Second tl4rtgage '
<br />' ~ ~ ~~~k i~{i y~i ~ for
<br />~ Section 235 Cases
<br />With Addandtun, for Repayrhent of Section 235 Assistance i ~ _ _!
<br />$1- uu47~`7
<br />THIS MDRTGAC,E, made and executed thisl7th day of September A.O.
<br />19 81 by dnd between Duane E. Glaser and Carol B. Glaser, Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of X11 and State of tebraska, party of the first part
<br />hereinafter galled the t4artgagor and the Secretary of the Department of Housing and
<br />Urban Development
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />SdI_TNESSETH: That the said fortgagor, is justly indebted to the Mortgagee in the
<br />principal Sum of Ono hundred eight thousand and No/100ths-----~---- Dpllar5 ~j 108,000.00
<br />which principal sum :,rill not exceed an amount Computed under the terms of the Note
<br />executed by said Mortgagor on September 17, 1381 ,with interest, in
<br />accordance rriLh said dote. That a.°, security for sold Note the tortgagor does by these
<br />presents Grant, (lar,ain, Se}l, l'onvey and Confirm w~to the Mortgagee, its successors and
<br />assigns the following described real Estate SitUdtetl in the County of Hall
<br />;z td tQ Of Nebraska, t0 gait Lot Seven {7) Kallos Subdivision, in the 1 y o
<br />Grand d~alaad, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />TD HAYe Ai`JD TD Pi01D the premises abnvr= described, with all the appurtenances
<br />thereunto belonging and including all heating, plwnbing and lighting fixtures and equip-
<br />ment now ar hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the
<br />Mortgagee, and to its. successors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor represents ta, and
<br />CaVenaflt5 rJith, Lhe t'~?rtgagee, 4h1t tFre Pinrtnagnr Itac rln~d r-j~~ht to sell and ranVn,e cold
<br />premises; Lhat they are feee from encuurbrance, except for an FHA first mortgage; and that
<br />the Mortgagor will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons
<br />whomsoever; and the said tortgagor- her41}y relinquishes ail rights of homestead, and alt
<br />marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests or" the
<br />Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises, the intention being to convey hereby an
<br />absolute title, in fee simple. including all rights of homestead, and other rights and
<br />interests as aforesaid.
<br />PRDVI~D ~;.klAYS, and these preserrts are executed and delivered upon the followingT
<br />4onditiuns, to rrit:
<br />The liorCgac~or agrees Lo pay to Lhe Piartgagee, or order, the principal sum of one
<br />h..-a~a might thou~nd and :~ca/100ths ~~_ Del l ors (~ 109.000.00 i .
<br />with inCereSt as pr°nvided in the tote dat~c!=~Pt~r~er 17, 1981 and exe~tuted by t4arttiaeaor
<br />The titirtgagar in girder 3~re fully tr? •~~-vtOc~t Lhe security ~?f this r~rtga, agrees=
<br />Y Thy! 4a .71 _ -
<br />~= ere ~ ~.~ ~- ~ ir. ___--.. _3 - - in~fDre fir{}: s'nt~~l- ri`isii~~~ E=
<br />r"#3G°~r~~ tn$~.~ t#s~ i 4#{ ,~ =;~}-4 ~4 r ~ r , y
<br />a~ t ..~~,~z~.{i3.~, t~ i~~ ~~ i~rr ~siunti'~}ji !:~'?r~r~;.~
<br />an the principa} that are next due oa fire Hate, on the first day of any month prior to
<br />mmaturity; Provided, hwvever. That written notice of air intention La exercise such privilege
<br />is given aL least thirty (30) days prier to prepayment,
<br />2. That the Mortgagor will pay ground rents, tars, assessments, water rates. and
<br />other gavernarental or municipal charges, final, or irwisositions, fvr which prevision has
<br />tWt barn made hersinb~fvre, dnd in default thereof the liartgagee tr~-y pay the same; and that
<br />the t~tirtgagar wi}} prar~tly delfver the officio} receipts therefor to the Mortgagee.
<br />3. 'the Mvrkpayvr wilt pay ail taxes which may be levied upon the t~brtgagee's
<br />intt~rest in ;aid red} tsta€~ any, irapravnts, aril which gay b~ levied open this mortgage
<br />ar the debt secured hereby (but only to the extent that such is not prahtbited by law and
<br />only to the extent that such wi}} Hat make this Ivan usurious}, but exc}uding any income
<br />tax. Stag or €'edera}, irr~ased an Mortgagooe, sad will file the o€ficiat receipt showing
<br />r~~h 3~_~_• !!mss • ~La`---
<br />~~,~.,~..~ wit.{ _ ~~, e~aF. r -rrOlat50er Of ti~is iinde~taiting, r3r if the t~rrtgagur
<br />is pr'i~si~ad by ,gay law rrOw ar 1}ereatter er~i3tirty f;:,~ praying the r•+irulc ar any pvrtiun of
<br />the afar,asaid taxes, ar upOn the under°irrq Of any c.s~urt decret* !rr°ohiGttxrrcl file payn~rrt by
<br />tl~e rt+aTar ar any such tdxe5, ar~ if such law i~r deCreve provides that any ar~unt so paid txy
<br />the Mortgagor shall be Credited on Lae rrsurtc)ar~ dlibt, the MarCyactce shall have the rierht to
<br />gi+~ nicety days' written notice to Lae owner of the rr~rtgagcd premises, reguirinq the
<br />J~ay~€ Of the rnr-rigage debt. If such notice b+~ given, the said debt sh~ii becoiriN due.
<br />pairal3le and cgllectia}e at the expiration of said ninety days,
<br />