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<br />4. ltaat should he fait to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this <br />Mrrtgage, thg,°s tts~ Mortgagee, at its option, may pay or perform the same, and ail <br />expeas6itures so made shall be added to the principal sum owing ors the above note, shall <br />be 52cured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate set forth in the said Hate, until <br />paid, <br />5. That he hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mg~-tgagee, to be applied <br />ts~+ard the payment of the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the <br />performance of any of the terms dnd conditions of this t4artgage or the said note, all <br />the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such <br />Lime as the rtxsrtgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Itiartgagee shalt have <br />power t0 appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said <br />premises and of renting the same and collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it <br />may pay out of said incomes all expenses of repairing said premises and necPSSary <br />commissions and expenses inEUrred in renting and managing the same and of collecting <br />rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of <br />said mortgage indebtedness. <br />6. That he wilt keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected an the <br />mortgaged property. insured as may be required from time to tirr~ by the Mortgagee <br />against"loss by fire and other hazards, casualties and contingencies in Such a~unt5 <br />and for such periods as may 6e required ay the Mortgagee and will p,ay promptly, when due, <br />any premiums on such insurance provision for payment of which has not keen made herein- <br />before. All insurance shall be carried in companies approved by the Mortgagee and the <br />policies and renewals thereof shall be held by the Mortgagee and have attached then€€o <br />tyn,~~ navahla r„tYLSac in faynr of anti in form acceptable t0 Che Mortgagee. In event of <br />loss Mortgagor wtll give immediate notice by mail to the Mortgagee, who may make proof <br />of loss if not made promptly by ?4ortgagor, and each insurance company concerned i5 <br />hereby authorfzed and directed to make pay^~ent for such lass directly to Che rtga <br />instead of to the Mortgagor and the 'iortea£ee vointly, and the insurance proceeds, or <br />any part thereof, may be applied by the 't©rtgagee at its option either to the ree#uetion <br />of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or repair of tfse or~rty <br />damaged. to event of foreclt~sure of this mortgage ur other transfer of title to ere <br />mortgaged property in extt'ngui5hrnent of the indebtedness secured tsereoy, 31l rtnC. <br />title dnd interest t3f Lhe ~Zrteagar to dnd tfr any ins;;ranke ~Oli~l~y tt~ng ??? ::~r4a± ~`~„ <br />pass Lo the purchaser ar grantee. <br />7. That as additional end co}laterai security far the pdyt o* tRe ,,ate--:~rr'~~d. <br />and all su::es its become d under this nx~r*.ga the rtr her,~y ~~~°.~_~ `o p?`-~ <br />.,~`rtgage2 all or~,fits, .-,enuel, :~ayalti§c, ri~~t~ a ~n~fits a€~r~tr~ t~ `!± <br />t~frtgagor under any andYall oil and gas lea~~ .ors said pries, .riti~ re ~~~ ~=~ <br />receiV? and -•e~Pipr ft~r the Sam ~itcf ~~pl _t.e.a r._ cat ~n~~tedt!ess 1~ +~~~~ 4S ~~~:Nr <br />default in the ,.F:GIiCt~t„S 0~ *E~;, '.~ #~t~ _ - nr,~ s~t•~~ r ~:-~~ <br />~fiCC:aiier any `s t~c11 payr,~~t~ ~3•z~€~ `~4is`~ 3~~ :=tom ~-~m. u~•C ",~~ naC Y.~ r~=~r~~ ~c~ ?~ "'€' <br />iii~~ €}~#~': ,~/ifiSSSt 53 ~3 ~~l~i=u i~ sib ~~~~ 3e , ~,~ .,. ~ ;gig==~ =~ __~ - •=_ -~ _-_ <br />8. That the Mvrtgagtzr will keep the buil~lincis vapors Said r~rtiraeises sn ~ r.asr, <br />and neither commit nor permit Haste upon said land, Her suffer the sair~ prea~sse~ *o ve <br />used for any unlawful purpose. , <br />9. That if the premises, or any part thereof, ut ec~ndeinrsstd ur~dar the usr ~sf <br />eaninenfi doarlirs, or acquired fora pudic. 3se. the d5 a~~rl, € Fri e <br />taking of, or the consideration for such acqu~5ititsrs, to the eaten[ of the f~li a€ <br />of indebtedness upon this mortgage and tt;e ate which is given ts~ 5e~;ura retn~~g ova=~. <br />are hereby assigned by the Martgac~r to the M9rtga+}ee, and shall tae poisf fortrrsr~tss to <br />said Mortgagee to ~ applied by the latter on acequnt of the +uarct maturiar~ ;~cita€lu~t <br />of Such indetited-eess <br />The Gpvenanis herein contained i bind, and tite ben#rfits arsci 3a~vanEagrl~ shall <br />fnsure ta, the reSpeGtive heir,: rxecutar~, admsiriistratars, su~cesi~o ono axle sf <br />pa~ives hei~irs. ~~i• used. fi~ singular nor ~r~a{= ii t ~l~a£, <br />pl~irwt t~ singelar, eCr+ ti;e ii~t€ of dray ~rr ili~ll ~ ~li~ vl~ +i€ ~~~ =€. <br />Ttxri foregoing conditions, alt and singu]ar, Ming performed ,~s~ardi?!g t~ their <br />n4turat and leaiai impart, this conveyance shalt be vAtd and Said prewtsas re}eassrd at t~ <br />ex~rerise ai the i~rtgagar; ot3seri+i,e to be and ruin in foil fake and effect. <br />