into this 3Dth day of Juiy, 1974,
<br />b~etto ARC? f}EYELO~iE!!T CC~AlIY, IHC., a corporaticas, of the first
<br />part, called "SELLER, and JOf~J H. EDWARDS AfiD IRENE M. EDItARDS,
<br />husband and +t#fe, as point te+snnts and not as tenants in camaon, with
<br />right of survivorship, of the see~nd part, called "BUYER," WITNESSE7li:
<br />Seller has this day sold to Buyer the real estate described
<br />as fol]obs:
<br />Lat One (1), Argo Third Subdivision to the Vfillage of Aida,
<br />being a fart of the Southeast Quarter (SE~a) of Section Five
<br />(5), Township Ten {10), Hord, Range Ttgn {il3), West of the
<br />filth f.la., in Haii Cor~nty, hedraska, as platted and-recorded
<br />in the ®ffice of Register of Deeds of Hail County, N~raska;
<br />tti~er with all singular tenements, heredita~aetsts, and appnrtertances
<br />tileree~li~i belonging or in.anyvrise appertaining, for the Lotal consideration
<br />of Twefrty Seven Tf~u3and Three Hundred & Ma/1DD {$~7,3DD.(?l?) Dollars. payable
<br />as fol larAS
<br />Thirty Three Hdred 5 lkfllDO {53~0.~) [bllars, down, re-
<br />ceipt of which is htreby acktaselledged, which said payment
<br />was m.in the Eons of credits by Buyer since he entered
<br />into poasexsion J1a1e 1, 1913, and paid certain taxes, in-
<br />surantae, and closing, and real estate icsan closing costs.
<br />~r 3ha~i pa; *.*~ ~lae in + 3s~ of Tt,Y Four
<br />~ li~lt~ {324:QDO;I?i0) Ostlers, by assuming the a~ortgana n~ on
<br />said real estate with first Fedrarai of Lincoln, in the s~
<br />of Ti~enty four Th~sauxd ~ ~11DQ {Sg+i,000.00) Dollar's, pur-
<br />suar}t to the terms of said eartgage: and the is shall fie
<br />a i~tal of "tMo Herndrld ?thirty 8 MaJTDt1 {Sg3Q,~ilars r
<br />month, the first payment being due and payable September 1,
<br />1974, ~ a like pay~ant of ~- Hundred Thirty S ~/1DQ
<br />(Sl'~Q,DI'fi) Dollars, on the 1st dliy of ead~ and every mouth
<br />thsr~aafter, until the entire pr#neipal and interest shall tee
<br />paid in foil, pursuant to flee tertus a~ conditions of said
<br />suart, der shall make sail! paysts to Arm Develolm~nt
<br />CotrparOr, Inc. , by e~ai l inn the same to Seller, and Argo Developee~+t
<br />Gamey, Tnc„ shall app y said payment to the aforesaid mortgage
<br />the said real estate.
<br />it is u-4derstawrd and agreed between the parties, that the
<br />S~3i1,Q€3 ila3t is up cf ~197.3~ to be applied to principal and interest
<br />each ath, ! S$4,45 tease sash nth, and insurance of 58.23 each tth,
<br />that i~yer gill pa-I' ar~v additional or increase in taxes and insurance on
<br />spfd r~9 estate,
<br />