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<br />
<br />Such rights of ingress and egress shall include all r4.ghts necessary
<br />far the full and complete use, occupation, and enjoyment of the easement
<br />tserein granted, including the right to excavate and refill ditches and
<br />trenches, to remove, clear, and keep clear trees, bushes, hedges, ussdergrowth,
<br />and ether obstructions interfering with the surveying, construction,
<br />inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, extension, removal, or operation
<br />of such utilities. No structures, buildings, fences, or other obstructions
<br />of any kind whatsoever, shall be allowed in, upon, above, along, across,
<br />underneath, or through the easement tserein granted.
<br />Grantor and Grantee agree that Grantor Shall nave the right to pave
<br />over the easement area, and use the easement area for parking and ingress
<br />and egress, provided, if Grantee needs to construct, inspect, maintaia,
<br />repair, repla~a, extend, remove, yr operate anythin¢ within such easement,
<br />the coset o£ removal and reis.!~r vY any paving placed ever such gssea~ent
<br />shall be paid bg th~x Grantor.
<br />All electric utility lines, pales, anc_hers, tables, terminals,
<br />craaiatormers, surface markers, and other appurtenances connected therewith,
<br />plated in, upon, above, nlvng, serves, uvd€erneath, ind through such r~:saement
<br />shall reaain tht propert}• s>i' Chr Grantee, :end may he revved or replaced at
<br />slay time .
<br />'Ihe Gracitvr, for ita~elt, its heirs, sut:c¢aaors, ;.nd asblgna, hereby
<br />tavenanta Lhe:. the r.ght~ a privi~e~,AK 's~relE1 grata=ed shell zun waih tns
<br />e{tta fix ,,,.r lr tr~es^t t3f lu~l alld shall =~~ ~intllnk uQ~tl the Grantor, its
<br />belts, suecesaors, sad assigns.
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