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~ i_ <br />~~ <br />~. <br />I.EOAL DESGR~P'1'IOAI: --Lab-aia~--FC~3 in 91ock Qne (i) in itnie4crehm <br />B~~~, to the Gity oT Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />~`~ ~~~ ` <br />DURABLE POWER 01: ATTORNEY <br />IfN{3id Al.i MEAT BY THESE PAE~ENTS, that I, Anna M. Blauhorn <br />Cf 108 West 20th, Grand Island, Nebraska 6$801____, hereby appoint <br />Ervin W. Biauhorn , my son , of Arches; <br />Merrick County, Nebraska 68816, my Attorney <br />fag me in my name to da and execute all or any of the following acts, <br />dada and things, to-wit: <br />I. To demand, sue for, collect, receive and give discharges <br />far all monies, debts, interest, dividends, securities, <br />shares of stock and other personal property which now <br />belongs or shall hereafter belong to me. <br />2. To commence, prosecute, defend all actions and proceedings <br />touching my estate or any part thereof. <br />3. Ta settle, compromise or submit to arbitration all claims, <br />demands, accounts, disputes or differences between me or <br />any other person. <br />4. To sail all or any bonds, shares of stock, or other securi- <br />ties belonging to me and to execute all. deeds or other <br />instruments necessary tc~ transfer the same to any <br />purchaser ar purchasers thereof, and to }dive good receipt <br />to discharge for all purchase monies payable in respect <br />thereof . <br />5. To invest the proceeds of any sale or sales aforesaid and <br />any other of my monies in such bands ar shares of stock an$ <br />other securities as my Attorney in his absolute discretion <br />shall think besC, hence, :rem time Co i~t me to vary the said <br />invese:m~nes ~?r any of tr~e~, and in ehe r~artLi, and pand.rg <br />any ~.~i, t~~~ ~;~~~ ~~ aforesaid, E~ dep~si~ ehe s~iil cn~$ <br />in env rank orLbankSuto which my Attorney shall Chink fit to <br />entrust them. - - <br />6. Out of the monies coa-ing into his. hands to pay any expenses <br />in respect to any pert of my estate as my Attorney shall Chink <br />fit. <br />7. Ta anCer into and upon my real estate and Co leC, manage and <br />improve the same and repair, improvx:, alter or reconstruct <br />and to int~ure Che txui}dings c?r strueCUres Chereon, and further <br />to cs~rtract with orhars far the manageteent of such real estate. <br />~. To sell eChar aC :3ublic ar pri.vaCe sale ar Ca sxch8n a any <br />part ar ,oarCs of my real estate ar }~er~;anal pr€~ rCy fcrr such <br />conaidaration, upon such C~*rms as m}+ Attorney shall Chink fiC, <br />and Cfiz exeCUCe and deliver goad and sufficient deeds, bills of <br />sate or other instruments far Che ~:onvevance or Cranafer of the <br />sa=w wiCh much coven$nes ar warranty or otherwise as my Attorney <br />shalt see fit. <br />'I, Ts~ pertorr~ and carry out all contracts entered irsto by me with <br />any other peraan. <br />