<br />{1} rrtont4t prior to its due deer the annual anottgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with fords to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban f3eveiopment pursuant to the
<br />Natttnal Housing Act, as arttended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or
<br />{!ty !f seta sa long trs said Hate of evert date and this instrurrlent are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />than llavetoptnent, a monthly charge lire lira nja marrgt~r insum»cr premium) which sitar) be in an
<br />amount equal to one-twelfth (3/22} of one-half (1/?) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due tm the note computed without taking into acawnt delinquencies oe peepaynlents:
<br />(b} A sum equal to the ground rants, if any, next due, plus the premiurs that wilt next become due and payable an
<br />paiicies of flit and ottirr hazard insurance awering the martgated prapcrty, Pius taxis and assessments next due
<br />on the marigp~d property (alt as estimated tav ihr M~:rtAafCeri less 411 sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to tht daft when such gnwnd rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessments will txctxne ddtngtrrnt, such sums to br held by Mcxtgaget to trust to pay said ground rents, pre•
<br />mrums, eaates and special atesessrrttnis: and
<br />(ct AU payments nlrntianed in the two prceeding subsections „f this paragraph and ail payments to be made under
<br />the Hate secured herMty shun he added utgrther. and the aggregate ar,unmt thereat strati fir, peed Ny the Mortgagor
<br />rash month in a single payment to hr applied tl~' the Mortgagor to the 2+tttowing items to the order act forth:
<br />{t} premium iharR'-` •t•:drr the contract r}€ mulranar uuh ihr Secrrtan' elf housing and Urban t}rveiopment,
<br />or nlnnthty char3r - ire lieu .,P rnr+rlgregr u+surani a leremiurril. as the Faso may he;
<br />tell gerund tents. taxrss, assrsstllrnts, foe at:d rasher hatani ulsuran:e prrmiutns',
<br />Till} Interest cut tiro rwre secured hereby, and
<br />fiV) atrtartitataln of the pries pat of seed note.
<br />Any tkfi+arttcy in the amount of ally ouch aggregate tnouthly itayment shat!, untcss made good by the Moet-
<br />~&ttr pricer tr> the due date ui the next :uch i=a-nlrrtl..,~nsiitute an event (lt default under rhea mortgage. The
<br />ki,ittgmgcr may eui}r,:t a "tare daargr" nr~t to rxtrcri t,~l;r ..•ms i•ttr) ta,r each dollar tSt 1 of earth paytntnt mext
<br />than fifteen t 2 g i .+aaa tr arrears t,: ci,ver the extra expersa utvulvra to hatadhng defutq~nt payments.
<br />.}. ThW if the weal of ihr• parmrnt.= made ht the yhtrtaagt+r ender r ~~- nl paragraph ? pn=re•dink ;halt exceed
<br />the aaaftturt nt pavaaexil~ at•tuahy mytdr• its the tprrtaatre*t• for ernitnd rc•ntr, taxr~,+ :end a.•:r~';ment€; yr insurtutte pre..
<br />miua~. ate' the ca.-:r mss hr. •.ttch escr+•~, tf the )terser is +Lutrent, .n the retuil,el of the Naxtgtgor. shall lee credited M'
<br />tier saurilrtt~+~ ten ~!u`svprlirent plsyrurnr~ a:r ifl• ln>idr sal: .~7 ~fcat{•:r.:.r r:=fuadxi tt: the t_tn,.WR~,~r. I!, htl,•,.,a.•r, !rte
<br />!ruanthla pgyeetent4 t M thx ,Murtgtx under . , , :d Iwrakrapil ' preccdtnc ~itah nor I,r ,uificlent to tray ground
<br />reset. tasaeri ;wd u.~'-c~€emrrita• cet znwrrwt-tr prrta€utn-. ;tµ the t a.,r may hc, wheat the ,wac ,hafl Izcrutne dtte end pr~-
<br />abie, t#tca rite tirrrt;s€~rr ?bah pas to the 'Skirt„~lrarr ors atrtttunt nrc-r--r-man, to taakt• tip tfse deficlettcs, €ttt ter irc!(em
<br />the date whin pxymrnt of ~zseh grnuad rnn~ .taxi». s>~•--rtnmt•+ r,r €n,utanrn pn•miomr• =hall br doe, if at any
<br />ttitrte tha• NurtgatRur ,hai! ttmder w ihr Hrrrtkagar, In aocrrtdancr asith the pmsi-rlrri~ «if the Here ~ceUred hereby.
<br />fait pxytaent of the e•ntin• Ind@htt~is•-~ n•ttrr~c•nit•ei thrwtn. the Sktriy;at!er <hall. in rrrarytuirnq the attrutmt aF Butch
<br />irtalettttcfrre'.n, erlsclit to eFlc .tc,:lxrnt a,f the 4tytraaytsx .aSt =xlsnzc-rlt~, annt3r utak•r rile !ln»l+tans of :.z; of parrt{trafAt ,
<br />hc+rawtf which th.• 1ksriRartrc• ha, tart !n•strmr ,rhFt'ateti ur pal iu ihr V•cretafv /ti hew=ln;; .nd i than Ikscicrpnlt•nr
<br />eats ~ttanre rrmainrna to the funds accumuiau•d nndr•r dla• nn>,€=ar.n, „f ,«t parae<naph :! hcrtwi, if thwr
<br />,hni! bN s default under any ,rf she paint-trot- .,i the- nx«tti_a~,«• rr.uiisn~ its n pub41« .,.+ir ,it the immix, covrrrd
<br />henbt, ur tt th+• HurtKattro ucapttrn, the pcoprrty utherwt-r .titer drtault, the \it/rtitattrt• •Jlail uppil, .lt ihr rime of
<br />the catetteunrtr+ttrni of -uch pros€•c•din~~, ilr :ti eha• t«m.• the«• ta+a,it.•rst r- •.ti;rtwl=r at r{ltrtr~l, the !•-Qiarz=e= tizr:s rrmatn~
<br />enyt in !hr fund,. aioueautat.d unslr•r .,t p;uay;raph _' pert«•J€ng ,a• .t , rrdti ay,at€1=t ihr .lm«runt ,st pnncrpat thin
<br />rcxasatnin~ unpaid urtdrr ,aid nutt•, seed -lteie ftnyr.•ris sritu~t ;ins Fatittrrat- •.ilt. h .-trail '.sa.• il.=,~t rlt.:~r- urd?r ~_
<br />of patt~raph '.
<br />~. -i~t~t t[K ~a,ri~-tit.. wail {as fit.,,+=•?+ -_,,. ?axe+. aaocz,;;}fr ttF,- +, .x€rt fait,. axial :+'. trYa st,a rr iFlnt alai : r "aun€tlP.al
<br />;, ys,m ~, _, „r , . e _ to-,-_ _r yt:~t r:~ .. ~ :six ::.,t t>er .._ ~c tletcttltxi,••c _il,t ts, lrtyuii titers.:t the Lt tstt}•;.yre nl.lt
<br />~t_t~ ~x--~ -:r>3t :z€ ,tom-- 4#• Wit.- -. ,~:+~ -~,-. c± :'x .. tux ttlCr ct.-- :.=tE•r ~#•,rt ta~e€
<br />4
<br />-Ft74 'nirtr~t.R .. ,t 4-- ~~ ~ .,, - `-....- .~:.-.:_ .,_ - :~ e; :€ss .. ;`,_ -a=.; - ~€_ - ,..e_
<br />.,...,~. ,.r,.i m_Iu4h teas tk tes~ti utt,tu t+i +nt=«t~ttts =« rtlr .itix ,r.wc.! hear„ that ,snit t„ the r strni that ,ash 1, :seal prvhtr:ri
<br />elf t+t G.w seed ,mix it, ttk tercet lhai ,u.n wtti`a,=7 -ri..i. ifiia , .u,la:~.t - a ~..atng ::ttm s ,ten .xs, =;T-e ~ , €`rsi~•€nt.
<br />r y
<br />:ntp..est.:i :zit 4tortglt;,rr. setae ~ lr hle iiti m - -_ -fir t+ R.:~aryr _-_rl r,d;::lrai wren _ce `~..~,~ ;t - --. - ,R ~. ,. ;i ~ -
<br />tkkttgf..tr 1f rite 'da:rtgaih,t is l,ra•11rMirai r . eri, law r,a~w ,=t llttta7tei raranntr truni , at €€>~ tiK whai€ .u .sat t,a«riw,tl vi tilt at.ur~
<br />vid taxis, au upt>u the renaicrlutt.t( ant ..sort dtarrr iu:stut,thntt ux 1++?, talent h. the ltaurar :,r .till ,ugh taxrt..at It sash iaw
<br />.x de.rcc pro.alet that and ,ratEWtut as t'as.f by the 4ttxt~g~t >haA t,c , redlrr.i Teri the ntttft~t(€t dthi. the RtMk~t,.gee stwli Mart
<br />ibt right ty tytsr rurlety tiay+ wrltttes tweet n: the :+wztCl .•t t#rr t+laxt#d prrrntsr+_ rryuutttglhr payrilttn a•f the mt,ttttage
<br />;trrl+t. !f ssk`h taut 4sa gives, the debt shalt e.rdzuuc due. nayahle „ael:adkztrhEt at the r xpirataul at a,ud tu~tt tiny,
<br />h. 'V`hut abutted hF,,fatt tt> irwt ant wm w keep ant .u,cn..:.t {rt.,atdevt for In rhea ~MiKlytt, turn the 4faritlayre. at it. op
<br />ttatn, may pay tx perfs`t~stt the aster, and sit exprttaliturr,.'<at reawit shat! tit astdrd ta, fiat 4t€usrpal +um .l,at~i .su ihr alxise ncrir:
<br />shalt ix :surd ttetrf>}. atW shall boas aritCt6st al tits seer eta ltxth n'+ the ±attt itstar, ltittrt paid
<br />~ ~haF eta hrcreht a+dau>, trruld~rs> ,+~ mot, .err t.> t[ar titcutarr_ tt, t+r ilppited inward ihr gr> r.zrnt +,t tiro ~.•tr- _.r~ ail
<br />s::°s ~'t:r€J hrtah: to ;a :.d , =rata :ter m «' ~7fil Etta:?-c .±E .;ue of for €c~t tn. xnd uu><tebaln, „t tin, 4i,utt#rutr ,w ttrr ,a7J
<br />ehttfi. all the renis, rYsrr€ues u+td irlatlrnr ta, ix dett.eai tr„ut the ,u,rrtyrt;e+i ptrtutae,. sturnltt -.u.lt )else •1, the :n„rtKarir ltWehirti~
<br />tren• yhblt tentain ut>Etatd, arts) ihr S4suta:tgrr shall ha-c t,Vw Cf tit Appal€m .Ill} aKrlit ,rf .l~til(, It Iitat .€C tItC trtl ltK i+ttt pa4ar Ut
<br />t€~lttti€~t seas) t'-re+rtz.r, anti cd rertt:>~ ihr ,.~etrlc ~l~i ~t-~t~t rte the renis, rt?>r€rtt~a artaf ta=re::. alai : rlay t+as3 c-xtt r!t seal ln-
<br />ka aif exasrs c-f rrt~uu~ srtd #srrrxa~.t ~ar€zl tlr.rssae.uznnttas+srt:, anu rxpetlars ;rurure,,t sa rrntttyt ,reel mart~rtrttrt tAr
<br />s atxi c~ csdirtttttyl rrntafs tttrrtfrwtt. tt~ ba=snit irrnainttltl. at arly . to t'~ apphrd rattard ihr drsaharKa r>) sarai ruau'tyzEar
<br />tndtltFtttdutss.
<br />k Ch.a hr +titi keep the tmpr.atctnenta nl•w eststntg.q Fxteatlrt r€eairal .rn rite nla=rtkakrd l,ta.ixrty. insure,) a* roar tae
<br />r;aabed Fra€m 3ira,~c tv tetra t+y tltr 'ticzttg< tn~t `rte-><, ht Tire .zttd ;*thre its+ati...a.n~ttrz-. ,usi :-.•.,tit - ~, ~t; i+ri:=
<br />~m€'-.i3~'€+ =,f ~=7 .~=:ia ~ _r t':F rc#:..::~ t`S #itt ~z~2,~,:~>s >-•-t3«" •4'-Il St-S t?'••ta~tis. wt±en €3xu• .,u€ turinliifau .eat +wii
<br />aasurstta~ prtlatsttN7 fear pas>nt td wht~h has nsK hirer tnadt hrrrinisrft,tc ati rnsuranac -:hail t+r ..uri¢d m •a•nrptttn.. at-
<br />.r+t the ~~ xstd flirt flsdt.~= asst tr<t~uats tt~rrarf +fta12 ht ttrid ??4 tits k4srrtr. and i?aae ataasltrd thrtct.t l.rs,
<br />tali}'afsie s'Tauata in iiscx .ar > ut frtrrrt ac,:rptatde to the Llwtte. In caret of hl,s R#ctrtrt wllf at,c .ill;llrait~tr z€s,+t~€ t•t
<br />let the 'tt~urt#agec, why tna± ntakr pr,nrf taf k~„ tf rx,t rttadr praatnpClp by MMtrag'v, and rail ins srinar .a+nrpxn'.:un-
<br />Eernrd is detrrts authwirr.f and aitresled €t, Healer pattnsnr for att.h ions dirrs:tiy tar rite Sitlrrpa~rr sneered r :.= ttre St.rtraaa, z
<br />rite klaxtxE tsiY- + the st•.srurata t prtxteds. cx any pare t)terryf. +naY ~ appiiarF by [Flt 'aoriy.rtgrr at its a+inx*n cirilet
<br />fi* ihr resittc°fitfsn #f tAt uNk#tittlaKsx Atrebp ~eittrrd .+t eta ihr rentaxruwn €ir repair elf ihr i,zs~ptrt> duuv,tttrli Iu e, rtl[ .•i is,rrak,.
<br />+urt :d tftis rntartr ter ==liter ttxnsfer „i Ietk ta, ihr maut~rd ptuprrty to rxtinittttshrrtctu ,.f Eire indebtrdttt„ ,e~ueea4 irrtritt.
<br />ati eft. tst3r s;asi itttere~t of tisr Stiutga~ur sn arad tai ;any tusurana'e t,uiiates three an fettle ,hall t*es.s to the puratwxra ,se g€ atltrf
<br />., _ ~.,; y
<br />.'.`.r.i eea .~' ;rtrttt d"~' c.9frrier;;: =r:uitty !t•t ttir steer t=! tip ru'±r .ir-_rlt±esl, a±l+i ail .tams t„ f•rt.ant tree unslet ihr.
<br />ms:it~t¢ppe. ;ire 'icxtr ttetciv} aa+i[tns h, ihr Mtlit~tsltar ati flrc?#It+. cesrnz><a, rl,saftte=~. r€ghix .trial i+rutf?t= a.:~rat~ t~+ tittiT
<br />Is?t utteirx acre attJ all v.rl :lied etas toasts .ln ,old prrmiart,- wilft ihr right t,° tritest .tied tr.elpr its ihr aalrlt :Hai ,-,;'.~li
<br />ti~rr~ tar saw trrdsi±trdttass ~. w cti hrforc as after defau€t to 4hr rntiatialrss re[ tilt, r: .;~aa'.°°. ltu inc i~ta!~ tit raa rr a Hai ,ue
<br />..rr z:.R r~...f air - ;. tom, r..~.-lie a:~rt .:ui st :i ~~:'~. fir: r~ .ate ~ :r~:«re _ .- - - 3_ ~ -u~stt , _~.,.-::t~t;_
<br />arulf~...mer?rt,i;,sw;~iai;siw,ttrrii,.:~ `tha*.nt.,ttt::+a"c
<br />
<br />