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~Z„,~QQ4`78g <br />(!)month poor to its due date the amtual mottgage insurance premium ir. order to pravide such holder <br />with funds to pay strele premium to the Secretary of Housing and C3rban Devetaapment pursuant to the <br />IYatianai Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulatiams thereunder: ur <br />(SI) if and sa ttxtg as said Hatt of evert dots and this instntment are held by the Settetary of Housing and <br />Urban perehslurxsst, a rnanthly charge /in lieu of a mortgage insurance premuum/ which shall he in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (Illy) of ease-half tt;2) per centum of the avr,age outstanding balance <br />due an the mote computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments: <br />~} A surer equal to the ground trolls, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will rmxt become due and payable on <br />policies of Vyre and other hazard insurance covering the monga¢ed property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />tin the martgagtd property (d# to estirnatexl hr• t#rr .Mnrtgrt>teel less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />nttrstt3er of tnanths to elapse before one month prsot to the date when such ground rents. premiums, taxes atul <br />asaesatnertts will delinquent, such sums to he held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />ntitutts, taxes anal special assetrttrtrrnts; and <br />(e) AI) psyment® mentioned in the two preceding suhsestions of this paragraph and all payments to tee made under <br />the Hats securtst heretty shag! be addtd tupsettter, and tree aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />rac12 month in a single paymrn[ to he apptmd by the Mortgagee to the iolluwrng i[erns in the order set forth: <br />ri) prerrtittm::harges under thr.ontract ut irtswarrcr wrth the Secretary of Housing and LJtbart Urvrlopntent, <br />oar monthly charge %in bleu .,f rrtnarr,~ugi• insurance premium?, ns the case may ter: <br />rill grtntnd rents, taxes, assrsantrnts, tier and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />lHl) Interest un the note secured hereby, end <br />t 1V t amortizatron of the prim-tpat ut' sold elute. <br />Any dettcieney in she amnunt ;x any such aggregate n€etntttiy I+ayment shall, unless ntadc guaxi by the Mort- <br />gagnr pricer to the due date of the next such pavntrnt, c,nssntute an event of default under this mortgage. ilte <br />b4wtgagae may collect a "late ihargc*" neat to r<x.•ee,! t.,tu ;cots ti~,<) h+r rash dt~!!sr FSI i ad each paysnentmare <br />titan tit'setn l A ~ t .ears tr• arrears [,> cures the extra rxs*rnsr uivcttvrd to hsndlint; delutyuent paynunts- <br />3. Thet it the total of the• paymrrft4 made by the itortstaaur under •'•+ of parxtttaph 'l ptrre•ding +hall rrcwd <br />the arrtnunt of pataftwt:a acwxtl} mitdr by the }brttgagc•r fur snaend rc=nt~, taxrw and aa,e€rNt+menta or inrturtmcr prr- <br />taiumK. ast the ra_=se mat he- ~urh rxcrra+:, tf lhr recut the uptiwt of the Mortgagax, tihalt tea rrcdttcd by <br />thtr ~kut~rr un xub>aa*ttltrni pa}mrnt» to h>r° matda• by the tEtsrtaagttr, „r rrfundagi to tttc 19artgapor If, haswa•~er, the <br />monthly payrtfetltrx trtteaie by the !lkrtgagta rnttirr =' :,ri Trarugtmpu _' prrccnhnK shalt not tee +uffitient to p:av gtttutxi <br />rrYtt, taxet+ and aaneaesmrnt.. ur in:+ttrtetrr prRVrtruta=, a~- the t air mxq ba•. »ha~s the sam:• ::hail tseavrt~ due and pat- <br />abir, then the -tiortgts,Rnr ,ttfatl pay ur she Hnrlg:txav arlr aretuunt nva~r..aty to matte up the• deficienrr, an esr beftsrr <br />tlxt elate sshnn payarrni of .ucb grrrand rrntr., saxa=~-, a.,-.•-~nt~ nr insuranre prerntiuma ;halt hr duo. Tf ai tarty <br />time its! Mengrtittttr .:hall temder to the llatri~a¢a+r. €n :t, rordana~e wrth tha• pmti-ion; of the nwty ~ra•urad ht+srby, <br />fall pa}•t nt the eyttirr indebtednr-•- repm~cmtrd thwPhv, the ~{artkxeaw ••hatl, in camputinu the amount of +atrh <br />trtrJelftctitrrrax, credit In lhr .~catuttt ut the tturt~ur sit patrnrnrs merle utxlrr the itaatvl3irxss of t,. itf parngtapit ,'. <br />hatteaf tvhirh the 4lltrtpa~=a^ ire" nor M•cnwr .+htrgata•a t,+ pa, t.r etr,• ~et,•lxh of ttou.:ing .nd t than 1)c,a iespmcnt <br />affd arty balalteN t.vttaintteg in the tttmt~ as,vaautatr3d uttde•r tht• itn„t-tun: of ,tt paragraph '! hrrreti. if there <br />:3tait tie a datiarols utsdar eta ut ttfe pr'n,e~tarn^- of tt::- auxt~:aat• s.•-rtttrnr €it a tau#.:lla' ~at,• t•f the pla:•assu-. etttrtt~d <br />hereby. ur tf the llurtga~ta`a' ar yu+t«* the pratpa~rts ;uhr•rwt»+• a#trt drtault- rhr \lnrtgrsgr,• .hail apply, at the= tlaie ui <br />the cnreftrrnararaVtl ut vtrhi iwewvedtar;~. •.t at ttta• rtarr• the proywrt, €' vthrr„t-r• ucytstra+d, lht• balance• tha=rf nvaafn- <br />inpt €n the lured.. arawmttatrd ttndrr +et paragta}:h _` ptra:virn#. a- ,t r rratit :tiC;t€n~1 the amnunt rri prlna ipal than <br />tt~sining uupatd ~ ~atd rtt~tr, attsi ^i±;rtt inupa•ett .sdturs ,any #taywtrrni~ ahtt h Khali tea,:• 6eett rttada• undrt +.r <br />of paa~rewh ". <br />8 Chat tiro 'lfrxlga~a usis pat sttsxuntt F,•-nt+, ra,r+, •aasr„utrnt,- x,rtrt t.,tr~ .rttd .otter Kt,rcrnrrrrntai ur murur::tpai <br />,:htuge• tines.:w rmttn,rtkin,. t;.r »ttiah pse,.rar:,j ha, ~>fu ~n :ssaatt t~trsai#~t.~r ,rxi err siriauh thrrr;,i six titntg~ce tna, <br />-=ace the' inn-. Lax `air v~ -, t [. . , ~ -; h! klts3`~.=„"~ - <br />it}e ~irrttgsgax ffis: ~- au ..€ . ., ~~~-r ,~_:€-' _ ~.;_a.: __"£se.e +~ ~rf ' €•stars ata~ e~~t=ae• <br />~nr=. ~ ~n~ ~=S ~»* ~?~~ .~rYt tt:= ~;;~ ~ . tw.9 .iE~r _ . _- ;grrrt:y roux ,eels t€, try rirrni iiani ,ucit r+ .e i-tcn`"u"*~'[- <br />_ _ .w._ _ _ w_ .. .. t=t,..a,....~ .xn_.~ ea:- bare .,s Fa~_tal_ <br />•-~-";.~ 3ixrrr~- asst! sash h4 tau , ths#a..rra~ tt :tmayrru~. u~l+~pat ~tcnt yeah stir ~ta,ttY~Attce L-p,.n st~Katx:n.,i the, untftr~ <br />tai~ttpt, ari tl It#c ia{atrty;yttu rs r rahiintrai hti ant ray ,.tx. ,•t txti-=t+a+ s,.,t:tye t=its:: #+a;ra~ tttE #Ettttr ,h :;tt1 Pt,stisr*; r*-i she af€~r <br />,aw taus. ire ttgtsrt the rrr»larargt u# an, ,: taastt dearer ptulrtM3tegt the Coe narnt ci the 41sYttta~cv w any ,ugh tare+, t,r et ,tnh ida <br />.ar tkcree ttaavtde, Chas ant- rrnaunt ut pelt! is} the N.xite+sitaw ,t,,dt t+c , rrdrtrd c+a rite tntxtttar(tr debt, ttMe Nurtgttxrr ,halt have <br />iRr rt~t to tour nutrt'f dttt+ aretien nuttt:c t., the +,w net ,=t tnr ,t1.+t~rd picrarx,, rettuurr~ the i+attetrnt .+t the +rtruYr <br />dcM if stta h nat~rt he givrrt, the ,aw debt stroll t,easr~r d~ t~a.t~ ,s!st .,~tratftdr at the rsprtartatn asf saw nsstety dos} <br />rk i'hat ehtttttd he tau to part unt ,nett .,r keep +», +... ~, ~° { r=r=-= '„r ere ttri, Havtga~. ttxtr tl~ ~,trrkyre. at at, xsts- <br />ttatn, may pxy aw perform the siltpe. atwi alt a sttrtrrtt+aos,..r ~tarsie ,iaarl tar + lay site ttrtncrprri ,um uwttig un the ahatvr ntxe. <br />stroll tae seauxed heret,y. alai atttdl ivx+at rntctrts st ahe asr ,et #,,tth ~ ens weed nsrtr trntN paw <br />'- 1?tat tit tvrtrht asatgtsa. tran>eirr, a,~ art. rr t„ tree ++tirr itpa~rr t=+ Yx ,.rrai taw,atd the pay maHtt vt the Hoare and alt <br />,tents sr4 Wed hrrN+, rn ca,r ,d a JrtauN to the r~tt1=~;sac -=s itt, .,t tar term= atAi aetmhtxsns .,t tau, Mao tt~r err itm ,aKl <br />rNAe, aft the lento. rearmar, and snt:atn,e rr, *'+a ,ira~rveyr tr,aas to ms.$rv r~s-.F.,-,~,t~ms ar~F ; t:rsxK, t ~ tn;+:lga,;.~ rrttat'ns!- <br />ttess shaft nmatn unptftd: and the Afiwtgattcr ,tsd9 ha.r t,:,yra rt, ,tt"t*~!; at+, attcrst ,a anent, at mat decor Irx the (+uriaow arf <br />t~ft+~rtalt sau4 l+rrmi,r* and ttf rentutg the aatM afw cadtectrntt slur rem,. rratir~ey aM trfcttme. and rt relay pay arut ui ,aw tm <br />coca ~l atx,tiwrtt +t rcpmit yard grenstsats arerl r~ae,,,uY aarnmt~,trx±, anal cx~prrtae, rttaurted to rsntusR atui matfa~trg tPty <br />,adgd rind of caatie,'ti~t retNat~, rttrs+rirataa_ rite r-rL~r :rr~rarttat~. €4 sn>. tst t,e s;€pltEu taris#d the df~harilr ,tf aatd trta~`tga!{e <br />sadralsttklttera. <br />h. 71ta!! hs wait taesp th€ rr~trtrcmen[, rn:t. cai,ttta~ m hrreateet ete.srd am the mctrs)rag€tlt ptutsrtry. m.u€rat a+ root 1+r <br />.~,...~~+ r-~ t~ to t~ Ace: rir ~~! ~t l.a.s ht tvc ,,~ attract harzrrai>„ .aeuatttr, alai .:utlfineens<re, in ,uh <br />tu.•~::,^;t iru h;t!E:t*-~' a'- ray ts± rtah try t#rr td~#t a~ v*ttt try tnurtavttr. when tlu2. ,drat tsrrtrituma :rat ,ttah <br />trtatatartt=~ pruEitira~m rite t;asynt <d wench eta>~ mri i±een tnat#e lxcrrisrt+efaus ~u m,utancs ,heft ~ :art?cat art 4::ntntrr. =.p- <br />prrsr>vrl ht the 4dratttes a~ the pttficies amt teat:wata ttt~ttrt}t :ha#t tee tt~t t+y the 41uti;p~ee a!+at ttaor :attached thereto su„ <br />ihtY' starrltta•l4 itt [oval aN aotd w fatrm accttfe to life MtfttMattre itr esenr ..( tt,ss Mrattrr a,rit glue €tntrtr$iatr rta.trcr ht <br />nueif to ibe Vie, rhp nr-y rn~i:e prtt'a,i of Ma±s, l[ M,1 trptadr prtatafttly t*t Marngttwrr, and each nfFauwKr ca+nstwnt rea»° <br />t~rta•±l is twfltptt! tasf ditnted see rye pa_ymetft t€tr such htsa ditevtty to the AAasttt melted uI rte the Mnstttata„ <br />>drST+e ia'+iatlt. t!r€ ant`s pr€ds. cK r3rry err thrt•ca}f- re€;iy l+!?tg+ptrtd hti tttr '~axtgnttrr 3l ita , rittrer <br />tie ttte r~ sad the tsfdetNadtteaa hetrht srcturd xY te? the restcttatilnt err report ad ttfe property damaged In r, ern ,,t tt,rri tt+. <br />,aue all tltn rna~t~igpe ut t:ihet rtatatvfai of tote air rite tnct€ftgattrr<t t+rup€tiy to catia~uahtNrnl u# fhe tmietstldne„ ,r:urcri hctrhti . <br />all rlghr, t#trr anrd ttrHttrst ir# the ~lasrlg€iegtx in aaad to any tnsrrrancr pt+hctrr then to tutee ,haft isa+s ta, the tsut:haser .;i ltr:tnirr <br />`r f h~ as ard$uit~>t and car##ateral ,eetrrtts tart ttte t€3r{ tt~m ad sift trtstr itestisthed, arn# alt auto, i,+ l*eaa+nsE attar sstratra lht, <br />na~irt the xlatktiYrnYatt iatrttPt trasypta +u ilae Mavyta~r ;lit ptcttita, revenue,. ruff attfe,. rrltYiis anti hr»rCtr aiartirt~jt t., ttfz <br />v~r atsti ~d ag ttii arxrf gar, tta~a :;wt n+N# pteant+es, ,a rtB tAe tagitt s.r rti etvv alai rrcri#u f.?r the ,acre :nerd op{al} <br />ten s,t aa~kig.isos, as email taefmfr a~ alto ate#asaN itt the c'aeritlttttnt, c~ iht! taaxl_~aUir. atstf the \!vt€)r nta+< al,rtnand, cur <br />tan awd rat:arver ;ant x,aah pnr+ruanla +,hrat dtaz 3tw yattte, t'rus a~afi prtC tteF+rapatrrxi „+ t„ d+, alit, €aayettattatrns r, ls+ trentreuttr <br />~e tai riitt attar '-"rlii3 nt~'.t{r €r'ti.$^ #S' ' Sf#t4 tni#rt~a•~' <br />!eatt377?'t A'rRi t9 ?ill <br />