<br />.r._ t
<br />8~-()3482
<br />10, That the Mortg will kt+ep the building upon said premises in good repair. and :zither commit oar ~roti*. wasx
<br />yip said hind, nra sytEer the said premises ro be used for any tmlawful purpose.
<br />1 i. That if the pt~emises, or any part dtereof, be crim#tmreaf under itx power of eminent domain, ~ acqusred for a public
<br />use, tiie damages awarded, tine proeetds fur the taking of, or the considtratwn for such acquisition, to the extent of the full
<br />amewnt otirtdebttdttes upon dds and the irate which tt is given to secure rcmautirt$ unpa~, are hereby assigrted by the
<br />}~ ro the Mort~s< ate skafi be paid farthwi44 to said fc4ortgagce to be appii~ by the latter on act©unt of the next
<br />~ ittdebtedttess.
<br />~ } ~'}"he htortg~r furtAer agrtts that s~rld t>gs mortgage sled the nctit sccurtd hereby not be eligible for in-
<br />sutnnce tradrr the Natiottal Hour"tag Act within Sixty Says from the date hereof (written statement of any otficer
<br />~ the t)eparttsent a# ifotesinB sad Urban Devtiopment ar suth~ztd im~ltenda~ otf thi mortgage. declining to irnisur_ said
<br />Itoev~eat dotal subsegtuetx to the Sixtp days
<br />ptae mKi tEtis mortgage. being dtemed conclusive proof of such iricligsbr7ity}, the Mortgagee or holder of the Holt
<br />may, ~ its ~tiaa, declare sit sums sectuTed hereby immediately dire and payable-
<br />13. 'a'bet it the Mortgagor tails to makt any payments of money when the same become due, or fails to conform to and
<br />~,~y with spy of the ,-,andigons or r~gretmtttts contained in this mortgage, or the note which it xcures, then the entire prinei-
<br />pal sum stud accreted irtureat shad at once became due and payable, at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may
<br />thertitpon be farcciosed immediately for the whok of said money. interest, monthly payments, costs. ground rents, taxes and
<br />Gfftcoat of extpdirM the abstract ~ titk from the date of this hyan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rca-
<br />sonabk auoraey's fee. alt of which allot! be inchrded in the decree of doreciosurc: and tft*_ contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />aad [he nape steered hereby, shall in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the taws of Nebraska, where the
<br />satoe is made.
<br />The oaverntnts herein contained shall bibe, and the benefits and advantagts shall insure to, the rest=tetive heirs, executors,
<br />admitpstrators, sutxesaors and assigns of the parties icereto. 1R~hentver used, the singular number shall include the plural, the
<br />plural the sirgular, slid the use of any gepdcr shall be appiicabh: to all genders.
<br />71ie foregoing conditions, all and sin;ttlar, being performed according to their natural and legal iaport, this conveyance
<br />shag be void and said premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor, otherwise to be and remain in full force avid tffect.
<br />IN WETNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagortsi ha ve hereunto set their habels-the day and year first
<br />about written.
<br />in prtstncs of:
<br />~ ._~ _ ~ ~ -
<br /> ,~ [SEAL]
<br />y . IN [SEAL
<br />,y9~ _
<br />~~r, lL,~f ,y
<br />6l~{ [SEAL 1
<br />L•YNTHIA s. t9tE3TIN
<br />[SEAL. I
<br />. [SEAL]
<br /> GPO 94t•t1a
<br />ss:
<br />t<f)tlFtTlr` (?F BALL
<br />A.D. ly g~ ,before ms,
<br />t]n ihi't 31st beY +~ Sept bar
<br />.
<br />a PtthliC m and far said Gutty, per~nally came
<br />~ ~a tt~ ~`T1L1 C"ylltlt~c~k a~. A'I~~t~ir `~i19193Hi~ c3Tt£I ~ii~
<br />~
<br />. personally to me known
<br />~~~ ~ w a ~~ axed to the abotit and tart-
<br />acktmwh:dged the said instttiment apd
<br />gttutg inacettpsatt as Mortgagor, and they have
<br />voluntary act and deed, tar the purposes therein expressal.
<br />execetttort €httcot to be their
<br />In ttsltnuxty whereof, t have hertunta sit my hated and atTixed by mY seas at ~~ Is1an8, Ne)araeka
<br />its die day and date last about written. `
<br /> II ~~ 1
<br />i!/1BRNll~fi ~ Ncxmy Pit
<br />*~~
<br />FdetE f~ rasttrd this day of
<br />M A.[). 19
<br />and entered in Numerical Index, and
<br />.
<br />~ ~ cock
<br />naC4tded ip lilot>tt ,
<br />of Mortgegcs, an
<br />
<br />Regtsttr at fhxafs
<br />r+uu_a~tasst is-rsi
<br />